Mike Todd’s Introduction
- This message started in Mike since he was a young boy. It has been materializing for three years
- Mike was asking God, what was the significance of it happening. God said, when the son of man returns, and He searched the whole Earth, will He find faith?
- There’s something about faith being a key ingredient to live out your life in purpose
- You can’t be the parent you want to be without faith – not even an employee that you want to be
- Until you realize this, you live your life below what God has called you to live
- One day Mike was driving in 2018 or 2019 and Crazy by Gnarls Barkley came one – Mike loved it because he’s a producer, but this time, the words captured him – “my heroes had the heart to lose their life on a limb.” He thought about all the Bible characters we love, and how those people did something that wasn’t safe. They lived life on the edge – it could go bad or really good
- Many of us are worshipping from the back in complete safety because we don’t want to fail – instead, we’re missing our future because our futures are lived in faith
- We talk about Abraham from over 2,000 years ago because he did something in faith – will your name or picture be in the hall of faith? Will Brenda, Will, Natalie, Mo, Bree, Mike or Abby be there? Will your name be there?
- Live your life in the will of God, generosity, and obedience even when everyone else was scare to – will your name be in the hall of faith?
- Mike declared that he wouldn’t play it safe with the life that doesn’t belong to him. This life was given to him by God
- God said, “will you please give me back control of the life I gave you?”
- That’s when Mike decided we’re going to live in Crazy Faith
- Every single message is going to be fresh so take notes – this may be your manual for the next decade of your life
Crazy Faith Defined:-
Thoughts and actions that lack reason, but trusting fully in what you cannot explicitly prove.
It lacks reason, and doesn’t make sense, but for some reason, you trust it fully enough to put your weight on it. You may not be able to prove it’ll work, but something on the inside of you tells you that you have to move.
Hebrews 11:1 – New International Version
Faith in Action
11 Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.
The best time to walk in faith was yesterday, but the second-best time to start walking in it is NOW.
Right now, you can start walking in faith.
No matter what time it is or where you are, right now, is always right now.
Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. – This is assurance, not insurance.
Close your eyes and see yourself on the beach with the body you want. Feel the waters and see the bank account that allows you to stay there comfortably for a month. Picture your favorite drink next to you. Picture somebody you love next to you.
For some people, it’s hard for you to see it because you don’t feel it.
Many people are trapped in a place where God is trying to show you something you will have before your situation changes to that thing. In an age where we want to know the facts, God is saying there’s a level of this life where I’m going to ask you to do things that don’t make logical sense. God is saying, your strategy is me. “If I be for you, then who can be against you?”
You have to trust Him in faith.
You have to see it before you see it. See your family whole and together. See yourself being able to give them some of the mashed potatoes. Your vision from the future from God is so important to how you move.
It’s crazy until Christmas. We’ll be crazy for the next 14 weeks to shake you out of lazy faith. With everything in Mike, he believes 2022 has a purpose set up for you that is so much bigger, beyond your belief, but if you get to the gate and don’t have the payment of faith, what if everything God wants to do won’t take money, or smarts? What if the only payment you need to change the trajectory of generations with your last name is faith?
Mike will help you believe in God to the point that faith becomes the thing that you walk with, wake up with, sleep with, and give away at the grocery store, and something in people leaps! Some people’s babies will jump when you’re around them.
We all need faith.
Without faith, we can’t be saved – we can’t live the Christian life we’re supposed to – we can’t pray. You need faith. – John 3:16, Matthew 21:22, and John 10:10 respectively
Today we’re talking about a man named Elisha. Elisha lived in crazy faith.
So to not forget or confuse Elijah versus Elisha, let’s paint a picture. On the screen we’re looking at Elijah.
Elijah is the OG – he’s Denzel.

We’ll call him EJ for the rest of the sermon. He was prophet of God, did mighty things, and was powerful on the Earth.
Then, he had a successor – Elisha. For him, we’ll be using Michael B Jordan.

EJ is the OG. Today, we’re talking about Elisha, a man who lived his life in crazy faith.
Mike is about to preach 3 sermons in 1.
We’ll need to get to the end of Elisha’s life, but we need to understand how it started. Some of you have been trying to get to the end of the thing, but God wants you to revisit how good he was at the beginning of the thing.
1 Kings 19:19-21 – New Living Translation
The Call of Elisha
19 So Elijah went and found Elisha son of Shaphat plowing a field. There were twelve teams of oxen in the field, and Elisha was plowing with the twelfth team…
EJ was looking for Elisha.
1. It’s Looking for You
Your next level – your next promotion – your next relationship group is looking for you. You don’t have to network your way into the next thing God is about to do.
You don’t have to dumb down who God created you to be to fit in with people you were never supposed to fit in with.
The next thing God is about to do for you is looking for you.
The future is looking for you.
Elisha wasn’t trying to get a promotion in the field. He was being faithful where he was placed.
In this day in age, we’re looking for the upgrade all the time. The new iPhone is no different, it just has a new name. God is asking you to stay still and be faithful where he placed you.
2. Crazy Faith Starts When You are Found Faithful
Maybe the problem we’re having is because He can’t find us. He can only see you when you’re faithful.
You’re so shifty with your priorities. You want a new word every year, but you haven’t obeyed the one He gave you three years ago.
You’re in your 6th church and at every church, “it was the leader.” “You’re at your 4th job in a new city and it’s always “them.”
Did God show up at your last location? Did He deliver the package where you should have been versus where you’re at?
Will you be found faithful?
When Mike started his journey of pastoring, he wasn’t trying to be a pastor. He was found faithful. He started behind the soundboard.
Nobody shouts out the sound man.
Your life may be closely connected to where you should be, not where you want to be.
Elisha was found faithful.
1 Kings 19:19-21 – New Living Translation (continued)
The Call of Elisha
19 …Elijah went over to him and threw his cloak across his shoulders and then walked away.
Elisha was just being faithful and EJ walks by like a G and rests the cloak on him and walked away.
That’s how quick ‘favor’ can come on your life!
There was no pre-warning. He was just doing what God told him and favor found him.
3. When You’re Faithful, Favor Finds You
Elisha gets a new weight on him doing an old thing.
There will be a day you wake up and go to work and the favor will go on you, at the same PC from every other day, but there’s a new oil on an old assignment.
It says, “Elijah went over to him and threw his cloak across his shoulders and then walked away.” He didn’t stay around to see if Elisha caught it.
I don’t have to be friends with you to have your favor. We don’t have to go on vacation together to be able to carry favor.
It said he walked away.
1 Kings 19:19-21 – New Living Translation (continued)
The Call of Elisha
… 20 Elisha left the oxen standing there, ran after Elijah, and said to him, “First let me go and kiss my father and mother good-bye, and then I will go with you!”
I don’t know what you just did, I don’t know how this conference will change my life, I don’t know what this means, but let me go and kiss my parents goodbye and go with you. He was going to follow the favor.
1 Kings 19:19-21 – New Living Translation (continued)
The Call of Elisha
…Elijah replied, “Go on back, but think about what I have done to you.”
Elijah had him go back and think about the favor that was just placed on his life.
If you want to stay there, stay, but if you come back, we’re stepping into a new level of living.
After this message, God may have you look back at something one more time, but when you come back, think about the favor He has placed on your life.
4. Favor is Always an Invitation to Another Level of Faith
Any time God gives you favor, He’s trying to skip you to a place where you’ll be less qualified.
Now you have to trust Him to be out in the deep.
The word for this year is “anchored.”
What people don’t understand is that favor always comes with a larger responsibility. If you’re favored in any area of your life, God wants to make you more dependent on Him.
For Mike, it was an invitation to walk in crazy faith every single day of his life. “God I don’t know what I’m doing, and if you don’t do this, then it won’t get done.”
Don’t pray for favor if you don’t want to go to another level of faith.
Stop asking God to bless you with a bigger house if you don’t want him to bless you with a higher paying job with more responsibilities. You’ll have to manage more and the first thing you’ll have to manage is yourself – which might be the hardest part because you know you.
Stop praying for favor if you’re not stepping into another level of faith.
This is where you, just like Elisha, will have to step out in crazy faith.
Do you know what Elisha did?
1 Kings 19:19-21 – New Living Translation (continued)
The Call of Elisha
21 So Elisha returned to his oxen and slaughtered them. He used the wood from the plow to build a fire to roast their flesh. He passed around the meat to the townspeople, and they all ate. Then he went with Elijah as his assistant.
Do you know how crazy it is to look at the career that got you to the place where you’re at right now, and if God says to follow this, and go to that career, and take an axe to it and dismantle the things that brought you significance? I.e., the way everyone knows you, e.g., “Bob the Builder”, “Rachel the Real Estate Girl”, “Isiah the Insurance Guy”, or “Billy the Basketball Player.” God says, don’t just walk away from it, because you may be tempted to go back to it. He needs you to break it and burn it.
What kind of crazy faith does it take to look at what has made you who you think you are, and then God says, “Can I have it back?” God wouldn’t do that? Ask Abraham about how God asked for the son back. It’s crazy to lead your promise up the mountain to kill it. It’s crazy to cut off your social media when you’re a content developer. It’s crazy to study 8 years in that profession and then to go volunteer at a non-profit that can’t pay you.
5. When You Walk in Crazy Faith, You Burn Up the Backup
Mike wants to get us to crazier faith, but many of us haven’t perfected crazy faith because we have so many backup plans.
When we walk in crazy faith, we do what Elisha did. We burn the backup.
This was his livelihood, but he knew he couldn’t go where God was calling him because of plan B in his back pocket.
Hands raised – how many of you always have a backup plan no matter what happens? Some people even have a backup husband/wife – that’s why your DMs are open. To live in crazy faith, it’s time to burn the backup.
Some of you are ordained by God to be a CEO at the company you’re at but you’re focused on your side hustle. You can’t get where God is calling you to be if you’re working on plan B. God said, you’ll never get what He wants you to see if you’re working on plan B. If God didn’t give you plan B, then only work on plan A.
You always needed a stash/side hustle because of what family members told you. What did God tell you? You have money stashed in a mattress when God wants to give you a ministry. Burn the backup.
If you keep going through the life God has called you to walk in faith by and with, and you keep relying on, and hoping for the moment where God allows you to get out of this current situation, and you can pull out the hard drive that you’ve been saving, the phone number you’ve been saving, the relationship you’ve been saving – some of you still have little black books from college. Burn that crap. Some of you are still holding on to bfs and gfs and notes they wrote you. That’s not your man. What God has for you is much better, but you’re comparing it to something that’s not going to happen. Burn the backup.
Some of us are so comfortable, that we can’t see our life without what we have.
How do we burn the backup?
You need a triple H prayer.
Pray that, “Lord, let this thing that you’re working in crazy faith go from my head, let it be so weighty that it drops to my heart, and that it then makes me do something and it comes out in my hand.”
You don’t break and burn something in your hands that don’t go through those three steps.
You’ll never give what God wants you to give if you don’t start walking in crazy faith, and allow it to come in your head like a good idea, go down to your heart where you can’t shake it, and finally come out through your hands.
It doesn’t matter how. Elisha could have been crying while breaking down the plow.
God doesn’t care if it’s emotional, as long as you’re obedient.
You may cry giving away that jacket and hoodie that “he” gave you. You may be frustrated leaving the city where you’re the man.
God wants to give you a new journey that takes crazy faith. You need to burn the backup. It needs to be final.
When you burn something, it’s not with the hopes of going back to it.
Elisha burned everything he worked for and made it final.
Elijah found Elisha faithful, gave him favor, and then Elisha made it final.
To walk in crazy faith, you need to be found faithful, walk in favor, and make the prior plans final.
Elisha came to the realization, “if I’m always holding on to what could’ve been, I will never go to what is.”
God is not in the past, He’s here.
If you’re always holding onto coulda, woulda, shoulda, then you’ll never go to what is.
Romans 8:18 – New Living Translation
The Future Glory
18 Yet what we suffer now is nothing compared to the glory he will reveal to us later.
What’s up ahead isn’t worth comparing what could’ve been.
It’s better up ahead. Some of you have been looking at what you’ve lost. Follow God out here in crazy faith, be found faithful, wait on his favor, burn the plows and go forward. It’s better forward.
Your family, finances, and the plans God has for your life are better forward.
Elisha leaves everything and went forward with EJ. Elijah lived in crazy faith – he was doing miracles. Watching them both was like watching a tag team of miracles.
Then it comes to the end of EJ’s life where Elisha would carry the mantle of crazy faith.
2 Kings 2:9-10 – New Living Translation
9 When they came to the other side, Elijah said to Elisha, “Tell me what I can do for you before I am taken away.”
And Elisha replied, “Please let me inherit a double share of your spirit and become your successor.”
10 “You have asked a difficult thing,” Elijah replied. “If you see me when I am taken from you, then you will get your request. But if not, then you won’t.”
Some of us just read the Bible, but you’re encouraged to investigate it. Read everything in front of and behind a scripture.
Elijah replied. “If you see me when I am taken from you, then you will get your request. But if not, then you won’t.” – What do you think Elisha did? He stayed with that man everywhere.
Imagine if believers stayed that close to God daily. “Good morning God, what are you doing today? You want me to come off social media today? You want me to give my shoes away?”
When you’re close, you can see the details that you couldn’t see from far away. God wants you so close, that when He makes a move, you don’t miss a thing.
Some of us have kept God at an arms length. We want steps from across the room. The next steps in crazy faith may come in whispers. It may only be given to you in silence. He wants to says that “I want to” hear you, sense you, feel you, and know you.
6. People Who Walk in CrazyER Faith Are Committed to Being Close
God challenged Michael to recognize that Crazy Faith was the first chapter, it wasn’t the finale.
Mike is standing in crazy faith. He was crazy enough to step into what God asked.
When he wrote his crazy faith vision in Bella’s room, and they got the building, and paid it off, God said that was the first step. You’re trying to figure out things, but God has that.
2 Kings 2:11-16 – New Living Translation
11 As they were walking along and talking, suddenly a chariot of fire appeared, drawn by horses of fire. It drove between the two men, separating them, and Elijah was carried by a whirlwind into heaven. 12 Elisha saw it and cried out, “My father! My father! I see the chariots and charioteers of Israel!” And as they disappeared from sight, Elisha tore his clothes in distress.
13 Elisha picked up Elijah’s cloak, which had fallen when he was taken up. Then Elisha returned to the bank of the Jordan River. 14 He struck the water with Elijah’s cloak and cried out, “Where is the Lord, the God of Elijah?” Then the river divided, and Elisha went across.
15 When the group of prophets from Jericho saw from a distance what happened, they exclaimed, “Elijah’s spirit rests upon Elisha!” And they went to meet him and bowed to the ground before him. 16 “Sir,” they said, “just say the word and fifty of our strongest men will search the wilderness for your master. Perhaps the Spirit of the Lord has left him on some mountain or in some valley.”
“No,” Elisha said, “don’t send them.”
Elisha was close enough to pick up the cloak. The prophets saw from a distance.
You can serve from a distance. You can post from a distance. God doesn’t want distant disciples. He wants you close.
7. The Crowd Can Tell When You’re Walking in CrazyER Faith
Elisha didn’t have to make a statement. When you “do you”, the crowd can tell that something is different.
Mike can stand here whether you clap, come, or give because he was called, approved, and verified by God himself, not you.
One of the funniest things that happened to Mike is that he had millions of people following him on Instagram, but no verification badge. Mike told Natalie that God said that He did it on purpose because it doesn’t matter what man says, Mike is verified by God.
This next level will not come from a committee’s approval. You have to step in cray faith knowing that you are verified by God. The anointing on Elisha’s life was obvious.
He started living in crazy faith. When he put the cloak on water, the water split. People were healed when he showed up.
Miracles, signs, and wonders are for the church today. The problem is that we don’t have faith to believe it can happen. We believe for crowds when God wants to hear “cancer.” “How was church?” “It was amazing! There were so many people there.” “Who got healed?” “The effects and lights etc. were amazing!” “Who got purpose from that? Did somebody find purity? Did somebody’s life change because of that?” – Mike will not leave a powerless church. There is a double portion waiting because he will live his life out on a limb.
This is just the beginning. Some of you have been living mediocre, sad Christian lives. God’s plan for you is to subdue, woo, and dominate on this Earth. Instead, you’re looking sad and defective. You will believe again.
Elisha starts living in crazy faith, then in crazier faith doing stuff things nobody said he could do.
How do you buy a building and pay it off in 6 months with people donating from around the world? “Do they go to your church? Are they your members though? Do they know what you’re doing with the money?” – these are questions bankers ask.
It may not make sense to you, but it’s about to make a miracle for me.
It may not make sense when the doctors and speech therapists tell Mike that his son is non-verbal and he’s about to be 6, but God has already given Mike a word. For Mike Jr. it’s about to make a miracle.
When you’re living in crazier faith you start doing different stuff. When you see a door, you think about how it’s coming down, how mountains will move – when we’re living at a low level, we think about why it’s closed to us – every door has hinges. Enough knocking, and if you have to get gangster and kick it down – that’s the level of faith you need to have until the hinges start to shake. This isn’t a low level faith, but crazier faith.
However you’ve been believing, saying, or confessing, go crazier.
Even if your family won’t understand, even if your connections are elsewhere, your company is elsewhere, it doesn’t matter, because in this next season, we’re moving in crazier faith.
Read all of 2 Kings this week.
Now let’s go to how he dies. We all die at some point. What will they say about you when you die? The worst compliment you can get is, “he was cool”, or “they were fun.” Summing up 80 years of life as “the life of the party”, not changing the trajectory of those behind us – the least we can do is leave an inheritance as good men for our children.
Faith and fear both build a legacy. Many of us are living in the fear of our grandparents and our parents. You wont step out or go to counseling because you haven’t seen anyone do it. Fear is now passing down generations. The scripture said, “now faith.”
Something can switch in your life to eject fear and burn the backup, and insert faith in there TODAY.
We’re walking in crazier faith now.
God if you said it, I will obey. If you said it, I’m already moving. If you want me to stay, I aint moving until you bless me.
This is available to you right now.
In 2 Kings 13:14, Elisha gets sick and is about to die. We can imagine that at the end of his life, he starts reminiscing on the highlights and the amazing things God did, and then he may have reached thought about how the end of his predecessors’ life, EJ. He may have thought, “how did I even get here?” – it was the crazier faith of EJ, that he got transferred a double portion of, but he may have wondered if he could transfer the crazy faith he got to somebody else. There was a king named Jehoash (pronounced Jay-ho-ash), who had been getting his tail whooped in his kingdom for years because the people were sinning. He came to mourn Elisha.
2 Kings 13:14-20 – New Living Translation
Elisha’s Final Prophecy
14 When Elisha was in his last illness, King Jehoash of Israel visited him and wept over him. “My father! My father! I see the chariots and charioteers of Israel!” he cried.
15 Elisha told him, “Get a bow and some arrows.” And the king did as he was told. 16 Elisha told him, “Put your hand on the bow,” and Elisha laid his own hands on the king’s hands.
17 Then he commanded, “Open that eastern window,” and he opened it. Then he said, “Shoot!” So he shot an arrow. Elisha proclaimed, “This is the Lord’s arrow, an arrow of victory over Aram, for you will completely conquer the Arameans at Aphek.”
18 Then he said, “Now pick up the other arrows and strike them against the ground.” So the king picked them up and struck the ground three times. 19 But the man of God was angry with him. “You should have struck the ground five or six times!” he exclaimed. “Then you would have beaten Aram until it was entirely destroyed. Now you will be victorious only three times.”
20 Then Elisha died and was buried.
Groups of Moabite raiders used to invade the land each spring.
Getting the bow and arrow may have sounded crazy, but he was faithful to follow the instruction.
When Elisha laid his own hands on the king’s hands, the favor came onto his life. He now has the favor of the one who could give him a double portion.
He took what was just a moment of crazy action and made it final. The arrow was gone.
Elisha proclaimed, “This is the Lord’s arrow, an arrow of victory over Aram, for you will completely conquer the Arameans at Aphek.” That simple move to obey the thing that sounded crazy will allow you to receive victory that you don’t even have to fight for.
When we came to get the building in crazy faith, there were victories won that we didn’t even realize were against us. We always praise God for the victories that we know about. Some of us need to praise God for the challenges and the opposition that never even made it to our front door. Obedience will make you be able to circumvent battles.
The victory is in your obedience.
This man was obedient and he found victory in crazy faith. This series is called crazyER faith though. When you live in crazy faith, God follows it up with an opportunity for crazier faith.
Look at the next thing Elisha said to him in verse 18. The instructions to obey were different this time. I.e., to strike the arrows against the ground.
God is giving you another instruction that doesn’t even require the bow. He didn’t ask for you to write a paper this time, or network this time. Pick up the arrows, strike them against the ground. Crazier faith can sometimes look crazy and insignificant. For instance, having a bible study where nobody is coming or serving at a ministry where nobody has recognized your gifting.
Watch this scary moment:
“So the king picked them up and struck the ground three times. 19 But the man of God was angry with him. “You should have struck the ground five or six times!” he exclaimed. “Then you would have beaten Aram until it was entirely destroyed. Now you will be victorious only three times.””
That’s what he had the faith for – three victories. Sometimes, when God gives you a command, He leaves space for you to fill it with your faith.
Did He give you a number to stop at? Did He tell you could only have one house? To touch one city? Did He give you a limit?
You thought three was enough. You thought the degree was enough. You could have been the president of the organization, but you settled for a plaque on the wall instead of walking in purpose.

There is space between Mars and Earth, space between the two teeth in this woman’s beautiful smile, and space between these two parked cars.
What is between the vision God has shown you in your heart and living it out in crazier faith? Space.
What if, when you’re walking in crazier faith, you have to fill the space with faith?
You can fill that space with anything. You can fill it with fear. Watching the news all the time kills the purpose over your life.
God calls you to do things that have never been seen before, you can spill the space with fear.
In this series, it may take chipping away at hard places in your heart or pessimism.
There’s a space between instructions and belief.
When Elisha told him to pick up the arrows, that man could have done something nobody had seen before. He could’ve picked up all the arrows on the ground other people left, from generations before, he could have decided not to leave anything on the table. He said, strike the ground.
He gave him a command with no cap.
Message Title: A Command with No Cap
This next level of crazier faith you’re about to live in. You need to be so close that you can listen for God to give you a command, and not put a limit where God didn’t.
This man literally could have been striking arrow, after arrow, after arrow, until there were no more left.
That depiction could represent victory over finances, your family, cancer, depression, every lie of the enemy, death, and poverty.
Three arrows represented crazy faith; 6 arrows would have been crazier faith.
Three arrows would have been considered obedience; 6 arrows was abundance.
Three wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t God’s best. Could you be living below God’s best? He was trying to do the bare minimum. God was trying to do something beyond belief.
That’s the season we’re walking into – we’re going beyond belief.
They will look at our lives and say, how did that happen, and we will say, we obeyed the command with no cap. Don’t put a cap where God has given you the audacity to live in crazier faith.
What could God do with your life? Could God be asking for the whole city where you only circled a block? Could God be asking for a little church from North Tulsa to affect the whole world when it was only trying to get a building? Could God be trying to get the whole family in your life to Christ while you’re only trying to get them to come to Easter.
God said crazier.
Mike thought it was crazy when God gave TC this building. We got the building, but there are 11 other things on there that God said He would do.
Miracle after miracle, after miracle, after miracle happened after Mike was made Pastor of TC. There was no working website, just obedience. People even left the church after Mike spent “too much” on cameras. For two years, there were only 50 views every week. Mike was found faithful. He was being obedient.
The young lady posted the Relationship Goals series, and they went from 1 service to 5 services. There were people traveling to TC, to North Tulsa. It looked like a melting pot of people. God said He was going to grow this thing. God found them faithful. Bishop put his favor on Mike. He let him run it and he was right there for if Mike messed up. He put the coat on Mike and told him to trust God for himself. He couldn’t do it the same way. They trusted God and were obedient.
Mike was exhausted. However, God already gave him the vision.
Mike and Bishop broke into the arena and took a picture in the lobby and declared that this place would be Transformation Church, because God said it. Be careful and recognize what God cosigns.
In August, Mike was able to show that we had the keys, paid it off in 6 months, completely debt free. The banker even laughed when he said he would buy the building. Mike lived his life in crazy faith, minding his business, stewarding what God gave him.
The building sits among other commercial buildings. When driving, the Holy Spirit told him to not take his foot off the gas in faith – that he believed for the building, but would you believe for the entire complex?
One year after purchasing this building, in Fall 2020, in the middle of a pandemic, TC bought the entire complex of Post Rock. We own the land Chick Filet sits on; they pay us. That didn’t come without preparation though.
When God did the first crazy faith miracle, he brought the team together and said he thinks God is about to do some more stuff. The team said, they thought TC needed to not just have a non-profit, but also a for-profit business. For some of you, the step you need to make has nothing to do with the miracle happening. God said that you need to open the bank account. They made a for-profit, Transformation Group Holdings Company, because they knew that they didn’t want everything to not be taxed – they want to make so much for the kingdom of God, that they could take funds and fund missions, and be the one to stroke the check for hurricane victims, and go to Afghanistan, and help to end sex trafficking without ever having to ask you to give an offering.
What would happen if the tithe and offering that came in if the tithes and offering that came into TC was never used for ministry in this building? What if every dollar we got in was going out because there was so much money coming in from other things that we did in business that we never ever had to ask for an offering to do what God wanted us to do, just because we’re here as believers?
So we went and bought the whole building. Are we done yet God? God said, “Michael, this can either be a monument in your life, or this can be momentum for the rest of your life.” We can worship this moment, or it’s so noble that it only bring momentum for miracle, after miracle, after miracle.
While Mike was on sabbatical, he was resting. He was doing what God told him to do.
One June 19th, we did a service for Tulsa. They knew they would do something significant because it was the 100th year of the race massacre that happened in 1921 in Tulsa, and nobody has ever done anything for reparations for the family in North Tulsa. Tulsa just got the first grocery store out there a year ago. It doesn’t make any sense. Mike said, it’s reparations season, and if the city isn’t going to do it, if the government won’t, the church will.
Because of the generosity of the church, we gave a million dollars away to North Tulsa, building, and survivors. When Mike was driving away, the Holy Spirit said that it was a seed for what He was about to do.
Mid-week, Mike got a call from security asking if he would be at the meeting. The security knew Mike wasn’t going to a meeting. Scott knew Mike was on sabbatical. Scottie said, “there’s something happening Pastor Mike.”
At TC, we decided long ago that children would be a priority at our church.
We want the kid’s ministry to be two times better than whatever we do in here.
For the type of children’s area we would need, i.e., the kids zone would draw students from around the world with state of the art facilities, and the building would be filled 3 times over every weekend.
We have to start preparing for the children to be here 3 times over.
In order for that to happen, the staff there from Mon. to Thurs. would need to be kicked out of this building. We need all of the space to facilitate the weekend. We needed to start looking for places around here to office in as a headquarters, and then do Sundays here.
The expansion team went looking and came to a building with 3 floors in a beautiful area right off the highway and were looking at leasing it. In the middle of the negotiations, it changed from leasing to, “would y’all like to buy this?”
We weren’t looking to buy anything, but they called Mike, and he walked up to the building that he passed for the past 6 years. He didn’t know when he was passing it that it was part of his purpose. They spent about 45 minutes walking through that building.
As Mike was coming down the elevator, the Holy Spirit said, “Michael, you didn’t believe for this, but I need a partner that has the faith to make this happen.” What happens when you walk at such a level of faith that God doesn’t even care if you believed him for it, but He comes to find you because He knows that you have the faith to believe for the impossible.
Mike said, “God if you want to do this, then you know I have the faith for it.” The literal people that built this building for 64 million dollars 6 years ago came to us and said, “there’s financial things shifting in our company and we want to sell it.”
Mike went to our financial team and said, “can we do this?” They said, “Pastor, if you walk in crazy faith, then we’re standing right here with you.” Be careful who you talk to when God is asking you to do something in crazy faith.
Our chief finance guy, Tim, is so faithful. Mike walked out that building, gave them the thumbs up, said that’s our building, and then went back on vacation.
When you don’t fight and God fights for you, you can rest.
The number one thing plaguing the church today is that we don’t rest because we’re always worrying about what God already said that He was going to do.
Mike went to rest. When he came back 15 days ago, these people said, Pastor Michael, it’s almost like things got out of the way for you to have this property.
A closing of this magnitude would usually take months to get through all the legal stuff. Everything was in place between the end of June and the top of August for TC to sign on the dotted line.
Mike said that he didn’t work that hard for it, but God said, “it’s beyond your belief”. God was about to make a spectacle out of the space that Mike puts faith in.
So Mike wants to let us know, that God has expanded our church again – not just giving us something cute for the staff to office out of, but a global headquarters to be able to train, serve, and function the vision God is taking us to. This is one hundred and ninety something square feet of office space – 6 floors of this and that, workout gyms, and all kinds of stuff way about Mike’s paygrade. We got the keys!!

It ain’t crazy faith, this is crazier faith, of the new Transformation Towers that will give God glory, honor and faith!
It’s not done at crazy faith; it is crazier faith.
This was beyond Mike’s belief. When he goes over there, it’s 30 acres; golf-course manicured property – highway frontage. It looks like something Tony Stark built for the Avengers, with LED lights all around it.

God knows what Mike likes LOL.
Because Mike was found faithful, and he found the favor, and made it final, this is not a season of life – this is how we’re going to live.
Make a confession, “this is how I’m going to live.”
It went from crazy faith to even crazier faith.
As a church, we’re not supposed to own over 70 million dollars’ worth of property in the city of Tulsa, OK. Mike doesn’t have enough education or favor for it, but because of the generosity and stewardship of all of us together, and because of the crazy faith of a bunch of people like us, when Mike dies, he’ll end up in the hall of faith, because he decided he wouldn’t live his life safe.
When God does something like this for TC, it’s not for the organization, but for the organisms. It’s to know that Pastor Mike is regular-degular, with past issues of pornography, the insurance fraud case – if anybody can be used – i.e., if God can do it with us, what does God have planned for YOUR life in crazier faith?
The keys mean nothing if he doesn’t have your life.
8. God Wants To Take You Beyond Your Belief
The staff shouted and praised at a level out of this world when they were taken to the building.
The company that was there decided that they still wanted to be in the building, so they would pay to stay on 2 of the floors while we occupied the other floors.
God gave us ownership and still sent assistance to be able to do everything else. It didn’t hurt us at all. It’s way bigger than you thought it would be, but God has us – still.
The book coming out on Tuesday is the bare minimum that will allow you to get to crazy faith.
Mike has 1 more pages to preach but he’s stopping right here. This thing is about to change your family, your life, and generations, because you will live in crazier faith. You will be able to experience God beyond belief. You will be a person of faith. This is the prophecy over you.
Prayer: Father in the name of Jesus, I did to the best of my abilities, what you called me to do, now I’m praying that when you give us a command, we won’t put a cap. Thank you that we would strike again. We would believe again, would stand in faith again, and go out even after doing it two or three times, that we will not be one to stop on the third one. Whatever you want to do with this church, and our lives God, you can do it. Today, we’re making a commitment anew and afresh to burn the plows and make an altar. We’re burning the backup and we’re going to live in crazy faith. Today, thank you that a revival would start on the inside of each one of us, and that we would trust you and your promises, and stand in faith, because when we do, you get glory, honor and praise. Today, let it be the start of a generation of people who will live, stand, love, and be able to say, that we lived in crazier faith.
If you believe it, receive it, and claim it – give God the greatest shout of praise that you can.
Altar Call: If you’re watching this and you’ve never given your life to Jesus, this is the biggest crazy faith step that you can take. This took Mike from being a liar, manipulator, and someone who had bad things in his heart, and God said, “if you would give me your life, and give me your heart, I’ll transform you and allow you to help other people.” Mike is standing here only by the grace of God. Today, that grace is available to you. Regardless of who you are, what you’ve done, who you’ve done it with, where you’ve said you’re going to be, God is asking you to surrender. He’s found you. It doesn’t matter how you got to this platform or who sent you the link. God said, “today is the day of salvation.” If you know how to pray, start praying because lives are on the line and eternities are in the balance right now. This is the one crazy faith decision that changes everything. If you want to make the decision today, slip your hand in the air on three. 1) you’re making the greatest decision of your life, 2) God is so proud of you right now, 3) Shoot your hand up in the air right now all over this world.
There are people here making a fresh commitment. Something is about to happen that physics and science can’t explain, it goes down to the cell level and changes you from the inside out. There’s thousands of people about to give their life to God. We don’t pray alone because we’re a family, and we’re a hot mess without Jesus, and some of us are still a hot mess with him, so just know that we’re in this together.
Let’s Pray Together: God, thank you for sending Jesus, just for me. Today, I realized that I’m a sinner and I need a savior, and I choose you, Father God, I believe that you lived, you died, and you rose again with all power, just for me. Now come into my life, change me, renew me, transform me, I’m yours. In Jesus name, Amen.
- Text ‘Saved’ to 828282 for us to walk with you, help you, pray with you, and for you to know the journey is about progression, not perfection. What better time to give your life in faith, but during a series we’re calling CrazyER Faith?
Tell everybody that this is the last time they’ve seen this version of you. The next season of your life you don’t talk doubt, you don’t talk fear, you talk faith. This is crazier faith season.
We will not put a cap on your command God. Thank you for the miracles because we start believing you in crazier faith.
Get “Crazy Faith” the book for foundational support:
You can also still get “Relationship Goals” the book and study guide today for relationship guidance and support:
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- It’s Looking for You
- Crazy Faith Starts When You are Found Faithful
- When You’re Faithful, Favor Finds You
- Favor is Always an Invitation to Another Level of Faith
- When You Walk in Crazy Faith, You Burn Up the Backup
- People Who Walk in CrazyER Faith Are Committed to Being Close
- The Crowd Can Tell When You’re Walking in CrazyER Faith
- God Wants To Take You Beyond Your Belief
Text INTERN to 828282 for our internship program – 9/26/21 is the final day to sign up.
Join TC for service this entire week (starting on 9/27/21) at 6:30 PM (CST) for prayer and worship during our 7 days of prayer and fasting.
If you want to join a Belong Group, text “BGroups” to 828282 or you can visit transformchurch.us/belong TC has groups for all people, yes you too TC Nation!
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Join TC for prayer every Monday night at 6PM (CST).
Text SUSTAIN to 828282 to join the sustain challenge to show your creative expression of this powerful song.
Text SHARE to 828282 to share your story via the TC video booth.
Transformation Church would love to hear how God is touching your life through this ministry! Tell us your story by emailing mystory@transformchurch.us!
If you would like to support TC financially you can give through the TC app, or online through the website by clicking here https://transformchurch.us/give/. You can also Text ‘TCGIVE’ to 77977.
If you need prayer, email prayer@transformchurch.us!
For more information about Transformation Church, visit https://transformchurch.us/.
To join a Belong Group, visit https://transformchurch.us/BELONG/ or text BELONG to 828282
The D.I.G. stands for Deeper In God and it is a conversation where we dive deeper in God. Join us this Wednesday at 7pm (CST)! — https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYv-siSKd3Gn9IsliO95gIw