Mike Todd’s Introduction
- Today Mike wants to talk to us about the way that we talk
- Most people are deprived of talking by faith
- Your talk cancels your walk
- You cancel things out with your words within minutes/days
- You reap everything you sow
- You may be doing everything God says to do, but the gossip and the secret conversations are digging a hole for you
- Venting is not a spiritual practice
- Venting is not a fruit of the spirit
- Some of us cancel out God’s promises that we believe for with the words we are saying
- Let’s engage and empower our faith talk
- Speak good into the present to produce fruit in the future
- This may change who you can hang around
- Your vocal cords were created for victory
- It takes crazy faith to write the vision down, and crazier faith to say it out loud
- Speaking out loud will declare to all of heaven, hell, and your family that you’re serious
- We need faith talk
- Too many of us have learned to have talk in a way that’s coated in deficiency
- When the family didn’t have money, you’d make jokes, “we’re so broke we can’t even pay attention.” This is training speech that works against the promises God has for your life.
- Pressure exposes
- Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks
- Everything you say, exposes the crevices of your heart
- Are you talking in faith? God requires faith
Today – divorce any talk that’s not faith talk. Divorce fear talk, frustration talk, failure talk, famine talk (poverty mentality), feeling talk (your feelings matter, but they cannot rule you; when you connect over dysfunction, you cannot grow), and famous talk (you have to be developed in the dark room; the light/platform exposes you; a burden and a blessing look very similar depending on where you’re sitting).
This is the design from the very beginning. God did not think or feel the world into existence. God said – that’s how He created. We were created in His image and likeness.
Fill your name in the blank. And __________ said. That could change your future and your family.
Light was on the other side of what God said.
The miracles we talk about were ignited by something a person said.
Abraham walked and talked by faith. He told the servant that he and his son would be back. That was faith talk.
Noah had faith talk too. When he was building the ark, he said it would rain and it had never rained.
David gave Goliath the play by play. He told him what he would do. He told a giant everyone was afraid of for weeks and said he would cut his head off. Some of us need to say that to our giants (pornography etc.)
Faith talk comes no matter what situation you’re in.
Moses was going to the most dominant man in the world, Pharoah, and had to speak in faith and say what God said. He could literally be killed. The cup bearers used to be killed for the wrong drink. Moses even had a speech impediment. God called someone with a deficiency to still talk in faith. God get’s glory out of making a masterpiece with something that other people discounted. When he said let my people go, that was faith talk.
Sometimes you have to talk faith when you’re the minority – even if people have proof from their own experiences or their own facts. Don’t live by fact, live by faith. Joshua and Caleb’s faith talk allowed them to be 2 of 2 million to see the promised land.
Your faith talk could be more important for your future than anything you’ve ever done. We can have whatever we said.
Joshua told the sun to stand still. You have to walk in so much faith to tell the thing that goes up and comes down every single day to pause. God likely allowed this to show us that what seems impossible, if you would speak to it, you could cause something for the first time in history. God is looking for firsts. Joshua got the benefit of being the first because of his faith talk.
Do you talk in faith? Your confessions change when you do. Example to sing along: “my family will be healed, that’s my faith talk, my bills will be paid, that’s my faith talk, I’m gonna forgive, that’s my faith talk, anxiety is evicted, that’s my faith talk, depression has to bow, that’s my faith talk, marriage will be whole, that’s my faith talk, I will live pure, that’s my faith talk, my business will be blessed, that’s my faith talk, my church will impact the world, that’s my faith talk, my kids will love Jesus, that’s my faith talk, I will give money away, that’s my faith talk, I will be paid, that’s my faith talk, I will heal the sick, that’s my faith talk, I can pray for my wife, that’s my faith talk, everything I touch will be blessed, that’s my faith talk, I will give this home away, that’s my faith talk, I will give this car away, that’s my faith talk.”
Don’t leave situations without the last thing being faith talk. Even if the answer is “no” today, swallow your pride and declare that one day, whatever you’re believing for will happen. Walk away and say, “that’s my faith talk.”
Talk about where your family will be next year.
1. Faith Talk Activates Heaven
Faith talk is the only language that heaven responds to.
When you talk in worry and fear, God entertains it, but He doesn’t respond to it. Only when the language turns to faith is heaven activated.
Matthew 6:9-13
New International Version
9 “This, then, is how you should pray:
“‘Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
10 your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
11 Give us today our daily bread.
12 And forgive us our debts,
as we also have forgiven our debtors.
13 And lead us not into temptation,[a]
but deliver us from the evil one.[b]’
There are not enough people speaking the language of heaven.
God has made the seen realm and the unseen realm. Just because you can’t see it, doesn’t mean it’s not here. God created an arena where He can see both.
We need to activate our faith talk to activate what’s in the unseen realm. God needs to hear our faith talk.
Colossians 1:15-18
New International Version
The Supremacy of the Son of God
15 The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. 16 For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him. 17 He is before all things, and in him all things hold together. 18 And he is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead, so that in everything he might have the supremacy.
Ephesians 1:3
New King James Version
Redemption in Christ
3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ
Everything we need has our name on it. Before we were formed, He knew.
He’s waiting on you to say it.
Heaven anticipates you to say it.
Some people have had angels that haven’t worked in decades.
There are even pastors who lead people and don’t have any faith talk beyond present needs. Get up in front of your congregation and say, “by faith.”
If it doesn’t happen it’s not an indictment on you. That’s pride to think that. You don’t make God look bad by speaking in faith, you do that by not bringing anything from heaven. This is why people think there are other ways to God, because the church can’t manifest anything through faith. People start looking at signs and chakras etc. because of access to the supernatural.
Hebrews 11:3
New King James Version
3 By faith we understand that the [a]worlds were framed by the word of God, so that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible.
Your words frame your world.
Everything you see was started by everything you can’t see. There’s more where that came from – ideas that are in heaven waiting to be dispensed to Earth.
The iPhone was not even an idea given by a believer. God shows us what’s possible.
When is the last time the church had an Earth changing idea?
The highest form of praising God is by walking in your purpose. When you do what you were created to do, you see God’s glory on what’s happening.
To fulfill your purpose, you need resources that are invisible to come to the visible.
2. What You Say Creates What You See
“I can’t stand this place.”—It creates a greater disdain for that job. “This marriage will never be fun again.” – If you have nothing good to say, don’t say anything at all.
If you can’t speak about it in faith, shut up, because your words are working. They frame your world. You’re living in what you said or what somebody else said about you that you received.
Revoke any words against you that were not the word of God. Get your faith talk.
What you say can change the scene.
We need to be specific with our words. Don’t ask for just “a husband” – but a husband that loves God, a husband that loves you, a husband with a little sauce etc.
What you say in faith can change the scene of your life.
For those seasoned in age, the Bible tells us that your latter will be greater than your former. This lie at 35 being the peak and being downhill from here is from the enemy. Your latter will be greater. Say, “I’m getting better.” High school wasn’t the glory days, college wasn’t the pinnacle. Even if the days were good, your faith should be speaking better into your future.
The scene is changed by what you say.
Mike changed the scene of our church by what he said when nobody was checking for TC. There were hardly any white people in attendance aside from Bishop, Pastor Debbie, and Darren – even though God said the church would be multi-ethnic. It was Black Fest 99 lol.
Will you declare what God said in the face of what you see?
In 2015, Mike declared that there would be no seats available, we would go to 2 services, we would be packed in both, and would have to go to another place. Mike knew there was something in the invisible that would be released to the visible if he had the faith to say it.
2015, 2016, and 2017 came and went and they still didn’t see it – but Mike’s faith talk stayed the same after years despite that.
He would talk in faith, “one day, God is going to do something big and the sleeping person won’t even be able to get in.”
In 2018, Mike said, “we’re going to 5 services, but God told me before we had 2 services…it’s not vision if it’s not bigger than you…when my eyes are closed I don’t see this building…I see an arena…this room can’t even hold what God is doing…look at what I’m (God) doing…write it down…what you saw with your eyes closed is coming to pass.”
Every time Mike said what God showed him, it was a transfer of what was coming from heaven to Earth. Depending on the size of the transfer, it may take a little longer. Heaven is a country – it’s a kingdom. Heaven is a country that’s trying to invade Earth. Sometimes it takes a few years for the transfer to come, but you have to talk in faith the entire time.
If you start your faith talk right now, everything can change in your life.
People around you that love you can talk you into less than what God has promised you – be careful. Don’t settle for the counterfeit.
Do not settle for less than what God has promised to transfer from heaven to Earth.
Message Title: I Said What I Said
If you really believe it, you can say, “I said what I said.”
Stand in authority whenever anything comes. “I said what I said.”
Jesus saw a fig tree with leaves like it was fruitful, but there was none. Be careful of what looks fruitful but isn’t. Be careful of
The standard of the savior is fruit, all the time.
Psalm 1:1-3
New Living Translation
Book one (Psalms 1–41)
Psalm 1
1 Oh, the joys of those who do not
follow the advice of the wicked,
or stand around with sinners,
or join in with mockers.
2 But they delight in the law of the Lord,
meditating on it day and night.
3 They are like trees planted along the riverbank,
bearing fruit each season.
Their leaves never wither,
and they prosper in all they do.
Get planted again because you never know when the savior will need your fruit.
Jesus saw there was no fruit on the fig tree, and it struck a chord. He said, no one will ever eat your fruit again.
He said it out loud so that others heard it. When you declare something, it’s both vertical and horizontal at the same time.
3. The Formula of Faith
A. The Formula of Faith: Declare Your Faith
Declaration lets heaven know
Declaration lets others know
Declaration lets reinforces what you know
Decide to talk your faith – say it, whisper it, shout it, scream it if you have to. Faith talk unlocks what’s already prepared for you in heaven and releases it.
B. The Formula of Faith: Demonstrate Your Faith
When they passed the tree again, it was withered. Jesus didn’t even pay it any attention because He knew when He said it, it was done.
They will notice what you already know.
3. How You Live After You Say It Matters More than What You Said
You need to declare your marriage will be healed, then call the counselor.
Act like it’s done.
Faith without works is said in the Bible.
You may say, “this is going to be mine,” and God may say, “not if you don’t get healthy.”
The promises are conditional. God is just like you are as a parent – if you clean your room, then you can have desert… If you obey me, then you can have responsibility and take the car out. You may be going to heaven, but you won’t have responsibility here on Earth.
Faith doesn’t work without corresponding obedience.
One day, in the name of Jesus, Mike will be so blessed, that writing a 10-million-dollar check to his local church will be an annual exercise. That’s not for everyone. It might take 40 years to get there, but it might take 4. The time is not up to Mike.
The tree withering took 24 hours, but Isaac took 24 years. Watch your words while you’re waiting. Don’t say, “this was the worst year of my life.”
Proverbs 18:21
The Message
21 Words kill, words give life;
they’re either poison or fruit—you choose.
The bible tells us that every idle word we speak, we will have to give account for.
Your words can cause death our nourishment. Think about what you’ve said.
You probably said some things you shouldn’t have said.
The world tries to tell us that what we say doesn’t matter. We will have to drink from both bottles of what we said. Whether we drink the poison first or last, it still kills us. Allow your words to bring nourishment to somebody.
Many look stained by the words other people have said over you. Nothing has changed yet, but as long as it sits, it will start changing the fabric of what the material was made to be. That’s the power you have over your children – stop saying they’re stupid or just like their daddy. Call them a man of valor, a man of integrity, and declare the mighty acts of God and that they will live a life of purity, even of they were shown the wrong life.
“Is that all the money you can make.” – that’s what you’re pouring onto your spouse every day. Your marriage should be, “two are better than one.” He’s in DMs with people from high school because it was the only time he felt worth anything and could get talk that’s not failure talk.
Be believers who speak, walk, and live by faith.
Figure out how valuable what God has given you is.
For Mike, he declared to his friend group that he wont cuss anymore. He doesn’t want curses and blessings to be coming out of the same situation. That’s his personal conviction.
Tomorrow needs to be the first time you say something positive about where you live or work.
Fulfill the purpose you have here so that God can take you to your next.
C. The Formula of Faith: Watch God Deliver
Mark 11:22-23
New Living Translation
22 Then Jesus said to the disciples, “Have faith in God. 23 I tell you the truth, you can say to this mountain, ‘May you be lifted up and thrown into the sea,’ and it will happen. But you must really believe it will happen and have no doubt in your heart.
D. The Formula of Faith: Duplicate
Duplicate the formula.
Declare it, demonstrate it, watch God deliver it, and duplicate it.
Anecdote: After weeks of God starting a progressive miracle for MJ, through his father’s faith, he is potty trained now. He is in big boy underwear for the first time, for this whole week. This is the first week of his life that his parents didn’t have to change his diaper. He didn’t even use the camper potty, he went straight to the big boy potty. It’s another anchor for Mike to hang his faith on. If God did it before, He can do it again.
God is real. That’s why you need to have faith talk.
When you open up your mouth, miracles should break out. You have authority that Jesus has given you.
Altar Call: Today is the day of salvation. If you’re broken, hurting, disgusted, and doing all the failure/fear talk. There’s nothing like having the access to somebody has favor. Today, you have the opportunity to put your faith in Jesus Christ. The invisible world is cheering. It took Mike from being a liar, addicted to pornography, and manipulative to progression. If that’s you, 1. You’re making the greatest decision you’ve ever made. 2. We’re proud of you, but God is proud of you and your name is being written in the lamb’s book of life. 3. Just lift that hand up in the air.
Let’s Pray Together: God, thank you for sending Jesus, just for me. I believe you lived, died, and rose again, just for me. Today, I receive you, change me, renew me, transform me, I’m yours, from this day forward, in Jesus’ name, Amen.
- Text ‘Saved’ to 828282 for resources and content to help you go into another level of desire
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- Faith Talk Activates Heaven
- What You Say Creates What You See
- The Formula of Faith:
- Declare Your Faith
- Demonstrate Your Faith
- Watch God Deliver
- Duplicate
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