Mike Todd’s Introduction
- Wherever the spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom
- Here is Holy – wherever you are, if God is with you, it is holy
- Mike has been asking God to take him from the “events that bring God glory” and “give me a life that brings You glory” – His response was, “every step that you take is Holy.” In the pain, the frustration – Holy – it’s still God’s sovereignty
- This is a Holy moment – God will speak to you through something Mike says, or through His word, or through the person next to you
- Today, we’re giving God an opportunity to satisfy – your job, your marriage – none of this can satisfy you – only God
- This year, we will be anchored
- This word marks our lives and is able to refine us
- Mike wants us to come back to this series every month – to mark God’s words that He already gave us
- God wants us to be studiers of His word, not just consumers
- Mike is a human – (hu)man submitted to God
- We need to be devoted, i.e., take our vote away to see God’s plans for our lives
- God doesn’t look at what we want, but what we need
- God gave us the word anchored
This is not Mike’s favorite word. He would’ve preferred “explosion” or “the blow up”. Mike got emails saying, “God don’t be speaking to people like that.”
Today, Mike is going to teach us that God is still speaking and that He still speaks to us.
Every year, Mike goes on sabbatical where he goes to a random hotel, sits there, and just prays, paces around the room and just asks God questions. He asks God for vision and direction. Out of that time, Mike brings the word to staff in September/October. Then the team prays, fasts, and talks about the word of the year. The staff has already been walking this out for four or five months. God doesn’t speak anything for the church house that He doesn’t want for your house.
He uses the church as an example for what He wants to do through us.
Hearing God’s voice is normal for the believer. If you’re not hearing God, who are you hearing?
John 10:4-5 King James Version (KJV)
4 And when he putteth forth his own sheep, he goeth before them, and the sheep follow him: for they know his voice.
5 And a stranger will they not follow, but will flee from him: for they know not the voice of strangers.
God is speaking, but culture, finances, and your favorite motivational speaker is speaking too. People are confusing their good ideas with God’s voice.
It takes a sacrifice to get in the presence of God, but people would rather take a cheap counterfeit than hear God’s voice.
This will not be the year where you blame God for not speaking to you. You can’t say, “He’s just so far away from me,” when your ears are closed. God is speaking, but you’re listening to the stranger’s voice.
“Stranger things” is hearing from people who don’t have the mind for what God has for you in terms of purpose and plans.
Your friend groups do not know what God has already ordained for you. Stop listening to the stranger’s voice.
When we teach kids to answer the door, we tell them to ask “Who is it?” – Some of us have stopped asking, “Who is it?” Some of us have the door off the hinge. We need to put a barrier back up and ask, “Who is it?”
The only way to know who it is, is if they speak.
When Mike’s kids hear someone with a voice they don’t know, they ask Mike if he’s expecting someone. We need to ask our God, our Father, if we should be expecting these people (e.g. the new job).
God speaks.
Declare that, “God will speak to me.”
The word shows that God is reliable.
Malachi 3:6 King James Version (KJV)
6 For I am the Lord, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.
He is an anchor and does not change. If God spoke in the Bible days, and He said He doesn’t change, then He’s still speaking today.
God speaks.
1. God Speaks In an Audible Voice
Though rare, God still speaks to certain people in certain situation. He does this when He needs to get someone’s full attention. Some of us are so prideful to think that if we haven’t experienced it that God doesn’t do it.
He is God whether you believe or not.
God is sovereign. He does what He wants, when He wants to.
God still speaks in an audible voice.
Hebrews 13:8 King James Version (KJV)
8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.
2. God Speaks Through Angelic Visitation
This is how Mary knew she was expecting child.
There are ministering angels, guardian angels, and warring angels, but some of you have put your angels at bay because you don’t believe these things are real.
3. God Speaks Through Dreams and Visions
This is the one we want all the time, but it won’t always be this way.
4. God Speaks Through Signs and Miracles
He will speak to someone who does not believe through miracles.
Miracles are coming through in 2021 because the world is getting dimmer and dimmer. When cancer dries up, that’s a miracle for the unbeliever.
5. God Speaks Through Coincidences
Albert Einstein said, “Coincidences are God’s way of remaining anonymous.”
That’s God. He’s speaking.
When you say, “something told me”, stop dumbing down the “something”, His name is Jesus.
6. God Speaks Through His Written Word
This is the Bible, and the main way that God speaks to us.
The problem is, if you do not open up the Bible, you are void of the main way that God speaks to people.
There has been time after time, where Mike needed an answer for something in every day life, then Mike opened his Bible for devotion (not even wanting to read it), but when he opened the living word, it’s the only thing that reads him. The Bible is the only book that reads you back when you read it.
In 2021, if you want to be anchored, you cannot be anchored without the word of God.
Your Instagram post scripture is not studying the word of God. Yes, you posted it with lilies and flowers, but it missed your heart. You have to hide yourself in God’s word. He will speak to you.
God speaks.
7. God Speaks Through the Living Word
John 6:63 New King James Version (NKJV)
63 It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing. The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life.
The Holy Spirit is the living word. Jesus said, it’s better if the disciples let Him go because He would send the Holy Spirit who would comfort them, walk with them, guide them, and lead them into all truth.
There are a lot of lies going on right now and we need truth.
When God gives His word, it’s for a specific time, and a specific need.
8. God Speaks Through Other People
We might not like this.
We wish we could judge the type of people God speaks through. The person you don’t like, the person on your nerves at work – even your enemies.
Your enemies may be speaking the most truth to you, but because you don’t even listen, and see if God is saying anything in midst of it, then you have shut off the very thing with the answer to what you’ve been praying for.
9. God Speaks Through Media
God literally will speak and declare things to all nations. It gets to all nations through media, social media, television – God is using media right now to speak.
If God wasn’t using technology and media, then you wouldn’t be hearing this word right now.
God gave us a tool that He speaks through.
10. God Speaks Through Creation and Nature
Just go outside and look up.
If you’re near an ocean, go look at the ocean. God speaks through creation.
In every season, the flowers still bloom, regardless of the economy or who’s in office. In every kingdom rising and falling, bees are still pollinating and the bears are still hibernating.
11. God Speaks Through Our Conscience
There are things that your body might be about to do, that your conscience says, “No! Don’t do it!” You might already be in the act – your flesh might have already decided – but the Holy Spirit invades your conscience and says, “This is going to delay you. They’re a setback.” Have you ever heard, “that’s bad”, or “this ain’t your house”, or “that ain’t your mate” …at the engagement party.
Do not ignore when the Holy Spirit jumps in to your conscience.
He’s trying to speak.
God speaks.
We have to learn how to recognize His voice. The Bible tells us that sometimes, He talks in a still small voice, and some of us are too busy to hear the small voice of God.
Let’s normalize silence. You don’t always have to have something going. Normalize meditation – not in a weird way. All these other religions are biting the Bible. He says to meditate on His word day and night. This is what He needs us to do, but some of us are so busy setting atmospheres that we don’t hear answers.
The candles, the mood music, etc. and God is saying, just sit down. Just spend the extra five minutes in the car. Turn the radio off. Turn Instagram off. One of the most spiritual things you may do is to turn the notifications off of your phone. It’s an invitation for interruption.
God can be speaking to you. You don’t think the enemy will help someone text you at the moment God is about to give you a word? Even if you ignore them, they have now taken up space/room.
If you’re going to be anchored this year, you need to be anchored for God to speak.
Mike believes there are puzzle pieces to this. This is how Mike got to the word for this year – practical things that will help you to be anchored in your spiritual life. This will be your best year ever if it is your best year spiritually. Get a word from God. God speaks.
The first thing to do is to get in God’s presence.
A. Presence
You never get a word from God without having God actually being there.
His presence is not a gift in the mail, it’s a gift when He’s there with you.
The church has been too enamored with gifts i.e., “they sing good”, “they preach good”, and we’ve settled for gifts instead of God’s presence.
We might sacrifice excellence but we get His presence.
If you do not put value on His presence, you’re missing a piece of the puzzle.
Some of us have had an appetite for fast food spiritually. We need the organic word of God. What He has will not come without His presence.
In fact, we’re not good enough without His presence. If His presence is not with you, declare that, “I won’t go.”
Many would rather have the appearance of God doing something in our lives than the power of Him being in our lives.
B. Pattern
A lot of people get in His presence, but they haven’t made it a pattern. God is trying to get on your calendar.
If you don’t make it a pattern to spend time with God, then you miss the nuances of what God wants to give you.
Some of you need to have a pattern of a date night in your marriage. Your kids are suffering because you’re business partners, doing marriage without God’s presence.
We need His presence and we need a pattern.
Mike always asks God for wisdom. As you are one of His children, you can ask for wisdom.
James 1:5-6 New Living Translation (NLT)
5 If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking. 6 But when you ask him, be sure that your faith is in God alone. Do not waver, for a person with divided loyalty is as unsettled as a wave of the sea that is blown and tossed by the wind.
He doesn’t factor in your past – He gives it willingly without reproach. The caveat is to ask with faith. You need an anchor. Drop your anchor in faith. He’ll give you wisdom for your marriage.
Wisdom comes from His presence and a pattern.
The third puzzle piece to get a vision from God and get anchored in your own life is that it will be practical.
C. Practical
He works in the details of His children’s life. It will come out practically.
Mike is practically looking for God everywhere. He can see Him at Ihop, in a homeless person, in a beat, movie, a camera – the whole Earth is the Lord. Many people only look for Him on Sunday.
On August 8th, Mike woke up, pulled out his phone, and typed this down, even though he had never seen it before. God spoke to him because he got in His presence, had a pattern, then God gave him something practical.
He said, “The word for 2021 is anchored.

Mike touched the word anchored, clicked “look up word”.
It said, “A person or a thing that provides stability and confidence in an otherwise unpredictable situation.”
He whispered, “What you are tied to, is more important than where”… and then Mike got distracted, but it was supposed to say “where you are”.

Mike left it up there, because even the people who are supposed to be the closest to God, have the opportunity to be distracted.
What God had Mike do is go back to His presence, and Mike had a pattern, and He finished that word for him, and it was practical.
Proverbs 3:5-6 New King James Version (NKJV)
5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
And lean not on your own understanding;
6 In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He shall direct your paths.
Mike did not understand why He wanted it to be anchored. The word says, “In all your ways acknowledge Him”, that’s why Mike had the audacity to put it in his phone.
This is a practical way to hear from God and to be anchored this year.
D. Persistent
When God speaks something, He will be persistent.
When God speaks something, it remains the same.
The truth is not affected by the opinion.
Your opinion of what He is doing has nothing to do with what God is doing.
Mike tried to change the word many time, but God will give confirmation.
You will get confident in knowing that God will give confirmation.
God will give confirmation and He’s not offended by you asking for confirmation.
Gideon was the weakest person you could think of. God spoke to him through an angel:
Judges 6:36-40 New Living Translation (NLT)
36 Then Gideon said to God, “If you are truly going to use me to rescue Israel as you promised, 37 prove it to me in this way. I will put a wool fleece on the threshing floor tonight. If the fleece is wet with dew in the morning but the ground is dry, then I will know that you are going to help me rescue Israel as you promised.” 38 And that is just what happened. When Gideon got up early the next morning, he squeezed the fleece and wrung out a whole bowlful of water.
39 Then Gideon said to God, “Please don’t be angry with me, but let me make one more request. Let me use the fleece for one more test. This time let the fleece remain dry while the ground around it is wet with dew.” 40 So that night God did as Gideon asked. The fleece was dry in the morning, but the ground was covered with dew.
Do you know how big our God is? When He speaks to you and you believe it in faith, He will confirm it over, and over, and over again.
Illustration: For Mike, it was proven when he went on vacation. When walking to the grocery store, Mike was walking, and out of nowhere, there was a 12 foot anchor. Less than 19 days later, an anchor was presented. This stopped Mike in his tracks because it was God practically confirming what He told Mike privately. He confirmed it practically and publicly.
What has God put in your view that you thought was just scenery?
He’s trying to show you, trying to develop you.

Mike asked God to confirm it again.
They went to the beach, and on the way to catch the boat back, Mike looks to the right, this is what was to Mike’s right: A 30 foot anchor.

They hadn’t seen it – they passed it every day – but when he looked, he then saw what God had confirmed to him privately.
Sometimes when time goes by after God told you something, you get a little shaky.
God didn’t change. He didn’t lose His spot. He told you back then what He needed and wants you to obey Him now.
Mike wanted to know if God was still with him. He doesn’t want to do anything without God.
Mike and Natalie went to a restaurant to have breakfast, and God placed an anchor at the bottom of Mike’s cup.

E. Proven
The last part of doing what God says is that He proves it. You don’t have to make it come to pass, you just have to obey it. God will prove it.
It will be proven, because we will get anchored.
It was important to demystify how God speaks.
Luke 7:35 GOD’S WORD Translation (GW)
35 “Yet, wisdom is proved right by all its results.”
Our word this year is to be anchored.
Mike won’t sign a record contract if he doesn’t know if God spoke that to Him.
Some of us are into opportunities and not assignments. Culture sells us on “if they call” – okay, they called – did God say to do it. If your dream job called, and God said, “No”, would you obey? If the person you want to date wants you, and God says, “Not at this time”, would you obey? If God says, “No house this whole year”, and you have the money and the credit, would you obey? Are you about opportunities and not assignments? When you’re walking in the favor and blessings of God, there will be opportunities around you all day. Delineate what God said versus what you want.
There is a beautiful place where God can align your desires with His desires and it creates a beautiful harmony.
God wants you and His will for your life to be in harmony. He wants you to walk with people and for the notes to not clash.
He wants it to be in harmony, and it will only be in harmony if you hear from Him.
Being anchored to God’s word is more important than anybody else’s word.
This is a Holy moment. God speaks.
If you’ve ever doubted, then maybe your prayer should be, “God speak to me,” for the rest of these 7 days of prayer and fasting
Don’t look for Him to speak to in the way you desire it, but look for Him to speak. For some of you, He’s speaking to you right now through a person.
Now He wants to clarify it for you right now. What do you have to do? Get in His presence. Do you have a pattern for getting into His presence?
Do you have a pattern of being with God? Is it such a pattern that it happens in practical places like the shower, in your car, talking with your spouse, or when you’re cooking? That’s how practical it can be.
Don’t be connected to a ministry or a man, be connected to the God who speaks.
This year, you may have been tossed to and fro because you didn’t have an anchor in God’s word.
We’re praying for God to speak to you this week. Mike had a plan, and that plan was literally interrupted by God to let you know that He wants to speak to you.
[Speak to My Heart – Song by: Donnie McClurkin]
“Speak to my heart, Lord, give me Your holy word
If I can’t hear from You, then I’ll know what to do
I won’t go on, never go on my own
Just let your spirit guide and let Your word abide, say” (Repeat 4x)
Say, you’re not going into this job or relationship if you don’t hear from God.
God wants to speak. He wants to speak directly for our careers, businesses, and feelings. He wants to speak to you, not pastor Mike. Mike is just a servant of someone who is way better than him. Tomorrow, Mike might not have all of his faculties. His body might shut down.
The grass withers and the flower fades, but the word of God stands forever. If you want God to speak to you, just lift your hands. Ask for clarity in every situation of your life.
The God of the universe is so omnipresent that He can speak to all of us.
Prayer and Altar Call: Father, I praise you, because you are a good, good father. You say if we need wisdom for anything, we can boldly come and ask. Father God, you gave our church a word, be anchored. You are living word and you’re continuing to speak for whatever we need and whenever we need it at the time we need it. Holy Spirit, I’m asking you, putting your reputation on the line, asking you to be a big God and speak to your children. Father, we’re praying for the skeptic and the doubter. Praying for the person raised steeped in religion and they used God’s speaking as manipulation, tear that down in the name of Jesus. I declare and believe Father God that there is about to be a revival, or resurgent of people hearing your voice and a stranger they will not listen to. Father, how will we be anchored if we do not have a word that withstands? Speak to our hearts Lord. We’re asking that the testimonies will start ringing out and that God will begin to confirm His word; that He will be persistent. The old things He will speak to again. He’s so good He will confirm it. Look for Him, God says. Today, we are honored to remember that you are not just the God who did it, but a God who does it. Speak to us.
[Speak to My Heart – Song by: Donnie McClurkin]
“Speak to my heart, Lord, give me Your holy word
If I can’t hear from You, then I’ll know what to do
I won’t go on, never go on my own
Just let your spirit guide and let Your word abide, say” (Repeat 4x)
[Holy Spirit – Song by Katie Torwalt / Bryan Torwalt]
Holy Spirit, you are welcome here
Come flood this place and fill the atmosphere
Your Glory God is what our hearts long for
To be overcome by your presence, Lord
Holy Spirit, you are welcome here
Come flood this place and fill the atmosphere
Your Glory God is what our hearts long for
To be overcome by your presence, Lord
Your presence Lord
Let us become more aware of your presence
Let us experience the Glory of Your Goodness
Let us become more aware of your presence
Let us experience the Glory of Your Goodness
Let us become more aware of your presence
Let us experience the Glory of Your Goodness
An anchor is not sexy. In the middle of a storm, you need an anchor to save you.
A lot of people want something sexy, i.e., a blessing, a miracle, for Him to enlarge their territory, but the first thing an anchor is to do, is to save you.
There’s someone with an anchor that hasn’t been tied to something steady. The rock of our salvation is Jesus.
Today, you have the opportunity to tie your life to someone who will never fail.
Your anchor has a name and His name is Jesus.
God sent Jesus to be our anchor. The anchor is the very symbol of what our savior stretched out His arms on. The cross is an anchor because Jesus is our anchor.
Have Jesus as your anchor.

Jesus is Our Anchor
You aren’t watching (or reading) this by accident. God has been planning for this moment for your whole life to receive Him.
God only needs you to believe that Jesus came to die for you, and that He rose again with all power so that you could be redeemed. In this moment, the power of God is coming to you.
Somebody might even rededicate themselves to be anchored to Jesus. This will be the greatest decision you ever make.
Today this is being offered to you. Jesus came to redeem, restore, and revive everything that has happened in your life – all you have to do is accept Him. If that’s you, today is the day of salvation. You don’t have to go alone, God is saying He will speak to you. If that’s you, boldly raise your hand in the air on the count of three. 1. You’re making the greatest decision of your life. 2. We’re proud of you, but forget that, God is so proud of you, and 3. Just lift that hand up in the air right now.
You don’t have to confess to us, God was there when it happened. You don’t have to jump through hoops to prove you deserve this. Today, you’re making the decision to make Jesus your anchor. You will be saved.
Eternity is turning around right now.
Let’s Pray Together: God, thank you for sending Jesus as our anchor. Today, I believe He lived, He died, and He rose again with all power, just for me. Today, I repent, I surrender my life, change me, renew me, transform me, I’m yours, in Jesus name, Amen.
Heaven, this room, and people all over the world are rejoicing right now.
- Text ‘Saved’ to 828282 for resources and content to get anchored
Get into a good Bible based church in your area. Get in community. Get around other believers. Get away from people who are going to distract you and prevent you from getting into a pattern of getting in His presence.
This year, Mike will not preach anything to make you feel happy. Mike is promising to teach you, so that when the storm comes, you’ll be anchored.
We don’t need more IG followers, or more money – Mike will be judged on how he equipped you to be able to live a life that’s anchored, not on YouTube views.
God will speak to your heart if you desire it.
God we want to hear from you.
This last 7 days of prayer and fasting, we will listen and obey, our relationships are getting better, and our minds are being renewed.
We give you praise and honor God!
You can still get “Relationship Goals” the book and study guide today for additional relationship support:
Latest Arrivals in Merch
- God Speaks In an Audible Voice
- God Speaks Through Angelic Visitation
- God Speaks Through Dreams and Visions
- God Speaks Through Signs and Miracles
- God Speaks Through Coincidences
- God Speaks Through His Written Word
- God Speaks Through the Living Word
- God Speaks Through Other People
- God Speaks Through Media
- God Speaks Through Creation and Nature
- God Speaks Through Our Conscience
- Presence
- Pattern
- Practical
- Persistent
- Proven
Link to full Video (share this message💕): TBD
21 Days of Prayer & Fasting – Every night at 6PM CST – Text 21 to 828282 for all of the resources you need
Join TC for service every Sunday at 11am (CST) and weekly for NoonDay Prayer at 12pm (CST).
Transformation Church would love to hear how God is touching your life through this ministry! Tell us your story by emailing mystory@transformchurch.us!
If you would like to support TC financially you can give through the TC app, or online through the website by clicking here https://transformchurch.us/give/. You can also Text ‘TCGIVE’ to 77977.
If you need prayer, email prayer@transformchurch.us!
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The D.I.G. stands for Deeper In God and it is a conversation where we dive deeper in God. Join us this Wednesday at 7pm (cst)! — https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYv-siSKd3Gn9IsliO95gIw