FYI: I wrote these notes using my phone, then I couldn’t upload them to the site, so I had to then screenshot them, and then use a text extractor. Long story short, please forgive any errors as it is a little rough.
Mike Todd’s Introduction
God is trying to remind us to still wait on Him, even while in this season of acceleration.
There’s a blessing on the other side of the wait. Wait on Him.
CrazyER Faith shows the hunger of our movement.
Today we’re in week 8 of CrazyER Faith. This principle, truth, and lifestyle can change everything in your life.
It’s bamboo season at TC – a season of unusual acceleration.
A bamboo tree remains in the ground for three and years, and after it breaks forth, it has the ability to grow two inches every single hour. This is our bamboo season.
What can God do in the next 2 months in your life?
Genesis 26:12
New International Version
12 Isaac planted crops in that land and the same year reaped a hundredfold, because the Lord blessed him.
Genesis 26:12
Amplified Bible
12 Then Isaac planted [seed] in that land [as a farmer] and reaped in the same year a hundred times [as much as he had planted], and the Lord blessed and favored him.
Don’t stop sowing now… your time, your talent… Sow it now, because there needs to be a harvest for you. The spiritual faith gift of sowing the seed is needed first.
Let’s be reminded of the backside of the blessing. Today, we need to walk in an extraordinary way.
Message Title: Bamboozled by the Blessing
What happens when the very thing you prayed for, tricks you out of intimacy with God? Or the house leaves you separated from your family.
God did the miracle. Now what?
Have you ever been bamboozled? It’s usually from an unexpected source – e.g., a friend, family, or someone you put on.
Anecdote: Mike’s friend John found a plug on Instagram to get Yeezy’s for $350 instead of $900. He gave his friend the money with full confidence. He already started planning outfits wearing the shoes. A week went by, then 2, then 3. They started encouraging each other. Then 4 weeks went by and they hadn’t heard anything. 6 weeks went by. Mike was aggravated. They both were scammed. It was actually a man who posted a picture of a young lady. Him and John both felt useless for like 3 weeks – Mike felt bamboozled.
Mike let the idea of the blessing distract him from deception.
1. Never Let the Blessing Become Such A Distraction That You Fall Into Deception
When the blessing comes, don’t be so distracted by it.
Don’t let the promotion keep you from praying. Don’t let the new house harden your heart from generosity. Don’t let the relationship cheapen your routine with God.
You can’t be distracted by the blessing because distractions jeopardize discernment.
2. Distractions Jeopardize Discernment
When the distraction is up, the discernment is down. People get bamboozled by the blessing because they can’t discern anymore.
Live a fasted life to hear every direction, the whisper of God. You need to be able to hear the details. The details matter as the level of responsibility increases.
If we lose our discernment, deception is right around the corner.
Stop being distracted and get your discernment to another level. God is speaking but your discernment is distracted by the culture (news, social media, etc.)
For many of us, God is telling us to do something, and we stop doing the thing that puts us in a place of protection.
We can be distracted by compliments and the blessing of encouragement that you can lose all discernment. We must still watch and pray.
Whenever God blesses you, you have an opportunity to find independence, identity, and
to walk in entitlement.
We must be dependent on Him, completely.
For some of us. God has done it and He doesn’t hear from you until it’s time for Him to do it again.
Many try to find their identity in the blessing – what they do. For example, their job title – wife, husband, CEO, athlete, pastor etc.
The biggest plague is us attaching our identity to our blessings. We are His children.
Before anything, you are His child.
Your identity shouldn’t be in the platform or position, but in the person of Jesus.
You cannot declare your independence from God or your identity in the blessing.
When you do, you start walking in entitlement instead of gratefulness and thankfulness. There are so many people acting like God owes them something. Your breath is grace every morning.
You think you deserve a new house or to be in leadership. It’s a blessing. You are not entitled to it.
When God does “it”, you have an opportunity to walk in PRIDE. This stops acceleration faster than anything. When pride takes over, you’re about to be shut down from heaven.
You shut down the blessing of your own life because of pride.
You form an idol in things like cars when you walk in pride. You should have no other God’s. If you express your love to it more than God, it’s an idol. If your Bible is dusty but your IG and Facebook are lubricated, they’re idols and they’re stopping God from blessing you.
The enemy hasn’t changed his strategy from the garden. The enemy came to suggest independence from God. He suggested that they eat that blessing for their identity to change. Adam, Eve, and Satan were all kicked out because of pride.
How long we stay in a season of acceleration is dependent upon our humility.
James 4:6
King James Version
6 But he giveth more grace. Wherefore he saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble.
Humility has an aroma. It leaves a fragrance. God opposes pride and shows favor to the humble.
Pride will get you kicked out of paradise.
Don’t get tricked after the blessing. Tear down every idol. Never worship a noun – a person, place, or thing. To God be the glory. That’s not a churchy thing. Don’t be confused about who you really are.
Stay humble.
How to combat pride? Humility – what you think and feel when you’re alone and when people are there.
You combat pride with humility. You stay humble through service.
Who are you serving? Are you calling His name and never had the posture to serve somebody?
You have 6 figures, you prayed for the private practice, but who have you served?
Show up serving. At the birthday party, at the kids’ school, at something made for you, show up serving.
Put yourself in a position to serve. Your hands will get dirty, your outfit may get messed up, someone younger than you may be in position over you. You can’t look at age instead of anointing. You may be 34, but you’re anointed. Don’t miss that because of pride.
Don’t just be a serial sower, but a serial server.
3. Bamboo Season Is Always an Introduction to Greater Service
When you get promoted or get married, there’s greater service expected.
When you have more kids, greater service.
Service is conducive to unusual acceleration.
4. In the Kingdom, Service is the Secret to Success
Status is not the secret to success. The people who have committed their life to serving is the secret to success.
Have you ever decided to serve water at the LGBTQ parade? Serve whoever God places in front of you. In the kingdom of God, service is the secret to success.
Matthew 20:28
New Living Translation
28 For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many.”
He served and sacrificed.
There’s no specificity about who He died for.
Serve others and your sacrifice will affect many.
At TC, when we give, we serve others, and it impacts many.
Matthew 23:11
New Living Translation
11 The greatest among you must be a servant.
Some of us aren’t materialistic, but you worship your children, even though they’ll leave you. You’re called to serve your children, but not at the expense of serving God.
For some, God hasn’t had any time with you since giving birth. You’ve gone to wine more than the well.
5. You Have to Serve It Before You See It
The goal is not to have one season of unusual acceleration, it’s to have multiple seasons.
In David’s journey, he had several seasons. He minded his business spending time with God. He was anointed the king of Israel and the sent right back to the same job.
1 Samuel 16:11-16
New International Version
11 So he asked Jesse, “Are these all the sons you have?”
“There is still the youngest,” Jesse answered. “He is tending the sheep.”
Samuel said, “Send for him; we will not sit down until he arrives.”
12 So he sent for him and had him brought in. He was glowing with health and had a fine appearance and handsome features.
Then the Lord said, “Rise and anoint him; this is the one.”
13 So Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the presence of his brothers, and from that day on the Spirit of the Lord came powerfully upon David. Samuel then went to Ramah.
David in Saul’s Service
14 Now the Spirit of the Lord had departed from Saul, and an evil[a] spirit from the Lord tormented him.
15 Saul’s attendants said to him, “See, an evil spirit from God is tormenting you. 16 Let our lord command his servants here to search for someone who can play the lyre. He will play when the evil spirit from God comes on you, and you will feel better.”
Everything bad that’s happening to you is not the devil. It is not the thing that will take you out, but actually develop you.
God had to call David… the backup.
When you’re walking in pride it will keep you away from your destiny.
David’s first time at the palace, where he was going to be, was in a position of service, not authority. Sometimes, you need to shut up and serve, instead of being so anxious to be seen.
God is testing your heart, honor and humility when He asks you to serve.
If you don’t serve someone else’s vision, why would He send someone to your vision. You didn’t sow serving, so you can’t reap it.
6. What Will One Day Be Your Seat Starts Out as Your Service
If we would ever get in a place of service, we would change the way we wait.
As a server at a restaurant, our job is to wait on a customer. Your wait is ugly. You might as well not even be here because of the way you’re serving. A good waiter has exceptional posture.
He gives us positions to serve.
7. Seven Steps to Kingdom Success
Whose vision are you under? When your heart is open and ready to serve, God will show you people to be submitted to. You need to be submitted, for example to your local church. Serving prepares you for your next level of service.
The bag isn’t always the biggest form of blessing. There are certain atmospheres that money can’t buy. You must choose to serve.
Stop putting your kids out at 18, ready or not. Serve your kids a couple of more seasons.
Become sub to the mission. Mike is where he is today not because of strategy but because of submission.
Get submitted if you want kingdom success.
We need to bring excellence.
1 Samuel 16:17
New International Version
17 So Saul said to his attendants, “Find someone who plays well and bring him to me.”
This is a request for somebody walking in excellence. Are you serving in excellence or to get it done? Is it to show how much you love God?
There’s a spirit of excellence that can reach more people than eloquence.
You can’t just serve any kind of way.
Are you serving your wife with excellence? You haven’t planned a date night in 6 months, but you expect her to be a Sports Illustrated model? You haven’t been fully groomed since you got married. Bring excellence to your service.
The worst thing you can do is leave a job sloppy. You may have had 17 years on the job of excellence, but you can’t decide to leave sloppy.
1 Samuel 16:18
New International Version
18 One of the servants answered, “I have seen a son of Jesse of Bethlehem who knows how to play the lyre. He is a brave man and a warrior. He speaks well and is a fine-looking man. And the Lord is with him.”
What’s your reputation in the room you’re not in?
What do they say about you? Some of us need to pray for the next 6 years because we were wild before grace and mercy.
A good name is better than wealth.
God can give you a name worth more than anything you can do on your own. To have good service, protect your own name.
Integrity. This is how you handle things when nobody is looking.
Your reputation is your resume when you’re not in the room.
What do you do? All you do is pray? Has God gifted you anything else?
Can you send an email to the prayer team? Become valuable on multiple levels.
Show up serving. David was versed – with a stringed Instrument, slingshot, staff, and a sword. He was versed. We have to be God’s Swiss army knives.
8. Don’t Let Preparation Be Your Limitation
There was no practice time at the palace. He had to practice in the season before that.
He was versed. You need divine dynamics in your life – humor, wit, business savvy, creativity. You can’t show up and practice – that’s preparation.
1 Samuel 16:21
New International Version
21 David came to Saul and entered his service. Saul liked him very much, and David became one of his armor-bearers.
Most of us serve hands off. You have to be invested
When you become someone’s armor bearer, you’re carrying their armor on the front lines of war with no weapon. You’re out there sacrificing too. David was invested.
His own life was in danger to serve somebody else’s vision. If you’re not investing in whoever you’re serving enough to sacrifice something, you’re not really serving.
If you have to get up at 6am, use your hard-earned money, serve that child, serve that marriage, sacrifice time and treasure – this is sacrifice and a heart posture.
Don’t ever call it service if it’s not sacrifice. If everything is convenient. It’s not serving.
David was covered. Don’t serve willy-nilly. Be covered.
1 Samuel 16:19
New International Version
19 Then Saul sent messengers to Jesse and said, “Send me your son David, who is with the sheep.”
The king spoke to David’s covering (Jesse). Saul spoke to the person David was submitted to. Who are you covered by?
It’s difficult in this day of toxic authority and leadership to submit. Who is covering you? There’s still a group of people you can follow in integrity.
9. Spiritual Authority and Earthly Authority Are Not Optional; They’re Essential
Earthly authority is necessary. You may need to pray for people around you to see what you don’t see and to help you understand what you don’t understand.
The reason some things have been stuck is because if you got out on your own, it would be more damaging than it would be divine.
Is Jesus our example? Yes.
He was the son of God. He had earthly authority too. He was in the synagogue and didn’t tell his mum. Jesus said, “woman don’t you know I’m doing my father’s business” — we don’t hear from Jesus again. He was 12, then the next time we hear from him he was 30 LOLOL.
He was still covered by earthly authority.
Many are trying to get to a place to get to the next place. Service equips you all the time. Stay humble and serve and God will equip you.
10. The Season of Service Equips the Seat of Anointing
Service equips you for what you don’t even know what you’ll be walking into.
All you have is all you need.
The seat comes from serving.
Don’t be bamboozled by the blessing of God.
Commit to the keys of the kingdom above that bring success. Serve your anointing before you sit in your anointing.
Ask a spiritual leader what they need you to do that will relieve them of a demon that’s tormenting them.
Don’t be bamboozled by the blessing. Show up serving.
This week, where can you show up serving? You may not ever leave the house, but you can show up and serve the family member who feels lonely and text them 3 scriptures once a week and call them.
Wait on the Lord. Be at His service. He will renew your strength.
Humble yourself under the mighty hand of God. You can humble yourself, or you can be humbled. There’s a level of humility that needs to come back to us. Commit to a brand-new walk of service. Stand and say, “God, I’m at your service. I’m humbling myself and I want to be used to serve.”
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- Never Let the Blessing Become Such A Distraction That You Fall Into Deception
- Distractions Jeopardize Discernment
- Bamboo Season Is Always an Introduction to Greater Service
- In the Kingdom, Service is the Secret to Success
- You Have to Serve It Before You See It
- What Will One Day Be Your Seat Starts Out as Your Service
- Seven Steps to Kingdom Success
- Don’t Let Preparation Be Your Limitation
- Spiritual Authority and Earthly Authority Are Not Optional; They’re Essential
- The Season of Service Equips the Seat of Anointing
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Another blessing! Thank you1!! !
Do you by any chance have the notes for part 6 & 7
My pleasure! Unfortunately, I couldn’t take notes for part 6 or 7 because I was newly recovering from surgery at the time. I may still backtrack and type them up at a later date.
Oh wow. Well thank God for your continued healing and recovery. Pray that you are restored.
Thank you so much!! Getting better each day.
Hi Samantha, quick follow up on this — Elsie (one of our new note takers) will be working on the missing 2 sermons this week.