Anchored - Jesus is Our Anchor - Pastor Michael Mike Todd – Transformation Church Notes by Bold Insider Marketing - BIM - Abimbola Dames - Abby Olurin Dames

Mike Todd’s Introduction

  • Relationship Goals has had 500,000 copies sold – that’s 500,000 families, children’s lives that will be transformed. People will be able to impart into other people
  • Thank you God for allowing the message of Relationship Goals to be spread
  • We will be anchored


Today we’re going to journey with Paul in the deep. Paul was a gangster who lived in the deep.


He was killing Christians, then had a Damascus experience that shocked people. He literally had a moment where he was blind and God touched his life. God touched his life and from his transformation, went to go transform others – without any other qualifications. Your testimony overcomes the enemy. He didn’t take two years to share what God did in his life. He went on this journey radically, and he got persecuted.


When you’re in the deep, people make posts about you. People swim back to shore to avoid criticism. Everyone will not agree with the decision God called you to.  


Don’t pray for purpose without knowing that you’ll have persecution.


Paul had a rap sheet. Paul was beaten with 39 lashes 5 times. He was stoned once. He was shipwrecked 3 times. Paul got robbed. He had rats. He had people that betrayed him and opposition everywhere – in the city and the country. Paul even had insomnia.


Nevertheless, he was so anchored that he wrote over 1/3 of the New Testament.


What are you doing between your losses, your disappointments, what comes out of you? Too many of us are waiting for right situations to produce.


The moment he wasn’t in a trial, he was producing something for God. When he wasn’t being shipwrecked, he was putting something in place for God.


Yes, you went through a hard season, another one might be coming, but what are you producing in the middle.


There is not a right time for you to produce.


God said, produce in the areas that seem like you should be retreating.


2020 made people retreat when God was looking for you to produce.


Paul was so anchored that he wrote most of your favorite scriptures when he wasn’t being persecuted.


Romans 5:8 New International Version (NIV)

8 But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.


Colossians 3:23 New International Version (NIV)

23 Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters,


Philippians 4:19 New International Version (NIV)

19 And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.


2 Corinthians 5:17 New International Version (NIV)

17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!


Philippians 4:6 New International Version (NIV)

6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.


1 Corinthians 13:4 New International Version (NIV)

4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.


You will produce even though you’re being persecuted.


You will produce even though you haven’t seen the promise.


You will produce even though it seems like problem after problem.


Say, “I will produce.”


You only produce when you’re anchored to something that’s not moving. The truth of the matter is that Paul was able to produce like this because Paul was anchored.


While Paul was in prison, God still uses him. When they were on a ship, he told the captain to stop and put down the anchor because it wasn’t God who had them there. They needed to stop and drop anchor.


Acts 27:10-11 New Living Translation (NLT)

10 “Men,” he said, “I believe there is trouble ahead if we go on—shipwreck, loss of cargo, and danger to our lives as well.” 11 But the officer in charge of the prisoners listened more to the ship’s captain and the owner than to Paul.


1. Ignoring God’s Warning Always Leaves You Wrecked 


If God says stop, anchor, keep coming to church, stop watching that series, season 8 is going to lead you into a path of thinking that’s going to have you drifting, the bachelor right now is making you depressed, not that anything’s wrong with it – it’s just not right for you – and if God says stop, anchor, warning, do you go pass the warning of God?


Ignoring God’s warning always leaves you wrecked.


Paul is sitting at the precipice of something.


God’s grace sends a word when you don’t need. It takes faith to obey Him.


Right now, it doesn’t look like the word should be anchored – but this is a word of grace – while everything looks good, He’s telling you stop, drop anchor, we shouldn’t go any further like this, we shouldn’t be moving like this.  Ignoring God’s warning always leaves you wrecked.


Some of us are high-stepping the Holy Spirit.


You were going to be out of debt but you high-stepped the Holy Spirit, ignored His warning, and still got a new car.


Obeying God is favor on your life before you need it.


Paul was trying to get these people to listen to him. Crazy enough, they did listen to him, “But the officer in charge of the prisoners listened more to the ship’s captain and the owner than to Paul.”


It’s about what you’re hearing more of.


Many of the things that have happened in our lives is not from not listening to God, but often times we are listening to culture more.


You’re a product of what you’re listening to more.


When you’re in a bad mood and don’t go to the word of God, but you go to your depressing music artist that connects with you – it’s about what you listen to more. You’re a product of what you’re listening to more.


These men are about to start drifting because they listened to the voice of people in culture.


When Mike was away in July, God gave him the expansion of this word:


2. 2021 is the Year of the Anti-Drift


Drift means to be carried away slowly.


The enemy would love that by the end of 2021 you have slowly drifted away from the things of God.


Would love for your business to lose integrity slowly.


God is saying, no drift – no talking to those people – that’s not your wife/husband – get off of that website – stop letting your kids go by those people’s house – God gave you those kids to raise them – not for you to have a wine break and for them to drift.


This is the year of no drift – anti-drift.


Think of it like a little boat that’s being carried away slowly.

Carried away from:

  • Integrity – slowly
  • Purity – slowly
  • Consistency – slowly
  • Generosity – slowly


Now you’re drifting into:

  • Deceit (when you’re carried away from integrity)
  • Perversion (when you’re carried away from purity)


Mike would sit next to Dr. Seuss looking at Double D’s – the enemy took Mike’s purity on a slow drift for an entire year.


You didn’t just “end up” at insecurity, overeating, or gossip – it was a drift. You drifted from “how can I help you?” to “what can I get from this?” You went from being generous to being selfish. You even drifted from humility to pride.


Somebody you don’t even know drifted. Nothing’s wrong with your screen – someone you don’t even know is affecting you because they began to drift off of center, drift from focus – the camera person

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In your marriage – in your finances – in our church – NO DRIFT


This will not be a season of trying things, this is not the year of experimentation or doing things in


3. The Myth of the Drift is that it Happens Suddenly, but it always happens Slowly – Your Drift in Private Affects Others in Public


When you drift in integrity, it affects children who aren’t even born to you yet.


The small line (drift) you put on your taxes, claiming a dependent who doesn’t live with you anymore will affect another generation who’ll end up in jail for tax fraud.


What’s little for you becomes a lifestyle for them.


It’s time for the church to stand up and decide that Jesus Christ is our anchor and we will not drift.  


You’ll be able to walk with others who are trying to leave work early and say, “no drift”. They’re paying us for this whole hour, “no drift.” That’s why you need to have accountability.


Drifting and focus affects everything. God told us at the beginning of 2021 don’t drip, stay anchored.


We need to divorce drifting because we have to be able to separate the people who have drifted and who have decided.


Some people decided to go there, they didn’t drift there. It didn’t happen slowly. You know how you got into their bed – you didn’t drift, you decided. Some of you will be in a storm tomorrow but you didn’t drift there, you decide to go there.


Some of us need to journal that “I decided to get into this bad relationship, I decided to walk out on my marriage, I decided to stop being faithful with my finances…” – A lot of things were decisions, not drifting.


It takes humility to be able to say that it wasn’t a slow drift – but you drove 90 miles into the storm.


James 1:13-15 New Living Translation (NLT)

13 And remember, when you are being tempted, do not say, “God is tempting me.” God is never tempted to do wrong, and he never tempts anyone else. 14 Temptation comes from our own desires, which entice us and drag us away. 15 These desires give birth to sinful actions. And when sin is allowed to grow, it gives birth to death.


4. Temptation Comes from Our Own Desires


These entice us and carry us away.


These desires give birth to sinful actions.


Desires and decisions come together and make sinful actions.


You got to where you are because you were focusing on the wrong things too much. Watch your eye gates and your ear gates. They birth sinful actions. Sin is allowed to grow – some have toddler sin, teenage sin – some of your sin is asking you to borrow the car. It might have been just a drift when it started.


It was so little – it was in college – it was just on my birthdays, it was just a drift, now they became desires, now the desires makes you have decisions, now the desires and decision have birthed sinful actions – now the sinful actions need college funds. Now you provide for them.


You have to set up condos for them now. You’re in a relationship or marriage but have to “go out of town for business”. Now you’ve now provided for them. God didn’t cause you to do that. He didn’t drive you away.


When sin is allowed to grow, it gives birth to death.


Today, no matter where you are, today is a turning point.


All this biblically means is to repent.


In this moment, that thing you’re feeling in the pit of your stomach is conviction – be out in the deep with God.


Decide that you will not drift.


  • How many people in the last year has drifted in an area of your life?
  • Have you drifted in your spending?
  • Have you drifted in the way you were eating?


What do you do? Do you stay out in the deep without God or stay in the situation? Ask God to help you anchor – even if it’s to anchor in your life. There’s nothing too minimal for God to help you with.


God said, “you’re reeling it back in” – in this moment, decide you’re not going to drift.


5. Drifting Begins When Obedience to God Ends 


Acts 27:13 New Living Translation (NLT)

The Storm at Sea

13 When a light wind began blowing from the south, the sailors thought they could make it. So they pulled up anchor and sailed close to the shore of Crete.


It wasn’t a heavy wind. It wasn’t a gust.


Look at the thought process of the sailors – they thought they could make it. It’s like, “It’s okay to get tipsy on my birthday”, “I can mess around with a couple people and still be saved”, “it’s okay that I talk crazy to my kids, they know I love them” – it doesn’t feel “that bad” in comparison, in light of, etc. and we start making “little drift decisions.”


6. Arrogance is the Primary Ingredient that Will Make You Assume You Can Take Action Without God 


That’s why your drift turns into “a drown”.


You were arrogant enough to think you could take steps without God.


What are you doing right now that God is nowhere a part of because you didn’t ask Him to be.


“I can do this without God” – this aligns with relying on your gift without God.  


Some of you have gifts to sing, to play, to write, to administrate, to make movies – but you’re doing it by yourself.


Don’t confuse gifting with anointing – don’t be arrogant enough to think you can do things without God.


This is the myth of your drift.


Don’t think God is a side-dish to the main part of your life, i.e. a career with a side of God, a bomb relationship with a drizzle of God – that is arrogance.


That’s the arrogance that Saul had. In arrogance, Saul offered the burnt offering by himself. Samuel walks up and asked what have you done and Samuel was done/out. We would not know David if Saul didn’t drift. What would have happened if Saul would have stayed anchored? Your replacement is not needed if you stayed in place. Too many believers get arrogant and think that they can run the church with God, have a good marriage and a good business without God. You’re too arrogant to be anchored so God finds your replacement.  


Decide that your accolades don’t mean your anchored, your anointing doesn’t mean you’re anchored, a blue check, zeros in the bank, full ride scholarships, someone famous affirming you – it doesn’t mean your anchored.


Their assumptions led to wrong actions.


This is the year of the anti-drift.


Pray every day – not as a religious activity, but to acknowledge God that you need Him in everything and every one of your days. A day without prayer is a boast against God. When you don’t pray, it’s a boast against God, like “don’t worry God, I got this today.” This is why we invite God’s presence into everything that we do. We are anchored on prayer. It’s saying you’re not arrogant. Nothing matters if we’re not anchored to God’s word.


These guys were not anchored. They didn’t heed the word. When the light wind started blowing, they thought they could make it on their own.


What do you do when you’re so arrogant that you think you can make it on your own? “So they pulled up anchor and sailed close to the shore of Crete.” – Arrogance leads to dumb actions. If you think you can do it without God, then go on – pull up your anchor – and just go ahead and do it, and see what happens.


Go on then – unplug from the church, stop serving, think that everybody that you thought was accountability in the last season that you trusted who are now saying something that goes against what you actually want to do, now you leave them because “they all turned on you, and nobody gets you”, and now you get a whole new group of friends that look good on the gram but are bad for your character – go on then! Pull up your anchor and see what happens.


Acts 27:13 New Living Translation (NLT)

The Storm at Sea

13 When a light wind began blowing from the south, the sailors thought they could make it. So they pulled up anchor and sailed close to the shore of Crete.


When they pulled up the anchor, they sailed close to the shore. They weren’t crazy enough to go out to the deep. They wanted to be close to the thing that saved them but not actually obey the instructions that they were supposed to have.


Many of us stay close enough to God but don’t anchor on what he actually said. Know that close obedience isn’t close enough.


7. Close Obedience isn’t Close Enough 


It was a light wind, “We’ve always drank, we’ve always had sex on the side, we’ve always done little things shady with money, we’ve always gossiped, my mama gossiped,” but God said, “drop your anchor.” They wanted to just stay close enough to safety.


“I watch Transformation Church”, “I give twice a year so that God will know that I’m here.”


God is saying, close obedience is not close enough. What has God told you to do that you’ve been close to doing but you haven’t fully obeyed?


We are in a storm as a country, as a Godless world. God is telling His church to anchor. It looks a lot like Timothy 3, chapter 1 through 5.


Timothy 3:1-5 New International Version (NIV)

3 But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. 2 People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3 without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, 4 treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— 5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people.


Do we find ourselves in any of this?


The saddest part is having a form of godliness but denying its power. From such examples/lifestyles/leaders/churches – people turn away.


This is why every sphere of influence (education, entertainment, government etc.) needs somebody anchored and God is calling you.


These men didn’t anchor, they tried to be close, but not close enough.


Acts 27:14-15 New Living Translation (NLT)

14 But the weather changed abruptly, and a wind of typhoon strength (called a “northeaster”) burst across the island and blew us out to sea. 15 The sailors couldn’t turn the ship into the wind, so they gave up and let it run before the gale.


Their drift put them in a place where they became susceptible. The little things you’re doing leave you open to be blown out to see. Isn’t it crazy that we always want to turn it when it’s too late. You want another chance when you’re 9 chances later. You want to forgive at the grave site. You want one more moment but you had so many moments and now they’re gone.


The sailors couldn’t turn the ship into the wind, so they gave up” – this is the saddest part because we give up and let it blow us anywhere.


There are people walking dead, not caring anymore, waiting for a moment and leading other people. Don’t give up because you’ve drifted into a storm.


8. Don’t Give Up Because You’ve Drifted Into A Storm


God sees you in the storm and wants you to understand that He will give provision in the storm.


If you’ve decided or you’ve drifted – don’t give up.


If you’ve contacted the divorce attorney, written your suicide letter, or are going to run away – we know you’re in a storm and cant’ take it anymore but don’t give up.


You have not seen the best days of your life yet. You’ve drifted from God but He’s calling out to you saying, “Don’t give up.”


Somebody anchored was still in the place of grace. That’s why it’s important to stay anchored, because you may be the reason somebody else is saved who decides to give up.


Acts 27:16-18 New Living Translation (NLT)

16 We sailed along the sheltered side of a small island named Cauda,[a] where with great difficulty we hoisted aboard the lifeboat being towed behind us. 17 Then the sailors bound ropes around the hull of the ship to strengthen it. They were afraid of being driven across to the sandbars of Syrtis off the African coast, so they lowered the sea anchor to slow the ship and were driven before the wind.

18 The next day, as gale-force winds continued to batter the ship, the crew began throwing the cargo overboard.


They were throwing cargo and key components overboard.


9. What Matters in the Calm Doesn’t Matter in Crisis 


Some of the stuff you care about, you’re ready to throw off as soon as you get in the storm.


Don’t even put it on. Don’t put the relationship on the boat. Take spiritual inventory, relational inventory, and financial inventory.


Don’t put it on the boat if you’ll have to throw it away in crisis. In the calm it looks good but there’s no use for it in crisis.


Acts 27:21-22 New Living Translation (NLT)

21 No one had eaten for a long time. Finally, Paul called the crew together and said, “Men, you should have listened to me in the first place and not left Crete. You would have avoided all this damage and loss. 22 But take courage! None of you will lose your lives, even though the ship will go down.


The damage and loss of this year comes if we disobey the word of the Lord to stay anchored. We have to heed the word that God says today.


“But take courage! None of you will lose your lives,” (HOORAY) “even though the ship will go down” (HOLD UP!)


There are consequences for disobeying God, but you won’t lose your life. That should be encouragement as well as warning.


What if that’s the prophetic word for your life? Because you didn’t stay anchored, you’re going to lose the house, but you’re not going to lose your life.


Some people think the house is worth more than your life. Some would rather have the perceptions of others for your persona than to have your life. Some would rather have a façade for decades than to live in freedom. God does not bless who you pretend to be. God blesses who you really are. God is saying to stay anchored.


His grace is still sufficient and you will live.


The business may not work, but you’re going to live.


Crazy faith starts with crazy obedience. If God says stay anchored, we must obey Him.


10. Take Courage, the Loss Doesn’t Mean You Lose 


There’ll be a loss but your life will be spared, you’re not going to lose.


The loss doesn’t mean you lost.


Acts 27:23-26 New Living Translation (NLT)

23 For last night an angel of the God to whom I belong and whom I serve stood beside me, 24 and he said, ‘Don’t be afraid, Paul, for you will surely stand trial before Caesar! What’s more, God in his goodness has granted safety to everyone sailing with you.’ 25 So take courage! For I believe God. It will be just as he said. 26 But we will be shipwrecked on an island.”


Since one person was anchored, everybody got spared.


His faith is still intact even though he’s going into a shipwreck.

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This is 2021 if you do not decide that you will not drift.


God is still good though.


Even if your life looks like this right now.


You can have peace with just a piece.

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  • The relationship, the business, the trust with your kids is wrecked, but hold on – anchor to the peace that you have. Hold on with everything floating around you. You can have peace with just a piece.


    11. I Got Peace with My Piece


    You can have peace knowing that you’ve seen loss, but know that you’re going to see land again and the pieces God provided will be enough to get you to safety.


    In water, these pieces would float – grab a piece of community, church, worship, the word – and hold on.

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If you feel like you’ve drifted, grab a piece of Jesus.


He is the prince of peace.


The ship might be wrecked but you will not lose your life. The drift may have you in a place where you have shipwrecked, grab a piece of peace.


When he went to the cross, He provided peace. This is the prophetic sign for anybody who felt shipwrecked. Hold on to the cross. It’s your piece of peace.

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This will get you to shore. You may lose the ship, but you won’t lose Him.


Don’t drift.


Make a decision, “I won’t drift.”


You’ve drifted and the ship has wrecked, but you’ve now decided that you’re going to hold on to your piece of peace.


Today I pray God, that somebody will grab a piece of peace and just lift it up. He’s the one who lifts us up.

God is the only one who can take your pieces and make a masterpiece.

12. Jesus is the Only One Who Gives Peace in the Storm


He’s proven it over and over, when economies fail, when people fall…make a decision today, “I won’t drift.”


Lord thank you for giving us the ability to not drift and for the audacity to obey you. In this moment, we declare that we have our peace.


God is ministering people, mending people who had shipwrecks, and solidifying people who will not drift.


He sustains.


Your promises always come true

Not dependent on me

But relying on you

Your mercies are new everyday

So I will trust You

I will trust You

(In the middle, in the middle)

I will Trust you

(Faithful and true, I’m anchored on you)

Through the rain, still you reign

You sustain

You’re an anchor in the middle of the storm

I can trust You no matter what comes


Father, we’re not going to lose because we’re trusting you.


Our anchor is Jesus. Declare, “my anchor is Jesus.”


Prayer and Altar Call: If you’ve been drifting and going in the deep and storms without Jesus, allow Him to anchor in your life.


In this moment, if you’d like to give your life to Jesus, know that today is the day of salvation. God has lined up all of these circumstances for you to have love.

  1. You’re making the greatest decision you’ve ever made. 2. We’re proud of you, but more importantly, your name will be in the lamb’s book of life. 3. Just lift that hand up right there.


God, thank you for sending Jesus as my anchor. Today, I know I need Him. I believe He lived, died, and rose again, just for me. Today, I give you my life, change me, renew me, help me, transform me, I’m yours. In Jesus name, Amen.

  • Text ‘Saved’ to 828282 for resources and content to help you to be anchored


The favor of God is going before you, He’s around you, and He’s beside you. I declare a hedge of protection around you, your family, your business, and everything that surrounds you. We are deciding that we will not drift, we will trust you, Amen.

You can still get “Relationship Goals” the book and study guide today for additional support:

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  1. Ignoring God’s Warning Always Leaves You Wrecked
  2. 2021 is the Year of the Anti-Drift
  3. The Myth of the Drift is that it Happens Suddenly, but it always happens Slowly – Your Drift in Private Affects Others in Public
  4. Temptation Comes from Our Own Desires
  5. Drifting Begins When Obedience to God Ends
  6. Arrogance is the Primary Ingredient that Will Make you Assume you Can Take Action Without God   
  7. Close Obedience isn’t Close Enough
  8. Don’t Give Up Because You’ve Drifted Into A Storm
  9. What Matters in the Calm Doesn’t Matter in Crisis
  10. Take Courage, the Loss Doesn’t Mean You Lose
  11. I Got Peace with My Piece
  12. Jesus is the Only One Who Gives Peace in the Storm

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    Background Transformation Church Notes - Elevation Church Notes - BIM 5 - Bold Insider Marketing - Volunteer to Help Write Notes

    I love Jesus, my husband, Will, my toddler daughter, Sola, and the beautiful friends and family in our lives. Me and Will are from the Bahamas, but we currently reside in Austin, Texas. We joined TC Nation as online members of Transformation Church in 2017 when we moved to Austin from Miami, Florida. In 2020, we also happily took on a more active role with the E-Fam of Elevation Church by fellowshipping with other married couples and were pleased to have the opportunity to join TC Beta Belong Groups. I believe that representing God doesn’t have to be done in “traditional spaces”. After listening to Pastor Mike's sermon, "Who's the Minister Here?", it became my mission to shed light on Christ in all arenas, including, but not limited to, corporate America, marketing, technology, and finance. I'm not perfect, but I'm progressing. I am a marketer, but first, I am a Christian, and the aim of this blog is to publicly share my sermon notes as a form of stewardship. I hope that these message notes can bring clarity to anything you may be seeking and help you to experience the peace and glory of Jesus Christ. I'm happy to pray for you as well if you ever wanted to shoot me an email. The effectual fervent prayers of many of you have helped countless circumstances in my life and in the lives of those around me. Thank you! Also, for any Amazon specific links that you see, as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.