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Mike Todd’s Introduction

  • Wherever you are is the house of the Lord
  • In this season of thanksgiving, this is one of those crazy moments in life where the whole world can pause and give thanks
  • A lot of people don’t know that for the past month and a half, Pastor Tommy Todd has been dealing with COVID, he’s been hospitalized for two weeks, and he’s still on a breathing machine
  • The day before Thanksgiving, they found a blood clot in his lungs. They had to do an emergency surgery to drain it
  • As they came to Thanksgiving this year and was able to hug his dad two days ago, and was able to see him and tell him how much he loved him, even in his ability to be in that state, he surprised Mike with a birthday present
  • Mike became thankful for normal
  • Thank God for your family, thank God for the breath in your body, thank God for peace
  • 2020 should have taken you out but you’re still here
  • Say, thank you Lord
  • You were in a pandemic two years ago financially, you were in a relational panic last month – and God was faithful then, and He’s still faithful now
  • As we’re in a season of thanks, let’s not pass this week and not get a new habit – not just a holiday ritual, but a thanking of God for normal
  • Thankful for the twins, grace and mercy, that wake us up every morning
  • If you have one thing you can be thankful for, give God praise!
  • Thanks has a response, which is giving
  • That’s why when you think about what God has done for you, and Mike thinks about what God has done for TC, we can get thankful – the response to thankfulness is generosity
  • We as a church have a lot to be thankful for, that’s why our response every year, no matter what’s happening in government, or the world, the kingdom of God intentionally puts this moment right here to focus on what we can give instead of what we can get
  • We’re excited for next week, which is our crazy faith offering
  • Mike found the scripture to be true that it really is more a blessing to give than it is to receive
  • Mike will never give you a figure – he doesn’t believe in the prosperity gospel
  • God still speaks and His children know His voice
  • Mike is only asking you to pray about it and allowing God to speak to you – the hard part is obeying
  • The devil will never tell you to give – God so loved the world that he gave
  • It may take you reprioritizing finances, or selling something, but giving is about the heart
  • God is asking, do I still have your heart? Is it the new house, the new car, or the PS5? Is God still on your heart?
  • When Mike told Natalie what God was asking him to give to honor God, she said, “I trust you”, and Mike said, “I trust God.”
  • Anyone that calls TC their church home, here’s your chance to actually partner to see this message and vision go further
  • The church doesn’t need your money, but our faith needs this opportunity
  • The church is in the best financial opportunity it’s ever been in – we don’t need your money – you need this opportunity to stretch your faith, and this is how you grow


  • So many people have an education on things that they never really need to use. For example, high school math theories, college calculus, etc.
    • Mike has found that the educational system is not responsible for your emotional and spiritual development
    • We need to let go of/subtract the things in our life that keep us stuck – one of which is unforgiveness
    • We can be raised in church and you still didn’t learn how to forgive people, even if you know that you should do it
    • If you forgive, it can transform your entire life
    • Some people are wondering when people those that wronged them will forgive them
    • Culturally, we think that holding unforgiveness is somehow punishing the other person
    • On the contrary, it’s like drinking poison wanting someone else to die
  • What if the greatest thing that you did in 2020 was walk free because you forgave?
    • Think about the person you need to forgive…
    • What happens if you really forgave them for what they said? – Not just forget about it until another argument happens to bring it up again
    • What if God called you to minister to them in real life but you have nothing to say to them because you’re bitter and you’ve blocked them?
    • Say, “I will forgive” – this may be a faith statement, but say it as a step toward forgiving
  • Even after all of these weeks, Mike still got an email this week (from someone who watched all of the sermons) saying, “Why do I need to forgive?” – they said that it felt like it’s more like opening up an old wound and some things don’t need to be bothered
    • Mike asked, “Did you have any leftovers?” – She said, “Yes”. Mike then asked, “How many days is it legal for your leftovers to stay in the refrigerator?” – In other words, the debate of the century. 2 days, 3 days, 5 days, a month?
    • The person said, “About 3 days”…
    • Mike then said, “What if you left your thanksgiving dinner in the fridge forever?”
    • Something you thought you once had contained would begin to fester, and spread, not only to the dish it was in, but take over the whole refrigerator, then the kitchen, then the living room, then your bedroom, then from your house, into your neighbor’s house
      • The thing that you let sit there, because you thought you had it contained, would end up contaminating your entire house because you never dealt with what was there just sitting
    • It’s sad to say, but many of our lives are reeking of unforgiveness


So that’s why Mike is going to answer the question, “Why do I have to forgive?”


1. Unforgiveness Always Limits Your Future


If you do not forgive, you are automatically putting a limit on your future.


God cannot use you in every door He wants to take you in because there are people you are so offended by, things you won’t share with anyone, and places you won’t go and now you have put limits on where God can take you because unforgiveness limits your future.


What happens when you had bad business with people? They talked bad about you? They walked out on you/left you? Then God says, “Do business with them again. Go pray for their kids. Give to their non-profit organization.” Since you didn’t forgive, you’ve limited God.


You can’t go into that career because the boyfriend when you were 22 is now an executive at that company. Now when he walks into the board room, you can’t represent God in there because you’re thinking of how you feel. You’ve limited Him.


God will use the foolish things to confound the wise. God will take you into positions and places that nobody thought you could be in.


He has made a table for you in the presence of your enemies. The problem is that you have a seat but you would get up because of an offense.


The people at the table you haven’t forgiven have not been released. He prepared an entire table, free of all of the shame, free of all of the guilt, it would have your name on it, and you’ll sit down, look around, be offended, and get up from the table that was prepared for you because you do not forgive.


Why do I need to forgive? Because I want my future unlimited.


Message Title: Future Unlimited


Who wants to be able to do whatever God wants them to do, be able to give to whoever God says to give to, and to be able to interact with anybody?


It’s hard to think about because we don’t think long term, but God is a generational God.


What if your offense passes to your children and it limits them?


“We don’t mess with the Johnsons” – why? “I don’t know, my Daddy don’t mess with them, so I don’t mess with them.” You literally don’t have a problem with them but you transferred offense. Now God called you to work with the Johnsons to give God glory, but you’re carrying borrowed offense.


In culture, we praise friends who will just jump on whatever a friend is doing, whether right or wrong, and we call them ride or die. That’s dumb.


It’s dumb to dislike others because of the experiences and skewed views of somebody else’s experience with them.


It’s not worth picking up that offense because it will limit your future.


It’s so important to God, that when the disciples ask “how should we pray”, the Lord’s prayer literally


Matthew 6:9-12 New King James Version (NKJV)

9 In this manner, therefore, pray:

Our Father in heaven,

Hallowed be Your name.

10 Your kingdom come.

Your will be done

On earth as it is in heaven.

11 Give us this day our daily bread.

12 And forgive us our debts,

As we forgive our debtors.


God teaches us how to pray.


Look at verse 12. And forgive us our debts, as we – i.e. do it for us as we actively forgive the people who have done us wrong.


It’s so important for us to walk in forgiveness that it’s put in God’s prayer.


You have to actively forgive other people who have made debts against you. It is not a one-time thing.


2. Forgiveness Is Releasing People of the Debt


They owe you, but don’t have to pay you back. It’s very un-American as a thought process. However, when you become a believer and put your faith in Jesus Christ, you are a citizen of the kingdom of God first.


Everything in the kingdom of God is done differently.


There’s no shortage of grace for you. Don’t play God like He didn’t just let you free. He saw everything you did and still blessed you, still gave you the job, still called you His child, and still kept you.


We want all the grace for ourselves but want to give just a little bit to those who have done us wrong.


Jesus is saying, no, the bottom line is forgiving and releasing people of the debt.


When we release people of the debt, we make our futures unlimited.


There are people Mike should probably hate, but he honestly feels bad for them now. The way they played him, hurt him, and talked about his family and the ministry, but instead, he recognizes that there’s something really broken on the inside of them.


God asked Mike if he would stoop down out of God’s grace and not forgive them, or would you release them from the debt.


It’s a beautiful picture because forgiveness always affects the future.


3. Forgiveness Always Affects the Future


Matthew 18:21-22 New Living Translation (NLT)

Parable of the Unforgiving Debtor

21 Then Peter came to him and asked, “Lord, how often should I forgive someone who sins against me? Seven times?”

22 “No, not seven times,” Jesus replied, “but seventy times seven!


Jesus asks us to forgive 70 times 7. It’s not about trying to keep count, but about losing count on what’s going on.


A lot of us are holding on to what’s going on.


Jesus tells us a story about the kingdom


Matthew 18:23-25 New Living Translation (NLT)

23 “Therefore, the Kingdom of Heaven can be compared to a king who decided to bring his accounts up to date with servants who had borrowed money from him. 24 In the process, one of his debtors was brought in who owed him millions of dollars. 25 He couldn’t pay, so his master ordered that he be sold—along with his wife, his children, and everything he owned—to pay the debt.


Jesus allows the king to have an emotion. For us, we might say something like, “You owe millions – sell everything.” Many of us have emotions when people do us wrong. Even so, he has a heart transformation in one verse when the man asked for patience.


Matthew 18:26-27 New Living Translation (NLT)

26 “But the man fell down before his master and begged him, ‘Please, be patient with me, and I will pay it all.’ 27 Then his master was filled with pity for him, and he released him and forgave his debt.


The man had the audacity to know he had no money but would work for it. His master was moved with compassion, released him, and forgave him of the debt.


If it was us, most of us would have just given him a few more months – but he would still owe us.


What this king did, was that he released the entire debt. This is what Jesus is comparing the kingdom to. Can we do that for our coworkers? For our fathers that are unaware?


Can we release ourselves of the debt? That is the most kingdom thing that you can do.


This man’s future became unlimited in one moment. He went from being in jail, to having a future to be able and bless others, tell how good the king has been, to do more, to have more business…but look what happens.


This happens to us, but what we find out through the king’s actions, is that it’s not about what they deserve, but about what God desires.


Nobody deserves your forgiveness, it’s about what God desires.


4. Forgiveness Is Not About What They Deserve, It Is About What God Desires


The same way we did not deserve his forgiveness, but He desired to make a way through Jesus for us to be forgiven – it will not be fair, it will be faith.


Everyone wants crazy faith for things, but God says the strongest thing you can believe Him for, is the faith to actually forgive them.


Letting them go doesn’t mean they were right or justified, but you’re justified – you’re blood bought and God has transformed your life.


It’s not what they deserve, but what He desires.


You’ve never deserved anything God has done for you.


We’ve never deserved the grace.


Anecdote: Speaking from his own experience, Mike noted that God has taken him from being manipulative, perverted in his thoughts against women, messed up on the inside regarding what success was. He can never repay God so the attempt is giving Him his whole life. Whatever God wants is the only reasonable response. You want me to stop doing music for 12 years, give up pornography? It’s the only reasonable response. What God wants him to give in the crazy faith offering doesn’t even matter after being blessed with this job. Furthermore, the forgiveness God has given Mike, when he could have been in jail for car insurance fraud, and He saw fit to just let Mike out with just community service. In the view of the forgiveness and mercy of God, Mike’s only response is to do that for somebody else.


That’s why Mike knows that too many of us have forgotten what God has brought us from.


You’ve started to think that somehow, you got here on your own. Somehow it was your education or your networking. God is saying, “Can you please remember that I forgave you?

He found you in the trap house, the white house – wherever you were and extended, grace, mercy, and forgiveness to you. Can you live like it?


Matthew 18:28 New Living Translation (NLT)

28 “But when the man left the king, he went to a fellow servant who owed him a few thousand dollars. He grabbed him by the throat and demanded instant payment.


He was literally just forgiven. He owed millions, but found someone who owed a few thousand and demanded instant payment.


Matthew 18:29 New Living Translation (NLT)

29 “His fellow servant fell down before him and begged for a little more time. ‘Be patient with me, and I will pay it,’ he pleaded.


Ironically, the fellow servant said the exact words to him, which he said to the king. Many times, the people we need to forgive, we need to forgive them for having some of the same heart postures and attitudes that we had in a different situation.


…‘Be patient with me, and I will pay it,’ he pleaded.


Matthew 18:30 New Living Translation (NLT)

30 But his creditor wouldn’t wait. He had the man arrested and put in prison until the debt could be paid in full.


Matthew 18:31-35 New Living Translation (NLT)

31 “When some of the other servants saw this, they were very upset. They went to the king and told him everything that had happened. 32 Then the king called in the man he had forgiven and said, ‘You evil servant! I forgave you that tremendous debt because you pleaded with me. 33 Shouldn’t you have mercy on your fellow servant, just as I had mercy on you?’ 34 Then the angry king sent the man to prison to be tortured until he had paid his entire debt.

35 “That’s what my heavenly Father will do to you if you refuse to forgive your brothers and sisters from your heart.”


Remember, this is Jesus comparing this to the kingdom of God.


Jesus will allow your future to be unlimited, but if you don’t extend it to somebody else, you’ll get the same negative outcome that was initially prepared for you.


Mike asked God to help him, to help us to understand this, and God gave Mike this very simple phrase, “Releasing the debt releases your future.”


5. Releasing the Debt Releases Your Future 


It’s not worth it to be mad at her anymore.


“My husband cheated with her and I hate her guts,” etc. It’s not worth your future. It probably hurt, it’s probably disgusting, but it’s not worth your future.


Release the debt. Release your future.


It may not be your fault, but it is now your responsibility.


You can’t be held hostage another day waiting for their freedom. They may never get it. They may never get to the place where they’re emotionally aware enough to know what they did. They may never change. Their pride may never end.


God is giving you a key today to be able to unlock your future, and releasing the debt releases your future.


It’s too simple.


You’ll need the Holy Spirit’s help because you feel as though they should at least apologize.


God is saying, you can’t control any of them (dad, coworker, anyone), but you can give Him all of you.


You can give God all of you, right now.


It’s hard to get it like that sometimes, but forgiveness is releasing the debt, then it releases you.


Here is a practical example to understand releasing a debt from a financial standpoint, which may help you understand how it can parallel to something that could happen for you emotionally and spiritually:


Anecdote: Back in 2014, Bishop came to Mike and said, “You’re going to be the pastor of Transformation Church.” Mike said laughingly, “Heck to the no”, but Bishop said, “It’s going to happen. But, there’s a burden that I have. I need to make sure that our 33,000 square foot converted grocery store is paid off. I need the debt to be released. I need it to be cancelled on this whole situation.” Mike told him that it wasn’t that serious and that they could make something happen. Bishop said no and reiterated that he needed the debt to be released.

Then in 2014, Mike remembered watching Bishop believe God in crazy faith with Pastor Debbie and rally the church, and begin to believe, and people gave, similar to what we are about to do in our crazy fait offering, then in July 2014, God allowed the debt to be retired on the building. Then in February, Mike became the lead pastor. It was like Gary making sure that the debt was released, released TCs future.

Then, when Mike became the pastor of the church, because the debt was paid in full, he released us of the debt, then, Mike was able as a young pastor to hear God’s voice without that pressure on him. Then God told Mike to spend $80,000 on cameras. Everybody watching right now probably wouldn’t be right now – we may have never watched Relationship Goals, Marked, Planted Not Buried, Crazy Faith – any of it, if Bishop didn’t have the foresight to get the debt released from TC’s situation. Releasing the debt releases the future. We were able to stand and people began to give and the $80,000 was raised. It didn’t come without opposition. People left the church. People thought it was foolish. Some people thought, there was no way God told you to do this. But sometimes, when you’re standing in crazy faith, you have to stand in it alone. Sometimes, you have to know that you know that God asked you to do something.

Mike rallied the 300 people in the church and they began to believe God. Then TC went for a series of time, just being faithful and consistent, and challenging their faith day after day. Then we went from 1 service, to 2, to 3, to 4, to 5 services, and Mike was dying – he was worn out. God was pushing the ministry and Mike prayed and God told him that He would release a building to us. He gave Mike a vision of the place we’re in right now when we had no money and there was barely anyone coming to the church, 37 days after Mike became the lead pastor of the church.

All you have is all you need. God is not looking for anything else except for you to obey. That is why releasing the debt is so important. TC came into this place of being debt free. The church started to save, bless other ministries, partner with non-profits to end sex trafficking and help people getting out of jail, and to be able to help churches meet needs for food etc.

Then, we saved in crazy faith for the next building God would give us. It hasn’t been a long time – it was only a year ago that we got the building we’re in right now. We stepped in the building in August and God allowed us to acquire this building. Mike stood in crazy faith at the first day Mike announced it and said, God has given him a burden that this needs to be paid off in the next 6 months. That was 10.5 million dollars. Mike didn’t know what he was thinking except that God was giving him a burden and showing him a blueprint that if the debt is released, it releases the future.

We stood there in crazy faith and gave, and literally, we bought the building in August and paid it off in February. Anything God does in this house, He’s trying to give you a pattern to display in your house. The banker said we couldn’t do it. The people said it wasn’t possible, and nobody would ever give to that. The building we’re standing in right now is pain in full. It was the faith of people obeying God. What it did, is that it gave us the ability, that when we released the debt on this building, it gave us freedom for the future. It made our future unlimited. The future is we always live in crazy faith. Now our future is unlimited. We don’t need to get in a bunch of debt this Christmas. It ties up your future and limits what God can do in the future.

Some of you need a vision for forgiveness. You need to get a vision for who you need to forgive and for what. Where there is no vision, the people perish. Where there is no prophetic vision, people stop caring. God wants us to know that releasing the debt releases our future. He can do anything for us when we’re not bound by what happened to us. Forgiveness needs a vision.



6. Forgiveness Needs A Vision 


Proverbs 29:18 King James Version (KJV)

18 Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.


Mike went back and watched the first series we preached because the word was Stronger for this year for TC. One could ask, how, in the middle of a pandemic, in the middle of racial tension, etc. God says, “I didn’t change because stuff started happening. I am the same, today, yesterday, and forever.


2020 is not over. We still have about 30 something days. You know what He can do in 3 days, what about 30?


He can conquer death, hell, and the grave in 3, but can’t change your situation in 30?  


It takes you being of the right posture to release the debt to bring freedom to the future.


As Mike watched the first sermon, he saw that the first point was:


Vision Needs a Vessel


Write down the names of the people you need to forgive. Write the vision down and make it plain.


Forgiveness needs a vision and vision needs a vessel.


Luke 18:8 New Living Translation (NLT)

8 I tell you, he will grant justice to them quickly! But when the Son of Man returns, how many will he find on the earth who have faith?”


Let them go, and the Lord will take care of you.


Let them go and let God handle you.


Vision Must Be Visible


When we go back to the example of what Bishop did, then what we did to release the debt, God told Mike, “Don’t let your foot up off the gas. Crazy faith was not an event, it’s a lifestyle.”


God didn’t ask Mike if he could believe Him again for something bigger. He is the God of everything. He’s just looking for somebody to believe Him.


Mike went back to his sheet that God had him write on March 9, 2015 – 37 days after Mike became the lead pastor of TC, he wrote it late at night and insecure.


The first thing he wrote was the Spirit Bank Event Center would be Transformation Church. The vision had a vessel (Mike), it was made clear (on paper), and it was vast (the event center).


The TC building sits in the back of business places. Look at the highlighted point:

Future Unlimited - Forgiveness University Sermon Notes - Transformation Church Sermon Notes - BIM

It then goes on to say, that “we will subdue, rule, and dominate in that area.”


Mike was writing this and didn’t even have a staff of over 10 people.


God just needed someone who was a vessel, who could put a vast vision on paper, and who had released the debt to be positioned for the future.


It then goes on to the following highlighted point:

Future Unlimited - Forgiveness University Sermon Notes - Transformation Church Sermon Notes - BIM

God said, “Don’t take your foot up off the gas. Believe in crazy faith, that in the middle of everything that’s going on, that I will give you the entire complex that your church sits in.”


Mike said, “God that would be crazy.” And He says, “Until it happens.”


A few months ago, after Mike prayed, and turned down the business deal, two weeks later, because we had released the debt, we have now made our future unlimited.


They called us from Post Rock and said, “We want to sell the entire complex because of some things that are happening in COVID,” and they told us the price and Mike said, “We not paying them for that. Tell them, sorry not sorry, it’s not happening.” They came back two million dollars cheaper. Came through, put new roofs on the building, have tenant leases for the next 2.5 years, totally rented out 35+ commercial spaces, even the lad that Chick Fil A sits on outside. They said, “If we drop it down to this, is Transformation Church in a position to…” – if you don’t let those people go, you won’t be in the position for God to trust you with that! If you don’t let the physical debt go, the credit cards and trying to keep up with Jones’, if you don’t let it go, you will not be in position! You can have all the faith in the world but not the position, then the miracle gets stopped.


There’s good news for you TC. Since we released the debt, and made our future unlimited, on Tuesday, Mike went and signed on our behalf for the keys to the entire Post Rock business complex!!!!!

Transformation Church Buys Post Rock Plaza
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Transformation Church Has the Keys - Crazy Faith
Abby Olurin Dames - TC Nation - Transformation Church Sermon Notes - BIM - Bold Insider Marketing

Glory to God!!


Only God could do this!!!


Only crazy faith could do this!!


Only releasing the debt and being in position could do this!!


This acquisition that the church was able to make, positions us to do kingdom work. Mike doesn’t have to ask for an offering to do certain things now because the wealth of people that was not in the kingdom were laid up for people who were righteous and in the kingdom. The amount this building will bring in, after everything is done, will be over 1.5 million dollars. For the next three years, every cent of that will be given away in missions. That’s not to keep the lights on, that’s to end sex trafficking, that’s to get the Bible all over the world, that’s to help plant churches, that’s to feed people in the middle of a pandemic – it’s representing!


We get to take every dollar from that investment and put it back into the community. Somebody said, “Y’all forgot about North Tulsa”, “no, no, no, we just went to get some resources, so that we could put it back into the school – so that we could change the trajectory.”


We’re celebrating the crazy faith miracle because I believe that’s what God wants to do in your life. There are keys with your name on it. There are keys to your freedom, keys to your peace, keys to your sanity, to the miracle you need.


Just remember where this came from, not just crazy faith, but from releasing the debt and allowing your future to be unlimited.


Why do we forgive? Not because they deserve it, but because God desires it. When we release them, our future is unlimited.


Mike is declaring today, that within one year, bearing in mind that the property costs 20.5 million dollars, and bearing in mind that God is not done positioning His children so that when we’re out of the pandemic, we’ll be in kingdom position…Every time there’s a clash or distress, somebody is getting positioned to be in a place of authority when it’s over. God is trying to position the church. If we would stop arguing, stop getting distracted, if we would forgive, and stop picking up offenses, if we would just get in the face of God and hear Him, He’s trying to position His kids in crazy faith to be in a position of authority when all of this is over.


We were able to put about 6 million dollars down cash because of our generosity and our faithfulness. This is not about Pastor Mike, Mike can’t buy that building; we did that. We are taking territory to the world. That complex has 7 addresses attached to it. We now own almost 9 or 10 properties in Tulsa and there’s more coming because we want to have something to pass on to the next generation. We don’t want to just give them prayers, we don’t just want to hand them debts and notes, we want to hand them kingdom property, a future, something that’s not limited. Bishop handed Mike a future unlimited, and that’s why we’re able to do this.


It is Mike’s vow and everybody that’s here, that when it’s time for Bella, Nathan, Arlo, Sola, and your children to step into the kingdom of God, people will be able to say, “My parents stood in faith. They sowed. My brothers and sisters, my cousins, that man down the street, that scientist, that computer technician, they sowed in crazy faith when it didn’t make any sense, and they released the debt so that our future could be unlimited.”


Why do you need to forgive? Forgive for your future.


It’s that simple. Forgive for your future.


Why are we going to give next week? We’re going to give for the future.


We’re going to stand in crazy faith.


What’s next? Is it a campus in a different continent?


What continent should we go to next?


Is it buying the BOK center because we need more space?


Is it partnering with churches and paying their salaries for the first two years of ministry so that they don’t have to worry about trying to raise money and just do what God said to do?


Is it partnering with Convoy of Hope, or the Dream Center, what can we do?


It doesn’t matter because when the debt is released, our future is unlimited.


But before God wants this for the organization, He wants it for the organism. Forgive them and release your future.


It takes more crazy faith to trust God to forgive.


Prayer: Father, in the name of Jesus, we cannot do this without you. That’s why you sent Jesus, to release us of our debt, so that we could release others. God there are people right now with emotions everywhere because they want to obey you, and not be called wicked and evil servants who experience the grace of God but can’t extend it. God it’s hard,   we don’t know how to erase the moments and the memories, and the lines crossed, and the hurt, and the words, but by your Holy Spirit, God I thank you right now, that all across the world, you’re doing a miracle. You are coming into places that we don’t even get how it’s going to happen, but we are saying we’re available, we want it. Father God your Word tells us that you are the God that gives us the desire and the power to do what pleases you. Father God, through this message, many people are getting the desire to forgive. We want to try Father God, but right now, we need you to do the heart work so that we can have the power to do it Father. That we, not within our own self, not with good intentions, but by the power of the Holy Spirit – the one that you call comforter, the Paraclete, the one that walks alongside us to help. God I thank you that you’re going to give us the ability, to even take the first step practically to write down who we need to forgive. Father, with tears on our eyes, with tears on the paper, Lord let us sketch down the names, Lord let us get pictures of them Father God, and say we desire to forgive. As we desire to forgive Father God, I thank you that we’re going to make it visible, and that we’re the vessels that are going to do your kingdom work on Earth. Father God, I thank you that you will do a miracle that no amount of money could do, that no building could do, Father, that no person could do – heal and transform our hearts. Father we’ve been in this series for 10 weeks and there are some people who are only just starting to crack and be open to this. You said this year for Transformation Church that we would get stronger. Father I thank you that right now, in crazy faith, the strongest thing we can do is forgive, so that our future could be unlimited. We want to do whatever you want us to do God. I thank you that unforgiveness will not hold us back another day, in Jesus name, Amen.  


Altar Call: In that same attitude right there, because God is doing surgery on your heart, we want to give you the opportunity to receive Jesus. Some of you this whole time have been trying to intellectually figure out how you’re going to forgive these people, and God says, this is the greatest deal of all time. Since you wouldn’t be able to do this, He sent His son and forgave you of everything that you would ever do and all you would ever have to do is receive it (according to Romans 10:9), and if you put your faith in Jesus, that He lived and He died just for you. What happens from that point is that God doesn’t hold your sins, your faults, your pain, your trash against you, He only sees His son. All He asks in return is that you would extend that same love to somebody else. Some of you have been trying to extend the grace, the love and forgiveness to somebody else but you’ve never first received it. Today is the perfect day for you to receive the forgiveness of God. Religion may say you need to clean up, that you need to change, and some of you may be planning to do stuff after this service that will not bring God glory, and some of you did it last night, and some smell like where you’ve been, and who you’ve been – and while religion may tell you to change all of that, relationship says, come as you are. God is the only one you can go to broken up, jacked up, messed up, still with the habit. If you give Him your heart, He’ll help you change your habit. Today, that is the offer. What better way to go into the last month of this year than by receiving forgiveness and salvation and walking free, so that your future can be unlimited? If you want to be a part of this prayer, the prayer that changed Mike’s life – that took him from being addicted to pornography, a manipulator, somebody who was doing all kinds of bad stuff, and now he’s not a perfect person, but a progressing person because of the love of Jesus Christ. Today, we want you to receive that. We don’t care if you’re in a sexually alternate lifestyle, we don’t care if you’re broke, it doesn’t matter what’s happened to you, God loves you! He cares for you. He wants to help you. If you’re saying you want to be included in that prayer, regardless of who’s around you, this is the moment of salvation. If you want to receive that level of freedom, grace, and forgiveness, just throw your hand in the air on the count of three. 1. It’s the greatest decision you could ever make. 2. We’re proud of you but even more than that, God is proud of you. 3. Shoot your hand up in the air.


Transformation church is a family so we pray together.


Let’s Pray Together: God, thank you for sending Jesus, to release me of the debt. Today, I believe that you are the son of God, and you lived, you died, and you rose again, just for me.  Today, I receive your forgiveness. Today, I receive your grace. Today, I receive your love. Change me, renew me, transform me, I’m yours, in Jesus name, Amen.

  • Text ‘Saved’ to 828282 for resources and content to help you release the debt


You can still get “Relationship Goals” the book and study guide today for additional relationship support:

Latest Arrivals in Merch


  1. Unforgiveness Always Limits Your Future
  2. Forgiveness Is Releasing People of the Debt
  3. Forgiveness Always Affects the Future
  4. Forgiveness Is Not About What They Deserve, It Is About What God Desires
  5. Releasing the Debt Releases Your Future
  6. Forgiveness Needs A Vision

6a. Vision Needs a Vessel

6b. Vision Must Be Visible


Link to full Video (share this message💕): Click Here

Join TC for service every Sunday at 11am (CST) and weekly for NoonDay Prayer at 12pm (CST).

Transformation Church would love to hear how God is touching your life through this ministry!  Tell us your story by emailing mystory@transformchurch.us!


If you would like to support TC financially you can give through the TC app, or online through the website by clicking here https://transformchurch.us/give/.  You can also Text ‘TCGIVE’ to 77977.


If you need prayer, email prayer@transformchurch.us!


For more information about Transformation Church, visit https://transformchurch.us/.


To join a Belong Group, visit https://transformchurch.us/BELONG/


The D.I.G. stands for Deeper In God and it is a conversation where we dive deeper in God. Join us this Wednesday at 7pm (cst)! — https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYv-siSKd3Gn9IsliO95gIw


Background Transformation Church Notes - Elevation Church Notes - BIM 5 - Bold Insider Marketing - Volunteer to Help Write Notes

I love Jesus, my husband, Will, my toddler daughter, Sola, and the beautiful friends and family in our lives. Me and Will are from the Bahamas, but we currently reside in Austin, Texas. We joined TC Nation as online members of Transformation Church in 2017 when we moved to Austin from Miami, Florida. In 2020, we also happily took on a more active role with the E-Fam of Elevation Church by fellowshipping with other married couples and were pleased to have the opportunity to join TC Beta Belong Groups. I believe that representing God doesn’t have to be done in “traditional spaces”. After listening to Pastor Mike's sermon, "Who's the Minister Here?", it became my mission to shed light on Christ in all arenas, including, but not limited to, corporate America, marketing, technology, and finance. I'm not perfect, but I'm progressing. I am a marketer, but first, I am a Christian, and the aim of this blog is to publicly share my sermon notes as a form of stewardship. I hope that these message notes can bring clarity to anything you may be seeking and help you to experience the peace and glory of Jesus Christ. I'm happy to pray for you as well if you ever wanted to shoot me an email. The effectual fervent prayers of many of you have helped countless circumstances in my life and in the lives of those around me. Thank you! Also, for any Amazon specific links that you see, as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.