Quick Note: I haven’t been able to take notes much this summer. I really fell off, but I’m hoping today will set me back on track. I took these notes with my phone so the formatting isn’t the best. Hope it’s still useful. – Abby 


 Today we’re going back into a series called Cuffing Season.


This is usually a season where people start getting into relationships that are trash.


It applies to more than people who want to be in relationships.


There are things we need to be uncuffed to that are no longer serving us.


There’ll be a new ability to trust God in situations that feel impossible to let go of/be set free from. What if you have the key?


He’s given us the keys to the kingdom. It’s time to get free.


Homework: Go watch all of the Cuffing Season series from spring.



We’re going to be cuffed until Christmas.


When you think of being cuffed or connected to something, it’s not bad if it’s prosperous. However, most of us are cuffed to things that we love that don’t love us back.


Like what? Food, bread, desires, attention, codependency, Netflix, and chill, Twitter, money, attitude, TikTok, social media, people.


If we’re not intentional, we’ll begin to form emotional bonds with things that have us bound.


If you’re cuffed to attention you’ll buy things you don’t want wear and go places you don’t even want to go.


Take an examination of the areas we’ve called normal.


Decide you’re not walking into another year attached to the same crap. What if your new year starts right now? Stop loving things that don’t love us back.


Cuffing Season: a Season where because of loneliness and desperation you settle for a relationship that’s below the standard.


This series is a deliverance series.


Some of you have been bound by depression and anxiety, and God is going to take you from that place.


Deliverance starts in your mind.


Laying hands and prayer are catalysts, not


the close. We have to be renewed in our minds.


God doesn’t want you bound, tied up, and stuck. You have to participate with Him.


We want God to drag us to promise lands when He said we’ll have to walk.


You have to participate.


The promise is going to take your participation. He’ll be there the whole way, but not carry you to what you can make a choice to do.


1. Deliverance is God’s Desire, but Our Decision


God isn’t taking you out of somebody’s bed. He’s not taking a blunt out of your mouth or writing your budget. You won’t


even write down what you pay but you’re expecting Him to give you more. For your finances to change, you need a note book, not more money. God is not going to the gym for you.


God wants you to be delivered, but it has to include your decision.


The children of Israel didn’t obey God. Their patterns were the problem. Many of us are cuffed to things because of our parents and family members. How you act when you’re angry is the pattern. You got it, then you became cuffed to it. You haven’t stood up to be delivered out of the pattern you despise.


Sin has a build up, and it’s quick. It was never meant to satisfy what only God can.


2. God’s plan is always the promise but our patterns delay deliverance


Chains do not break because of choruses. They break because of choices.


You have to choose a new pattern.


How do you find the same group of friends when you move to different coasts? That’s patterns.


Pray about what patterns you need to put at the alter. It may not be horrible, just not beneficial in this season.


Romans 12:2

New International Version

2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.



We should be able to practically share what God has taught us.


Points for Progress:

Examine your principles, patterns, and your parameters.


What are the patterns that you think are just part of your life? Where are the boarders of your life? Who can tell you what to do? Who can make you disobey God? Is it your job? Give someone a couple dollars and you’ll see where their principles, priorities, and parameters are.


God will show you your patterns. Do you gossip when people get blessed? Do you make the little “mmm” sound when people get married? For many, that’s a pattern. The principle is you think you’re less valuable when others are doing better than you. It’s rooted in security. You can make a new parameter to celebrate with others based on the word of God.


It starts with our thinking.


In faith, say you’re going to be transformed.


Who are some of your favorite musical groups? For me it was Destiny’s Child. They changed a generation.


When we look at all the groups on the screen, 9 out of 10 are no longer together. They made money together, created a life together. At some point there became confusion about who was in control.


This doesn’t just apply to groups that sing music. That same cancer has come into church. People are confused about who is in control.


This week, Mike is talking to people who are cuffed to control.


Message Title: Cuffed to Control



Some of us have to be in control. This cancer has not just tried to make us control our situations, but our savior too. We’re buckling because we’re trying to control something we were never meant to.


Lots of these problems are coming from delusional thoughts of being in control.


2 years after the pandemic and we’re back to thinking we’re in control.


Who knows where the exact button is at the electricity company to turn our power back on? We have the illusion of control.


Aren’t you tired? Aren’t you worn out from having to play God?


How exhausting it must feel to have to feel


like you have to be in control.


We must put control back at it’s rightful place, at the feet of Jesus.

3. The human creation was never meant to command control


We were given authority, not control. We try to take control when God wants us to borrow His authority.


Careful when you come in with the attitude of taking control. You can be in control when you show up, or if you’re silent. It’s manipulation against people, places, and things.


The enemy will suggest to you that somehow God doesn’t know best.


1 Corinthians 6:12

Amplified Bible

The Body Is the Lord’s

12 Everything is permissible for me, but not all things are beneficial. Everything is permissible for me, but I will not be enslaved by anything [and brought under its power, allowing it to control me].





Most of us are cuffed to control,  but we’re being controlled.


One person can make one comment about you and ruin your whole day. “You look a little chubby in that sweater.” Now you’re eating ice cream and you don’t even know the person.


The biblical word is “idol”. Anything that takes the place of God. Who takes control of your life?


If you can’t control the bald spots, why do you think you can control the years you have and God’s plans for your life?


God wants His spot back. He let’s you pretend to have power but you have no way to make it actually happen.



What’s one thing that’s in control, that doesn’t have control, that wants control, so things don’t get out of control? – Us


For Mike, he’s a challenger on the enneagram. God wants to strip him of control and wants to be with him. He wants him to delegate. Mike still had doubts and would rather control.


Many of us would rather choose control over closeness with God.

4.The devils first attempt to kill God’s creation was with counterfeit control


Control cuts off closeness to God.


Give it back to God.


It cuts off closeness to God.



Some of you have been trying to figure out so much but God needs you close to Him to show you what His plan is for your life. All control does is separates you from God.


Adam and Eve may have gotten a little cocky from being around this amazing creator, borrowing his authority. They may have been confused to think they were God and take control.


We make feeble attempts to get in control — lying on taxes, dressing a certain way, getting ppp loans with fake businesses. People wear name brands for the illusion. You’re in a house you can’t afford, but it seems like you’ve figured your life out to your family. You won’t go to counseling for the marriage on the rocks because you’re too grown to listen to anybody else. You’re


going to lose the love of your life because you want to be cuffed. Don’t pray for what you won’t let God actually change.


Arrogance, pride, being overconfident, and putting God’s name on our work, you didn’t even pray this time.


God let’s you have the consequences of you being in control.


Have you ever known the right thing to do and didn’t do it just because you didn’t want to? Yes.


God can give you instruction, vision, plan, and vision — and you still don’t do it just because you don’t want to. That’s being cuffed to control and you’re forfeiting the purpose of God on your life.


Lucifer was the head angel. He used to


conduct praise for God. His proximity to God made him feel like he was in control. He convinced 1/3 of the angels to follow him and cut the connection with God. He did this before he did it to Adam and Eve.


5. Cocky Christianity is Created by the Illusion of Control


We have to get to a point where we’re not controlled by anything except him.


6. Instead of taking control, make a choice to stay close


Just stay close.


God will meet your needs and your desires.


Only God can make you safe or experience peace.


Closeness to God is more valuable than control.


Your closeness to God can change your marriage.


Obey God.


Everybody wants God to be their savior, to rescue them, but not tell them what to do. God needs to lead us as our Lord.


Control is not what you want. You want the benefits of someone who loves you being in control. It’s easier to be a child than an adult. The orange juice just shows up. We need to do that in our relationship with God.


You want to be comforted by Father who has everything under control.


Surrender control.


Philippians 4:6-7

Amplified Bible

6 Do not be anxious or worried about anything, but in everything [every circumstance and situation] by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, continue to make your [specific] requests known to God. 7 And the peace of God [that peace which reassures the heart, that peace] which transcends all understanding, [that peace which] stands guard over your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus [is yours].



When you get close to Him, peace comes.


The peace is not connected to the outcome. It’s connected to the closeness of the one who is actually in control.


Stop everything that’s urgent and so what’s important. Get with God.


You have to get close to the one who’s actually in control.


We only have pieces of peace when we’re trying to be the ones in control.


7. You don’t need to have control to have peace


You have to be close to the one who is in control.


Our backs were not built to handle the burden of our creator.


Mike’s new prayer has been for meekness.


It’s power under control.


You don’t have to dim your light, it just needs to be under God’s control.


Money only gives you an illusion of control. The miracle that was needed for MJ to speak — there’s no amount of money. Only God could control this and send people into their lives.


MJ went to big kids school with his sisters this week 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾


Get close to the one who is in control.


Power under God’s control.


When you can use your influence, gifting and abilities under God’s control, transformation happens.


Psalm 37:11

New International Version

11 But the meek will inherit the land

    and enjoy peace and prosperity.



You can either have control, or peace and prosperity.


Many of us have been in the seat of Lord for too long. Give God his seat back. Give Him control again.


4 Things Control Kills

  • Control Kills Contentment

  • Control Kills Collaboration

  • Control Kills Correction

  • Control Kills Communication


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      Transformation Church Notes by BIM

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      I love Jesus, my husband, Will, my toddler daughter, Sola, and the beautiful friends and family in our lives. Me and Will are from the Bahamas, but we currently reside in Austin, Texas. We joined TC Nation as online members of Transformation Church in 2017 when we moved to Austin from Miami, Florida. In 2020, we also happily took on a more active role with the E-Fam of Elevation Church by fellowshipping with other married couples and were pleased to have the opportunity to join TC Beta Belong Groups. I believe that representing God doesn’t have to be done in “traditional spaces”. After listening to Pastor Mike's sermon, "Who's the Minister Here?", it became my mission to shed light on Christ in all arenas, including, but not limited to, corporate America, marketing, technology, and finance. I'm not perfect, but I'm progressing. I am a marketer, but first, I am a Christian, and the aim of this blog is to publicly share my sermon notes as a form of stewardship. I hope that these message notes can bring clarity to anything you may be seeking and help you to experience the peace and glory of Jesus Christ. I'm happy to pray for you as well if you ever wanted to shoot me an email. The effectual fervent prayers of many of you have helped countless circumstances in my life and in the lives of those around me. Thank you! Also, for any Amazon specific links that you see, as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.