Mike Todd’s Introduction
- Welcome to graduation Sunday!!

- All of us have been forgiven so that we can extend forgiveness
God, I‘m asking that you would overwhelm us with your presence. Not just good words or clichés, but to overwhelm us right now.
- A lot of times we say clichés like, “God come”, or “God fill this place” – He’s there all the time, but many times, we’re not aware of His presence
- Where you stand is Holy ground – but you must decide to become aware of his presence – with the bill sitting right there, with the kid you’re having trouble with, with the marriage you’re having issues in – it’s Holy ground
- What can you do with the last three weeks of this yea
God you are so mighty, so matchless, we shut our feelings up and excuses up, and we come against everything that would aim to prevent us from blessing the Lord at all times.
Bless the Lord. Give Him a shout of praise!
You’ve been thinking it’s over, but where you’re standing is Holy ground. In the midst of the struggle, it’s Holy ground. Right here is Holy!
What if 2020 was Holier?
God said the thing that you labeled, you labeled it wrong. That relationship you left was Holy, the job you let go of, that was Holy.
We’re not moving to 2021 hoping for something that may not come, we will stand knowing who stands with us. If God be for us, who can be against us?
Right here is Holy!
Give God a shout of praise where you’re at!
Right here in the doubt, is Holy!
With the frustration, right here is Holy!
With anxiety we say, here is Holy!
With not enough money in the bank we declare, here is Holy!
Right here, it is Holy.
With the pain in my body, here is Holy!
Where I stand is Holy ground because You are with me.
Lord we thank you that your Holy presence is here. We thank you for your presence that is evident with us right now. In Jesus name, we agree.
Will you give God the praise He deserves?!
We honor God for His faithfulness.
- Over 15,000 people participated in giving
- 15,000 people’s hearts were moved to give
- Thank you!
- You can still give
- Can’t wait to share in our vision series what God did through your crazy faith
- We are in week 12 of a series we’re calling F.U. and we’ve been talking about forgiveness
- We knew what we should do, but didn’t know how to do
- Also, as leaders, it puts in a position to actually do it even when we don’t want to
- The Holy Spirit, woke Mike up in the middle of the night and told Mike to call someone and ask for forgiveness, and call someone else and forgive them
- Mike waited until the last minute
- He couldn’t FaceTime because it still hurt a little bit
- He left voicemails for both and it was the most vulnerable position in his phone for a while
- Then the Holy Spirit said, it doesn’t matter if they ever respond, because I have your heart
- You already won
- One of the people hit Mike back and the other didn’t, but he woke up light because he had released the debt and the debt had been released from him
- You will have to walk out forgiveness every day – because someone will offend you
- Mike will give a commencement speech called, “Now Go, and Do the Same”
- How do we live out forgiveness? Today, Mike wants to use the words of Jesus
Luke 10:25-37 New Living Translation (NLT)
The Most Important Commandment
25 One day an expert in religious law stood up to test Jesus by asking him this question: “Teacher, what should I do to inherit eternal life?”
26 Jesus replied, “What does the law of Moses say? How do you read it?”
27 The man answered, “‘You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your strength, and all your mind.’ And, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’”[a]
28 “Right!” Jesus told him. “Do this and you will live!”
29 The man wanted to justify his actions, so he asked Jesus, “And who is my neighbor?”
Parable of the Good Samaritan
30 Jesus replied with a story: “A Jewish man was traveling from Jerusalem down to Jericho, and he was attacked by bandits. They stripped him of his clothes, beat him up, and left him half dead beside the road.
31 “By chance a priest came along. But when he saw the man lying there, he crossed to the other side of the road and passed him by. 32 A Temple assistant[b] walked over and looked at him lying there, but he also passed by on the other side.
33 “Then a despised Samaritan came along, and when he saw the man, he felt compassion for him. 34 Going over to him, the Samaritan soothed his wounds with olive oil and wine and bandaged them. Then he put the man on his own donkey and took him to an inn, where he took care of him. 35 The next day he handed the innkeeper two silver coins,[c] telling him, ‘Take care of this man. If his bill runs higher than this, I’ll pay you the next time I’m here.’
36 “Now which of these three would you say was a neighbor to the man who was attacked by bandits?” Jesus asked.
37 The man replied, “The one who showed him mercy.”
Then Jesus said, “Yes, now go and do the same.”
10:27 Deut 6:5; Lev 19:18.
10:32 Greek A Levite.
10:35 Greek two denarii. A denarius was equivalent to a laborer’s full day’s wage.
He took something that was convenient for him and used it to meet the needs of others. He made sure that whatever debt would be created, he paid for all of the debt he would make. It wasn’t the debt he made, but all the debt he would make.
“Now which of these three would you say was a neighbor to the man who was attacked by bandits?” Jesus asked. The man replied, “The one who showed him mercy.” Then Jesus said, “Yes, now go and do the same.”
How do you walk out of this time we’ve been studying about forgiveness?
We tend to look at ourselves as the priest, or as the worship leader, and the Samaritan.
Many times, you’re the broke man that needs the help. God is asking us to do, the same way he picked you up, and cleaned you up, when you’re on this journey of life and you see someone else who is walking and made a debt they can’t pay, all He’s asking you to do is go and do the same.
You were a hoe, and God, by His grace, saved you out of that relationship, gave you some dignity and pride. Now you’re judging the people twerking on the gram. That used to be you. God is saying, now go and do the same.
You didn’t have the degree, but His favor covered you like a cloak. You forgot you didn’t have a working laptop. You better remember who He’s been to you. Go and do the same.
Michael, do you remember when you were picking up trash around Tulsa and I spoke like over you and didn’t define you by your worst moment? Now I brought you into a place of abundance. Now there is a pandemic and people who have lost. Now I’m going to allow you to come across them on the road.
Here’s the test. Will you cross them on the other side of the street?
Will you reach down and inconvenience your plan for His plan?
As a church, will you now go and do the same?
Mike asked, what would be the wildest thing you could do to depict releasing people of debt?
One member said, why don’t we release them of real debt? – financial debt.
Not because of what you deserved, but the undeserved grace of God.
Mike asked, what’s 10% of what God did for TC this year? Mike said, we have no other response but to go out and do the same thing.
So many people want to pray, and read the word, but not be the living word.
He has put us in a position to be the lender, not the borrower.
He has now made us the conduit.
When you get God’s heart, you become a conduit.
So many of you did this last week. God blessed you and you obeyed Him.
We’re going to celebrate by being able to give and have a real life parable of what it looks like to release debt.
When Mike suggested a few years ago that everything they would raise ($8,300 or so), and that week, they went and blessed other churches – people thought he was crazy. As Mike was driving home, God said, that was the seed for what your church would be known for. Every year, God has continued to increase us. Last year, we gave away 1.2 million dollars in one service. This year – this could only be God.
If you know some of these people, text them, call them, because we’re about to give a lot of money away to release the debt.
We’re going to release finances so that people don’t have to go into debt.
1. Organizations
This week, Visa and Mastercard stopped accepting payments from Pornhub, who has been a part of sex trafficking.
$75k is on the way to A1 – who helps with sex trafficking
$35k for Stand 4 Justice – who also helps people out of sex slavery
One thing we should be doing as believers is taking care of widows and orphans. We have more houses and land, but less people being adopted and taken care of.
There’s a check in the mail for $10,000 for the Care Closet
$15,000 Crossroads
$50,000 Foster the Family
Willie More Junior there’s a check for 50k coming to your organization right now.
He told us to do it!
We call Transformation Church, Transformation Nation because we are. There’s an organization called Asking for the Nation (AFTN), there’s a check for 50k coming to your organization to build the school you need.
Do you know what 50k would do for somebody in the middle of a pandemic?
This is not easy. We’re able to be a conduit as the hands and feet of Jesus because of your giving and because of your crazy faith.
In this church, we try to meet not just spiritual needs, but your physical/tangible needs as well.
Right now, there are a lot of people that are homeless and being abused. We need to be able to give for things we don’t just pray away, but the things that you need counseling through. There are some things God will deliver you from instantaneously, but other things He will need to walk you out of.
The people who don’t go to church are still God’s kids. The people you hate, God loves.
If the church will not step outside of our political party, our race, our bubble of “our four and no more”, if they don’t speak in tongues, if they do live a different lifestyle, who will show them the love of God? As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.
Holistic Wellness in Chicago, we have a check for 10k in the mail
180 Ministries – 25k to get out of addiction
There aren’t a lot of resources for autism, in Tulsa, we have Griffin’s Promise, you care for God’s children – there’s a check for 30k on the way
Catholic Charities Organization – are we crossing denominational lines? Can a church that believes in the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues give to a Catholic church? – there’s 50k coming in the mail for you. Go and do the same! He didn’t ask the man, what affiliation are you with? Who did you vote for? What sexual orientation are you? If you’re going to inherit my kingdom, you love me with everything you got and extend beyond yourself and love your neighbor as yourself.
The crazy thing is we’re just getting started.
We’ve been working on the church and trying to get the sound issues resolved.
Mike said, to just bless those that may not want to see it.
50k for BOC
For the Bixby School District, there’s 50k coming to your organization
If God is for you, He will bless you enough to bless those and go and do the same
50K is going to RAG so that it can be doubled to reach At Risk Youth in California
Cornerstone Community Center who does food distribution – 50k is coming your way
If God would trust us with the little bit so that we could bless his children.
You are full of stuff you don’t use. You don’t need another message full of points. Would you please just use the notes from March and go and do the same.
One of the things people have been dealing with because of COVID is having a homeschool. It’s hard. Some of your kids won’t pass not because they can’t learn, but because you can’t teach LOL. We need our teachers and we love our teachers. There’s a foundation called the Homeschool Foundation that helps people get supplies, tutoring, and what they need – 25k is on it’s way.
Suicides are going up. People haven’t found Jesus yet. Imagine living through this and not having the hope that we lean on. We’re sending 50k to Mental Health Association
When George Floyd’s murder happened, many people went to the other side of the street because he was black. We can’t change them, but we can cross the street and meet the needs of people.
When Bishop started this church, now we get to stand as a multi ethnic church in the middle of a global pandemic and be an example, and not a casualty. We want to honor Bishop Gary McIntosh today.
One Race has been holding events all over the world. They gathered over 25k people to where the KKK used to gather and One Race has a check for 30k on the way right now.
God this is all about you. God, this is a church that you lead, that you’ve made your hands and feet.
One of the hardest things to do as a pastor was to leave an area that we were called to in order to fit in a space. Mike heard the clamors of the people, “I knew that’s what they were going to do” – we didn’t leave North Tulsa, we left to get resources. We’ve been called to partner.
Can we bless some people in North Tulsa?
The Tulsa Dream Center has been feeding people with millions of meals – we sent them a check for 50k earlier this week to help feed people. Mike later felt like, “people are hungry” – so he reached out to another contact about possibly getting a semi-truck full of food to bring to us to give it to us. They said, it’s probably no way it can happen. Mike got off the phone and said, “Dad, I think they need actual food”. As of yesterday, a semi-truck, from Transformation Church was delivered to the Dream Center! God is good!!
Higher Esteem – there’s a check for 25k
North Baptist, North Tulsa – the oldest church – many of our older churches got hit because their congregation is most vulnerable. A 25k check is on the way.
COVID-19 specifically affected older people and older minorities. Mike wondered what could we do for that group of people in our city. Mike found two apartment complexes, Jordan Plaza and Jordan Plaza 3, and decided we would pay your next month’s rent for the entire two apartment complexes. 1 month wasn’t enough so we decided to do 2, then why not pay their rent for the whole first quarter of 2021? Jordan plaza has been released of the debt!
The debt is being released right now!
2. People – Student Loans
We’re going into new spaces with grace.
We’ve been talking about releasing debt and God using us as a conduit. There’s a lot of people with student debt.
Who are we cancelling student debt on?
We went through crazy faith cards:
@officialdougie – $1485 has just been cancelled
@misslatinBarbie – 8k
@larryboonejr – $14,400
That’s the tangible faith of people being met in this moment!!
@Kristie Gudea, Tulsa — $17,595.72
@_Yasminey_ — $28,000
@Na_Kisha — $30,000
Glory to God!!
Sidenote: is someone cutting onions??
Joseph Thomas – Mike has seen your faith in action – we’ve seen you worshipping and the team found your crazy faith card — $30,000 has been released – it is cancelled and you now are free of it
This is what God will do!!
The debt is being forgiven!!
Go and do the same!!
It’s more blessed to give than it is to receive.
We’re trying to stir up somebody’s faith. God is the only one who can see somebody’s name and connect them with the person to meet it. Praise God, not the person.
Praise Him right now!!!
Mike’s heart is churches. Mike honestly feels as though if we actually bless churches, then we can bless people.
The Bible says, on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it.
What better way can we do what God has called us to do than to bless people who are just like us?
Mike will bless churches in a minute, but wants to tell you about a story that happened last night.
Mike went back to the old church. In 1921, it was the site of the greatest race massacre that happened. Bishop came to reverse the curse. Mike found a young lady who has a sneaker shop with custom tennis shoes. COVID-19 has been hard on small businesses. She doesn’t go to TC. She may not believe the way we believe. Last night, Mike went to the shop and was able to tell her that on behalf of Transformation Church, every shoe in the store is now bought.
Every one of her shoes is going to the Tulsa Boy’s Home!! We’re blessing the feet of those that may have never been able to do that.
That young lady was speechless. She thought she was on punk’d. Her exact words were, “imma come to that church if y’all doing stuff like that”, John said, “is that an entrance to share the gospel?”, Mike slid in there and shared with her, the redeeming grace of God. Some plant, some water, but God add the ingredients.
We got an opportunity to bring prosperity to Black Wall Street.
We meet needs by going and doing the same.
3. Churches
You’re the hope of the world. There are pastors who are trying to figure out how they’ll make payroll. You have ministries that can’t travel
Northstar – 10k
Hellen Toll – 10k
Tucson Church – 10k
Hope Center Ministries – 10k
Destiny of Faith – 10k
Robert Madu – 20k
Destiny Point – 20k
Morningstar Church – 20k
Agape Ministry – 20k
The Wait Church – 20k
New Growth Ministries – 20k
We come to bind the spirit of comparison!! We come to bind the spirit to think you’re less than. It’s about the kingdom! A win for the kingdom is a win for all of us in the kingdom. The kingdom is advancing.
Leon De Juda – 50k
New Jerusalem – 50k
There are many churches that were told by God to start a church in this season. His word didn’t change even though the season is bad. Courageous Church is launching in the middle of a pandemic. They don’t have a permanent location. They’re believing God and meeting in a school. They’re still believing God in the midst of opposition. TC will be sending 100k to start that ministry.
Chris Duso, there’s a 100k check for you as well
Rich and D.C at Voux – there’s a 100k coming to you right now
Virtue Church – there’s a 100k with your name on it
Pastor Jimmy Rollins – there’s a 100k with your name on it
Destiny Church – there’s a 100k check in the mail with your name on it!!
Rejoice like it’s you!!
Tell Pastor Kim and Tabatha at Alive Church, there’s 100k for their church for their new building
Shoreline City Church – 100k
And go and do the same!!
This is not a foundation. This is a church. And go and do the same.
When Mike got the keys to this church, by crazy faith, your generosity and faithfulness, we were able to buy the complex around it.
Thousand Hills Church just got the keys to an AMC and our faith inspired somebody else. It wasn’t just for us. It was for the body. There’s a 100k check in the mail for you all!!
The funny thing about God is that he sets people up when they don’t even know it’s a set up.
Two weeks ago, the Holy Spirit told Mike to write down all the pastors we would be sharing with. He got a text message from Pastor Travis Green who said God told them that they should be here. They didn’t know their names had already been in rooms they weren’t in. They texted him in faith, but didn’t know Forward City would be a recipient of 100k to take back to Forward City Church!!
God is amazing!!!
Can somebody give God praise in the building.
It’s only crazy until it happens.
There’s one last church we want to bless – but Mike wants to call them. Mike found a church in Oklahoma, multi-ethnic, multiplying, and just doing their thing. Mike saw their crazy faith card out of thousands that were sent. Mike saw that they are exactly where TC was four years ago. They wrote down that they needed 134k for the debt to be released from the building. That debt has just been cancelled! God let Mike see the card, and wanted them to know that God has them. On top of the debt being paid, there’s an additional check of 115k to do whatever God tells them to do next!
When God blesses you, go and do the same!!
Do y’all feel that? That’s forgiveness. That’s people being released of the debt.
On a crazy faith card, a young man said, I’d really like to get a Represent hoodie and to meet Pastor Mike. They safely got Evan here! Got him a represent hoodie and a new hover board, and another one to give away. Go and do the same!
Some of you are wearing what will show God’s love for somebody else. Some of you are driving it. It could just take a meal, a gift card, a hoodie to be the hands and feet of Jesus.
This is not an organization thing, this is an organism thing.
There’s a young lady in the auditorium that has a disease that’s causing her to lose her teeth. It’s weighed in on her insecurities and pain. TC got in contact with the best dental place in the city, and on behalf of TC and God, you’ve just gotten a brand new smile. It’s paid for. The debt is paid for. God loves you, and just the way you are, you’re beautiful. Without a new smile, you’re beautiful, and God just wanted to let you know that He’s got you!
There’s another person who wrote in – @Taneeshaparker – she needs two furnaces. The debt for those furnaces have been released and paid for.
Crazy Alex on IG has been sharing his crazy faith vision in action. Only 3 people may have liked it, but one of them was Pastor Mike. He’s 13 years old and has more stewardship than many. It would take about $200 to get the lights he needed. TC is sending a check for 5K @I_AM_A.B.
Hannah has been delivered from a whole bunch of stuff. She doesn’t have a vehicle, has another kid on the way, she’s a single mom who aged out of foster care, and got her life together. God sees her, he hears her, and he meets needs that you don’t know are being met. Hannah has received a brand new car on behalf of God through TC.
It’s crazy until it happens!!
God has met her need. God loves you Hannah, and we’re grateful to be a part of your journey. There’s no debt on this car. It’s only God!!
Hannah can take Martha’s Heart this 10k check – the organization that helped her age out of foster care.
God is in the business of releasing debt and He wants to do it for somebody else.
Charles and Amberly want to do some random acts of kindness. Mike wants to personally give $100 away to people putting your cashapp names in the chat.
You can be a blessing to someone after you receive the blessing. Go and do the same thing!!
- $100 for:
- @Lashanria
- @NelZebra
- @Carol535
- @Sampson1723
Another blessing just came to Mike’s mind.
At home, we need to be rejoicing!! As a church, we need to be able to go and do the same!
Sunday’s granddaughter wrote on her crazy faith card that she wanted her to be able to have a wheelchair enabled van. There’s a custom mini-van being constructed right now that will allow Sunday to be mobile and get wherever she needs to get. Today, we’re excited to let her know she’s now the owner of a debt free, wheelchair enabled minivan for her use!!
Abigail (her granddaughter) also has a car that broke down. Her faith has not gone unnoticed. Because of her faith, she got a brand new Kia Soul 2021 car!!! There’s no debt, no tag, title, or insurance – God has taken care of it!
Glory to God!!!!
God is still blessing us!!
Go and do the same!!
“This is a tangible example to spark your faith”. This is not to spectate. This is a moment you can participate. If God is encouraging you to bless others, obey him.
We have been using this day to bless others. Every single need that we have, God speaks through people to meet practical needs. Chichi @Lady_Chich wrote a crazy faith card about her Mom and wrote down that she wanted her mom to be blessed. She said specifically, that “my mom would have a brand new vehicle, fully paid for” – There is a brand new vehicle on the way to her!!
We are soo soo happy for you, go and do the same!!!
I dare yall to give God praise!!
Glory to God!!!
If this is the church, if we could be this type of church all over the world, how many people do you think would give their life to church? All we’re doing is representing God to the lost and found for transformation in Christ.
Go and do the same!
If you plant the seed, remember that only God is over the increase.
It takes work to give. It’s easier to cross over to the other side of the church. We’re being intentional about integrity to help people and to meet their actual needs.
One community we need to do more with is the homeless community.
Evan has been at the front of our church worshipping God for 4-5 years. He spends time in homeless villages with no backing, and takes food etc. On his crazy faith card, he just wanted homeless people to be able to take clean showers. He’d love to be able to own a shower truck so that people could shower with dignity. People who can’t do anything for him, can’t take him to dinner – but the homeless are God’s children too. Today, BeHeard is the Owner of a brand new shower truck!!!! Some of these people can now have the ability to have basic functions that we take for granted, and to have dignity.
When was the last time you cried for something that wouldn’t affect you, but bless someone else?
There was another card with 30k of personal debt. That personal debt of 34k has now been cancelled! God saw him, and blessed him.
What would happen if each family wasn’t so concerned about getting a PlayStation 5? Whatever it is for you, what if we inherited the kingdom of God this year and went and did whatever God asked us to do? Go and do the same in your sphere of influence!
God is going to send resources, a team, faculty, you’ve seen Evan’s heart and it is pure. Somebody give God a shout of praise!
The whole mission of this message was to show us more than Mike could tell us.
The reputation og the kingdom of God is expanding because of what God did through us today.
Thank you TC for being a church that stands in crazy faith.
Our faith will be spoken of when we’re dead and God.
We won’t just talk about the faith of Sarah, and Abraham, but the faith of You – Abby, Will, Jiselle, You – God is about to do something so great as we go and do the same.
For circumstances we can’t talk about, God has equipped two ladies in the church to raise three princesses. TC is giving them a brand new car and 250k to find a brand new house!! God saw them, heard them, and He’s for them. They have been released of the debt.
God we give you all the honor. We give you all the praise.
Today God, we have seen a modern day miracle to give us a picture that we shall never forget, that if we honor you, and live in crazy faith, that we can go and do the same for others.
Thank you Lord!!!
You’ve been so good!!
God so loved the world that He gave His only son for us. The greatest debt that you have is not monetary, it is our sin. God gave His only son so that we could stand debt free.
Today, if you want to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, it’s more valuable than getting a new house or car, it is eternal – put your soul, life, and family in the hands of the one who gave it all. He gave before you even made the debt. We walk every day with progression, not perfection. Regardless of who you slept with, who you’re with, what crooked business deal you’re going to do, it doesn’t matter – it will just be you and God. When God looks at you, He will see you through the lens of His Son who has already paid all of your debt. 1. If you want to accept Jesus, 2. You’re making the greatest decision of your life, 3. Raise your hand right there. If you give God your heart, He’ll help you change your habits.
We all pray together.
Let’s Pray Together: God, thank you for sending Jesus to pay my debt. Today, I ask you to be my lord and my savior. I relinquish control because I believe you lived, you died, and rose again with all power to pay my debt. God, change me, renew me, transform me, I’m yours.
All of heaven is shouting for even one person that gave their life to Christ!!!
Transformation Church, because of your generosity.
Everyone who just got saved, you’re pulling on Mike. Let TC know that you made the decision and text ‘Saved’ to 828282 for next steps, and for us to help you and to pray with you.
Mike and Natalie are greatful to lead a church that puts the things that God cares about in front of people. TC will get more and more generous as the days go by, because of your faithfulness, your tithing, and your offerings. We get to bless the lost people, the atheists, the homosexuals – everyone. Everybody that you hate, God loves. For everyone, we will be God’s hands and feet to show His love to the world.
Last year we gave away 1.2 million. This year, in this one service, we gave away 3.5 million dollars!!!!!
Give God some praise!!!!
Transformation Church, tell your friends, the church is alive. Go out this week and do the same!!
Give God some praise!!!!
You can still get “Relationship Goals” the book and study guide today for additional relationship support:
Latest Arrivals in Merch
Link to full Video (share this message💕): TBD
Join TC for service every Sunday at 11am (CST) and weekly for NoonDay Prayer at 12pm (CST).
Transformation Church would love to hear how God is touching your life through this ministry! Tell us your story by emailing mystory@transformchurch.us!
If you would like to support TC financially you can give through the TC app, or online through the website by clicking here https://transformchurch.us/give/. You can also Text ‘TCGIVE’ to 77977.
If you need prayer, email prayer@transformchurch.us!
For more information about Transformation Church, visit https://transformchurch.us/.
To join a Belong Group, visit https://transformchurch.us/BELONG/ or text BELONG to 828282
The D.I.G. stands for Deeper In God and it is a conversation where we dive deeper in God. Join us this Wednesday at 7pm (cst)! — https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYv-siSKd3Gn9IsliO95gIw