INTRODUCTION – Pastor Mike Todd opens the service by welcoming Transformation Nation:
- Shake off the week and give God the praise that he is worthy of!
- He feels something about to happen in our lives and that’s -Expectation!
- He jokes about how most people at Transformation Church seem to be having babies right now, he is so excited about everyone who is expecting because the one thing that happens when a person is expecting, is that everything changes because you know something is coming.
- For instance, what you eat changes, where you go changes, who you allow yourself to be around also changes when you are expecting.
- He continues to talk about the series and that we are currently in a season that he believes, God is trying to make people expectant for something that perhaps they weren’t pregnant with in a different season.
- Question is: What are we expecting? Are we expecting hurt or pain because it is what happened last time?
- But today, Pastor Mike tells us that God told him to encourage everybody that is part of this church to expect good from God!
- He prays, “Father if you could raise the level of expectation, that we would expect good from you.”
- A no is good because that means there is a better yes! “No” is not, not good. It’s a better “yes” in our future.
- Someone needs to know that God may have said no several times in your life, and had he said yes — that would have been jeopardizing a better future for your life.
- Thank you, Lord, that we can see your goodness even when it does not feel good.
- Father, we thank you that we do not get discouraged as we wait for the better yes, for our lives.
- The sign that we are maturing in our faith is that our “Yes” to God gets quick.
We are in week 5 of Crazyer Faith. Pastor Mike talks about how he wants to continue walking systematically in his preaching he doesn’t want to continue preaching series that sound good, but people cannot live out- in other words ineffective church. He is deciding that he wants to have effective ministry not just impactful or big ministry. The vision ultimately is to help his preaching work in people’s lives. He believes that through this series if one person can make their crazy faith work it will have an impact on a thousand others. If one can put a thousand to flight and two can put 10000 at flight it would change the world. This teaching is a cheat code teaching for crazy faith, and he wants to give us the tools on how to live out our faith. The last 4 weeks was just the intro, he recaps on what the spoke of: Anointed imagination, believing for more than we can see, getting the circle of Faith. Today he wants to take it to another level.
2020 was a challenging year for a lot of us, especially when things got difficult for his family when his father got ill and diagnosed with COVID. Pastor Mike says at this point he started thinking of the possibility that he may have to continue living this life without his father, his hero and it became uncomfortably real for him. When someone that close to you gets that ill one starts to reevaluate everything, and of cause he doesn’t mean for this to be a sad story, his father is very much alive and was in attendance for the service. Pastor Mike then continues to share that at this point he started thinking about what would bless his family considering how blessed financially him and his wife had been through the book they have sold over the years. So, on Father’s Day they decided to take their entire family (22 of them) from both Natalie’s side and his own family for a trip outside of the country. He obviously did not anticipate all that could come with 22 people, from their preferences and attitudes and especially their luggage. They had 38 pieces of luggage altogether for the four and half days. As he was examining all that was happening with the luggage and the different equipment every person had brought along, from strollers, wheelchairs and bag packs he considered that all these people packed all this stuff for a trip they have never been on because they had a vision, which meant there were 22 different visions of what this trip would entail for them and if he were to open up a single person’s luggage he could tell what sort of vision this person had for a trip they had never been on. So if vision is valuable for a vacation how much more valuable is vision for your victory? The question he poses today is what is your vision for your marriage? What is your vision for your business? What is your vision for you finances, children or ministry? Because it’s not a vision until it is written? Most people have a vision for the trip they want to take but not for the vision that will bring them into victory.
So today he wants to talk to us about VISION.
Some of us have a vision for inanimate objects. We have a vision of standing in long queues to spend money on clothes, but we won’t spend money to get the help or counselling that we need. We have a vision of the house we want to live in but do not have a vision got the house (our bodies) that we live in every day. It doesn’t mean if we do this, we are bad people, but we may not realise the value of vision.
“Where there is no vision, the people will perish” in other words…
- Where there is no vision, God is saying, “I really wanted something to flourish right there, but they would not get a vision from me.”
- Where there is no vision, God has commanded it to be a desolate place,
- Where there is no vision, it cannot feed others with life.
- Many people are existing and not living
Pastor Mike, encourages us to think about every area in our life and to ask ourselves, do I have vision there? It doesn’t have be a dissertation but a written down vision of what we want in that area of our life and what God has said about that area in our life.
“Where there is no prophetic vision (revealed truth), the people cast off in restraint”
Prophetic means something in the future, a vision is something that is up ahead not where I am currently. In your life there is plan that God already has, and it looks good from up there better than it does from down here. But if we do not get an image of that prophetic vision, we cast off restraint. In other words, …
When you find an area of your life that you don’t care about it is linked to your future/vision. If you stop caring about it, it means you get sloppy about what God has called you to do.
“When people do not accept divine guidance, they run wild”.
There are areas in our lives that are completely wild because we have not accepted Gods divine guidance. In other words, …
Ps Mike then turns to those of us who are still searching in relationships. He says that if you do not allow the word of God to govern how you do relationships. You aren’t a bad person for going wild but because it is not governed by God it’s going to get wild.
Proverbs 29 vs 18 The Message
“If people can not see what God is doing, they will stumble all over themselves.” In other words,
Then the Lord answered me and said: “Write the vision and make it plain on tablets. That he may run who reads it.” In other words, …
It’s not vision if it’s in your head, vision needs to be written down. Get in prayer and whatever God shows you write it down.
Pastor gives an example of how we can write our visions down- You can get a paper and at the top write down Family and ask God to give you a vision for your family without comparing it. Another could be Health and write down how you could be a better version of yourself.
And then God Answered: “Write this. Write what you see. Write it out in big block letters so that it can be read on the run. This vision-message is a witness pointing to what’s coming.
When you write the vision down you give it permission to actually come. When we get a vision it points to what is coming.
Most of us are scared to write it down because we think if it doesn’t happen then Gods isn’t good or that we heard the wrong vision. But we need to remember that: not forget that God existed and will continue to exist long before we came and long before we go.
- We don’t have to protect God’s reputation. that God existed and will continue to exist long before we came and long before we go.
- When we walk around being scared, that is the only thing that can limit God from doing miracles on the earth. Ps Mike refers to Jesus and his journey back to his hometown, how the people there could not get over his humanity to see his divinity.
REPRESENT merchandise was not a thing 8 years ago, however PS Mike saw the vision way before this current moment and now there are people in other countries wearing and printing this merch. Moral of the story, the vision God gave you is not only for you.
Ps Mike does an illustration with all the luggage from his family trip, however, when he opens the luggage, they are all empty. He then poses the question, do you have vacant vision, where God is trying to work in you, and you look packed, but you have no vision?
When we pack and prepare for the vision we don’t pack when we arrive there, we pack before we get there. We pack for the season to come from the current season we are in.
God wants us to start packing right now for where he is about to take us. Wherever it is vacant, God wants you to fill it up. Prophetically our lives should look like heavily packed bags. But the bag once it’s closed looks the same as it was when it was empty- the only difference is that there is some weight on the bag.
This week put on a blindfold or close your eyes start calling out areas of your life- Spiritually where are you a year and half from now? Where do you work a year and half from now? How much money is in your bank account? Who are you helping? It can even be a month or a week from now.
When you start walking like this and make space -God will give you a vision.
If you are troubled by anxiety right now, see yourself standing bold and tall, see yourself sharing your testimony about how you used to have anxiety.
Vision is being able to see what God has for you in your future.
That is what the Scriptures mean when they say, “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him.”
It is already prepared for, all you have to do is ask God for it, no need to conjure up anything or perform a dance or ritual Just Ask God for vision.
- VISION GIVES ENERGY– Some of us are so lethargic but when we get vision, we can get motivated enough to get things done. You need energy to work out, get a vision of actually getting healthy, you need energy to go to counseling for your marriage, and ask God to give you a Vision.
- VISION ELIMINATES EXCUSES– We shouldn’t have an excuse when God gives us a vision. And when you don’t have vision, your excuses are louder than your productivity.
- VISION REGULATES WHO AND WHAT YOU ENTERTAIN– When you have vision you can set perimeters for who can take and deposit in your life.
- VISION ILLUMINATES EXITS– When you get a vision you know when to leave situations. When you get vision your no and our yes become very clear. Most of us are looking for opportunities instead of assignments however with a vision the exist is illuminated. When chaos come you will find yourself running into things instead of running out of them when there is no vision.
- VISION FRUSTRATED THE ENEMY-That’s why the enemy wants to steal, kill and destroy your vision. He demotivates you about starting again because last time it didn’t work out.
- Vision produces endurance- When you have vision it will make you last in the race even when it seems nothing is going your way.
How do we Endure?
“We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our Faith. Because of the joy awaiting him, he endured the cross disregarding its shame. Now he is seated in the place of honor beside God’s throne.”
If we have a vision, we can withstand all the bad things that come our way.
PS Mike Todd Closes by giving us Homework, he challenges us to look at every area of our life that has vacant vision. To write down a vision from God as it says in Habakkuk and allow God to refine it for you.
Hands lifted as Ps Mike prays for us…
Every service he feels an anointing to impart from the things he has leant from and mastered. Today he wants to pray that there is a courage and boldness to write what God has for our lives.
Prayer: Father in the name of Jesus I thank you that vision is coming alive in your people. I thank you that you have spoken all the way back from Abraham in vision and dreams and today we ask you God, that you let me stand in authority to impart Father God from your word what you have made available to everyone one of your children. I speak Faith enough for us to get the vision, write it down and make it plain. For every area of our lives that has vacant vision that you would fill us up God. Give me vision for my family, give me vision for my health, give me vision for my finances, give me vision for my relationships, give me vision for outreach, give me vision father for serving others, FILL ME UP! God, I declare that this week will be a download, a download for vision, that we will not look like people who have nothing in them. FILL US UP. I declare Father God that this group of people will be ready to say yes to whatever you want to do and whatever you want to say. We will keep our eyes focused on you father, you did it for the joy that was set before you, for the vision of you sitting at the right hand of the father. Give us endurance to be able to outlast the doubt, to outlast the depression to outlast the devastation. Father you are making us stronger right now, FILL US UP! We can’t do this without you.
If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will given to you.
If you lack vision, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault.
Thank you, father, wherever we may be, on rebroadcast a year or even 10 years from now. Today we ask for vision (Sings: Fill me up)
Alter Call:
Someone needs vision for eternity, we may be praying for all these things however they are temporary. God sent Jesus to the cross so that we could get a prophetic vision of eternity. That we could be singing holy, holy around the throne and worshipping God all day. I don’t know about you, but I have envisioned my mansions in heaven and the streets paved in gold, its written and it gets really good in the future for us. But to see the vision there is something you need to do, you need to ask Jesus to come into your life and be Lord, It’s the greatest decision I have ever made. It took me from being someone who was a liar, manipulator and addicted to pornography. Somebody who was a really bad person on the inside, not because I just wanted to be. But it was the nature of the world we live in; things came in I adapted to them grew them and let them control my focus. Then God said can I give you a new vision of what I see in you? And when I accepted Jesus as my lord and saviour according to romans, he was who he said he was, and I believed that he died for me. Its at that moment by grace through faith, by grace not works nor effort or energy but by grace through faith that I was saved. My eternity was secured, and today I just believe that there are tons of people that are watching who want to get a vision for their lives here, but this is temporary. The bible says its like a vaper it happens quickly. But for the rest of eternity get a vision of you worshipping God and being in that great cloud of people and witnesses who are part of the cheering section of faith for everybody else. God says he wants to write your name in the lambs book of life. On the count of three if you want to make Jesus Christ your personal Lord and Saviour and get a vision of yourself free? Get a vision of yourself not burdened down by all the things that are trying to trap you? I want you to lift your hands, its going to change your life forever, not just yours but your family’s life. 1 You are making the greatest decision of your life. 2 I am so proud of you and God is going to write your name in the lamb’s book of life, he is going to make it a vision. 3. If you want to make the decision for Jesus lift your hands all over the world.
All you have to do is ask God to fill you up, that’s it.
Prayer: God thank you for sending Jesus down just for me. Thank you for having a vision of me healed and free today. I give you my life I believe that you lived and died and rose up just for me. Change me, renew me transform me, I am yours.
In Jesus name
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