Mike Todd’s Introduction
- We’re mid-flight – we’ve been going for 2 weeks already with Relationship Goals
- Link to Last week’s message: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=88TTZgPrtko&t=16s
- Wherever you’re watching from, declare that, “God wants me to win in relationships”
- If you believe that, then you have to put God in front of all of your relationships – He has to be the one in front, beside, behind, and all around all of your relationships
- The message is called “Rip the List” because most of us have a list that we have made without God – how we want to be in business, success, relationships to be, when the relationships should start, etc.
- People are frustrated because their list doesn’t look like God’s list
- You end up using effort and energy that produces no results
- What happens is the equation of frustration, which is: Fabricated expectations (these are the things that you made up) + Failed Reality = Feelings of Frustration
- Today, you’re being asked to fully surrender to God and let go of what “you” have for you, versus what God has for you – this is for your marriages, your singleness, your divorce, whatever your relationship status is – you have to let go of what is in your hand
- We looked at Joseph, who had a dream (a list), but it looked nothing like the life he lived
- Joseph’s List:
- Dream >> Support >> Opportunities >> Promotion >> Palace
- Joseph’s Life:
- Dream >> Betrayal >> Slavery >> Prison >> Palace
- This is many of us, the dream that we have doesn’t look like the life that we live
- No matter where you’re at in your relationship, or in your business, God can still deliver you to your purpose/palace, even if you’re in a pit
- What’s happening with your money, your marriage, your kids, your relationship, is a pit
- God has not left you or forsake you, but it’s important to stop making up plans without God – Rip the List
- Rip Up Your List Because: God is More Committed to Your Destiny than He Is To Your Desires
- That’s why we have to put our relationships on the chopping block
- Is this relationship what God wants for you, or what you want?
- The business you’re about to start, was it something God wants, or a counterfeit you created because you didn’t trust Him?
- No matter what season you’re in right now, if you serve the season, you can still find success
- If you’re single, if you’re married, or divorced, you can still be successful
- Joseph was in a pit and was still bossing
- There’s no excuse for what God can do in your life if you surrender to His plan
- Today, we’re picking up from Joseph being in jail – Genesis 40
- Unlike some of us, who concentrate on what got us here (I shoulda, coulda, woulda), Joseph concentrated on what God was trying to do in him while he was there
- Many of us don’t have the guts to do what Joseph did; he started helping people in prison
- He served the season that was unfair; he still came to it with the right attitude
- Some of us have been missing what God wants to do in this season because we have the wrong attitude going in, “I can’t stand this job, these people, this family, etc.” and God says, “You’re missing it, if you don’t rip up your list, you’re going to miss what I want to do”.
- Joseph came to the prison with the right attitude
- There was a night when the cup bearer and baker were both thrown in jail; they both have a dream
- Joseph serves people in the same position he’s in; he doesn’t serve people that can help him; he serves people on his level
- It’s not about serving people who can take you to the next level – it’s about serving the people God placed in front of you
- He serves them by interpreting their dreams
- One was going back in 3 days to his position, and the other, the baker, would be called when a party was thrown, he’d think he was going to the next level, but they would kill him
- The bible says it happens just as Joseph said
- At this moment, if we were Joseph, we might be thinking the one we helped would put in a good word for us
- Joseph’s List:
Genesis 40:20-23 New Living Translation (NLT)
20 Pharaoh’s birthday came three days later, and he prepared a banquet for all his officials and staff. He summoned[a] his chief cup-bearer and chief baker to join the other officials. 21 He then restored the chief cup-bearer to his former position, so he could again hand Pharaoh his cup. 22 But Pharaoh impaled the chief baker, just as Joseph had predicted when he interpreted his dream. 23 Pharaoh’s chief cup-bearer, however, forgot all about Joseph, never giving him another thought.
Genesis 41:1 New Living Translation (NLT)
Pharaoh’s Dreams
41 Two full years later, Pharaoh dreamed that he was standing on the bank of the Nile River.
- What happens when you are faithful and still forgotten?
- Many of us have not ripped up the list and we’re bitter now because we were faithful in the season and somebody still forgot about us
- Some of us prayed, gave up the higher paying job, stayed in the place where we were undervalued and we’re now forgotten about, and we were faithful
- Mike is encouraging us not to focus on being forgotten about
- The only way to do so is to remember who loves you
Message Title: Rip Up Your List (Part 2)
Rip Up Your List Because:
1. You’re Loved Even When You Feel Left Behind
The only thing that could anchor Joseph in this season is because, “God was with Joseph.”
God was with you when you were hurt, abandoned, broken, and He is with you now. God is with you, and you are loved, even when you feel left behind.
Every mother out here, it’s not in our performance God is grading you. Before you had kids, had a husband, a baby-daddy, God is saying “I love you, and I knew it would happen; I love you and I saw you after it happened; I loved you”
God loves you regardless of what has happened. The love of God will hold you steady when others have forgotten you. God knows you’re worth it. You don’t have to wait for somebody else to tell you that you’re worth it or apologize to you.
God is saying when He stretched out His arms on the cross, He was looking at you, and He thought you were worth it, and that was His love. “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life” (John 3:16).
Joseph knew he was loved, even though he was forgotten for two years. That’s why he could rip up his list and hold on for 2 years. The love of God was the only anchor.
That anchor is so strong:
Romans 8:38-39 New Living Translation (NLT)
38 And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. 39 No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.
The love of God gives you hope through hell. If you’re going through hell right now, remember that God is using everything. If you would surrender, he would turn that whole situation around.
Some people feel like they don’t deserve relationships anymore, but the love of God is the thing you’ve been searching for. You’ve been trying to put the weight of something people can’t fill, hence continuous failed relationships and businesses. God says in, Matthew 11:28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” The love of God is coming to overshadow all of your deficiencies.
That’s why Joseph is able to hold on for two years. Would you still be praising and trusting God after two years?
It started off as trusting the Lord, but many of you already believe that God has failed you because it’s taken too much time. You put times next to the various things on your list. For example, at 22 I’ll be doing this, at 27 I’ll be married, at 31 I’ll have my second kid, at 37 I’ll be retiring. God says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart”. Your timeline doesn’t apply to God. He stands outside of time. He is looking at your purpose, not the clock. You might think it’s too late, but He is the God that redeems time. All the years, he will restore them. You’ve cried over what you thought you lost, but it wasn’t a setback, it was a setup.
God is going to take everything that looked like a step back, but it’s going to take you trusting in Him, even when it’s off your timetable. Rip up your list.
Then one day, 2 years later, Joseph is there trusting God. Even if he thought it was trash, he could declare that he trusted God, and that’s okay.
God is not offended if we feel as though something is trash in our reality; we have to still acknowledge that we trust him though. “This is trash, but I trust you” – then you’ll see God moving and things happening.
Genesis 41:1-13 New Living Translation (NLT)
Pharaoh’s Dreams
41 Two full years later, Pharaoh dreamed that he was standing on the bank of the Nile River. 2 In his dream he saw seven fat, healthy cows come up out of the river and begin grazing in the marsh grass. 3 Then he saw seven more cows come up behind them from the Nile, but these were scrawny and thin. These cows stood beside the fat cows on the riverbank. 4 Then the scrawny, thin cows ate the seven healthy, fat cows! At this point in the dream, Pharaoh woke up.
5 But he fell asleep again and had a second dream. This time he saw seven heads of grain, plump and beautiful, growing on a single stalk. 6 Then seven more heads of grain appeared, but these were shriveled and withered by the east wind. 7 And these thin heads swallowed up the seven plump, well-formed heads! Then Pharaoh woke up again and realized it was a dream.
8 The next morning Pharaoh was very disturbed by the dreams. So he called for all the magicians and wise men of Egypt. When Pharaoh told them his dreams, not one of them could tell him what they meant.
9 Finally, the king’s chief cup-bearer spoke up. “Today I have been reminded of my failure,” he told Pharaoh. 10 “Some time ago, you were angry with the chief baker and me, and you imprisoned us in the palace of the captain of the guard. 11 One night the chief baker and I each had a dream, and each dream had its own meaning. 12 There was a young Hebrew man with us in the prison who was a slave of the captain of the guard. We told him our dreams, and he told us what each of our dreams meant. 13 And everything happened just as he had predicted. I was restored to my position as cup-bearer, and the chief baker was executed and impaled on a pole.”
Joseph had a dream and it was a prophecy of what was going to happen. It was something God told a person before it happened with no evidence, that it was going to happen, and Joseph believed it, because it came from God, but it had to be proven to the recipients.
The words God has spoken over you, whether you believe them or not, they are coming to pass. You might think the concept of prophecy is weird, or spooky, but it’s real – Mike will give you a real life example of God speaking a word over somebody.
“Relationship Goals” is not just a cool title for Transformation Church. Mike and his wife Natalie went through hell in their relationship because nobody gave them a playbook. The only thing, after cheating on her, after being raggedy, and doing all kinds of things, they were going to go away from the promise God called them to. The only thing that held them in the middle of that season was a word from God.
Start praying for a word from God more than a business, a man, and everything that has been on your list. Rip up your list and ask for a word from God. Rip up your list and get confirmation on what God has called you to do.
Anecdote: Mike remembers just getting out of high school in 2006 and God had given him and Natalie a word from Prophetess Pam Vinnett, Mike’s Godmother. They literally walked into church late, was fooling around and doing all kinds of thing the night before, and Pam said, “Michael and Natalie, come to the front.” Mike thought the Lord showed them something and that they were caught. Then God spoke a word in a moment that they didn’t understand where they were and what God had planned for them. The palace was coming, but they were in the pit. The palace would be writing Relationship Goals, and the marriage actually being good, and the marriage helping other marriages and singles all around the world, and becoming a New York Times bestseller. That was the palace, but in that moment, Mike and Natalie were in the pit.
When you’re in the pit, you have to rip up your list because you don’t want what ‘you want to happen’. You need ‘what God wants to happen’ to come in your life.
Mike found the recording from 2006 of the word of God that was spoken of him and Natalie. Mike wants you to realize that this was a word from God. Mike had never preached a message before, he was out of high school for at least 6 months, then God spoke this word that held them through the whole thing in the pit.
Mike played the audio of a word spoken over him and Natalie on April 23, 2006, from Prophetess Pam Vinnett. – Powerful word that has come to pass.
Direct Link to Start of Audio: https://youtu.be/hi2OCkqUqDA?t=1571
If you don’t see how that word has come to pass by looking at Mike and Natalie’s life, and our lives today, then you’re not looking.
A word from God is worth ripping up your list. You might not get the word directly from a prophet, but you can get a word from God, from God. That’s why Jesus came; there doesn’t have to be a mediator. You can go to God for yourself. That’s why your quiet time and praying is so important. You can read a scripture and God begins to download into you. Mike in his quiet time with God was told that the Spirit Bank Event Center would be TC; nobody other than God had to tell Mike that.
God is saying do you want what you want, or what He wants for you? If you want what God wants for you, He’ll give you a word, but you have to rip the list.
Genesis 41:13, the testimony that Mike had, just like the testimony that the cupbearer had, says “And everything happened just as he had predicted.” Mike is a living witness as to why you should rip up your list for your relationships, for your family, and why you should ask God for fresh vision.
If you get a word from God, you’ll have the testimony too, i.e., “And everything happened just as he had predicted.”
If God called you to be with someone who doesn’t seem to match your list/match what you want, know that it’s what you need. Rip up your list.
Pharaoh is having a conversation about Joseph with the cupbearer, in the palace, while Joseph is still in the prison. Somebody is talking about you, right now, at your next level, while you’re still in the pit. Don’t try to jump steps. Stay where God has planted you. They’re talking about your next level of promotion when you’re in the darkest place. Your name is in rooms you’ve never been in, yet.
2. Your Name is in Rooms You’ve Never Been in… Yet!
Going from a prison to palace is not because of your good deeds, works, IG followers, or your connections; it’s because of your obedience.
Joseph served every season he was in with joy, grace, and the right attitude. God could trust that when his name came up in the palace, he would have the character to withstand at that level.
For most of us, the problem is that our character doesn’t match the places we aspire to be in. To be integrous and serve the season no matter what it calls for, that’s why God is using this season of betrayal, He’s using the pit season that seems like you’re in slavery or prison. God is developing something in you, changing something in you. If you ever get the character of the kingdom, you can rule in the kingdom. If you ever get the character of the palace, you can rule in the palace.
Your name will precede your presence. Wherever God is taking you, they will talk about you before they invite you there.
That’s why you can’t be frustrated when you don’t see anything working right now. That’s why the song says, even when you don’t see it or feel it, He’s working. He’s out there letting people have conversations about you.
Your name is in rooms you’ve never been in, yet.
This applies to both the natural and the spiritual. Your name precedes your presence, this is why praise and worship is so important. That’s why we spend time calling Him Savior, and King, and Lord, and Master. We say that because when we call His name, His name precedes His presence. When we call out to our Lord, He hears us, and comes and inhabits the praises of His people. We’re shouting out His name before we ever see His presence. If you’re at home or at work and you need the presence of God, try calling out His name. He comes into rooms where He is invited. Walk into your business place and say, “Jesus is Lord”. Walk into that bedroom, where there has been so much cold, bitterness, and disunity and say, “Father, thank you for being peace, the one that is with us.” Call His name and watch His presence come.
3. You’re Needed Where You’re Not Known
Joseph was needed in a place where he was not yet known.
God says, “Don’t give up now. Don’t be stuck to your list at this moment. Find my will because you’re needed in places where you are not yet known.”
Just like Mike didn’t realize he was needed to be a preacher, everything was in music. Mike and Pam both laughed on the recording when she said he would be a minister. At that moment he had never spoken a message in his life. He was needed where he was not yet known.
Don’t give up. You’re needed where you’re not yet known.
Illustration: Mike thinks about the team member at Transformation Church (TC) producing the service right now, Justice. Justice, went through ha season of trying to be used in so many different areas. He didn’t know that in Tulsa, the TC team was literally praying for someone who could understand Mike’s vision and get it quickly and execute it. This past week, Mike watch Justice preach to all of the creative team and watched the power of God be used in his personality, with his skin, with his dry humor, a person that’s locked in all the time. God showed Mike that Justice didn’t give up, he stayed faithful in obscurity. Whether it looked like betrayal, or slavery, or prison, and Mike took Justice from a prison to a palace. Now he’s leading all of this stuff, because he stayed faithful in the season where it looked like he wasn’t needed.
You’re needed, not where you know you’re needed, not in the position that makes sense to you, but you’re needed right now, where you’re not known. That’s why you have to go to Hollywood, because you’re needed there, or government, or education, because you’re needed there. If you give up now, you won’t be able to see all that God has for you.
It looks like a pit but God says, rip up your list. His plans for you are higher than your plans for you. His ways are not like your ways. He has you. You might have to do something that might hurt a little bit, by taking everything you thought the plan was, and rip up your list.
Too old to start over? Ask Abraham and Sarah who got frustrated about 20 years into the plan. They tried to “help God do His plan” and had an illegitimate child. God acknowledged that even though they messed up, and thought they messed up God’s plan, He would still carry out His plan.
Many are the plans in a man’s heart, but it is the LORD’s purpose that prevails. You’ll just need extra grace because God will take care of your mistake, and turn it into your message, but He’ll still give you that child at 100 years old. Therefore, you should’ve just ripped up your list.
This will save you hurt and disappointment because you take away the erroneous, fabricated expectations and actually live in reality with the Holy Spirit. Then you’re not frustrated.
That’s what Joseph does: Genesis 41:14 New Living Translation (NLT)
14 Pharaoh sent for Joseph at once, and he was quickly brought from the prison. After he shaved and changed his clothes, he went in and stood before Pharaoh.
Joseph was sent for, he didn’t have to network his way in. He was sent for.
This is why you need to rip up your list.
4. Delayed Doesn’t Mean Denied
It took two years, but would you give up the promise just because you have to wait.
Joseph was delayed, but not denied.
Philippians 1:6 New Living Translation (NLT)
6 And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.
God won’t leave anything unfinished, but if you disobey, it will not finish with you. Ask the children of Israel, who He tried to get to the promised land in 11 days. He had to let 2 million people die so he could see what He started, finished with their children.
It’s sad when God has to give the promises He gave us to our children because we fight against them and don’t do what God asked us to do. He promised He would do it for you, but you keep your list preeminent over God’s purpose. He says, “you can have your list, then I’ll ask your children to do what I asked you to do.” You can keep your excuses and justification, OR, you can just rip your list and go with God. He can redeem the time. He could’ve taken the 11 day journey and put them in the promise land, instead it was a 40 year death. Then because of their idolatry, their children saw it.
Have the gumption and rip up your list and declare that if God isn’t in it, you won’t go. We’re ripping up our lists.
Genesis 41:15-16 New Living Translation (NLT)
15 Then Pharaoh said to Joseph, “I had a dream last night, and no one here can tell me what it means. But I have heard that when you hear about a dream you can interpret it.”
16 “It is beyond my power to do this,” Joseph replied. “But God can tell you what it means and set you at ease.”
You have to rip up your list because it’s not in your power. God wants to use you, beyond you. Joseph was aware that he didn’t have enough to do what he had done before. He knew where his help came from. Power belongs to God.
Joseph said he would stand there, but you would actually see God move.
5. God Wants to Use You Beyond You
Mike can acknowledge that his notes are nothing like his sermons. He is standing there, not by might, and not by power, but it is by the spirit of God.
When you walk into the boardroom, you rip up your list because the deals you’re going to make, and the insight you’re going to have, and the ways you will maneuver a thing won’t be you. They will see you, but they will experience God’s power. That’s why you have to rip up your list.
God wants to use you, beyond you.
God used Mike beyond Mike. He took someone that didn’t like reading and made him a New York Times Bestselling Author.
The greatest thing you think about yourself is still below the lowest thing that God thinks about you.
Do you want to be whole? Do you actually want to have health? Someone once told Mike that people spend the first part of their lives acquiring wealth to be able to then pay for the care they need to stay alive to enjoy it. God says, “The blessing of the Lord makes a person rich, and he adds no sorrow with it (Proverbs 10:22 New Living Translation (NLT)).”
That’s why you have to rip up your list so that God can use you, beyond you.
Genesis 41:33-39 New Living Translation (NLT)
33 “Therefore, Pharaoh should find an intelligent and wise man and put him in charge of the entire land of Egypt. 34 Then Pharaoh should appoint supervisors over the land and let them collect one-fifth of all the crops during the seven good years. 35 Have them gather all the food produced in the good years that are just ahead and bring it to Pharaoh’s storehouses. Store it away, and guard it so there will be food in the cities. 36 That way there will be enough to eat when the seven years of famine come to the land of Egypt. Otherwise this famine will destroy the land.”
Joseph Made Ruler of Egypt
37 Joseph’s suggestions were well received by Pharaoh and his officials. 38 So Pharaoh asked his officials, “Can we find anyone else like this man so obviously filled with the spirit of God?” 39 Then Pharaoh said to Joseph, “Since God has revealed the meaning of the dreams to you, clearly no one else is as intelligent or wise as you are.
A moment ago, he called for magicians and wise men, but when someone with the spirit of God walked in the room, he said it was obvious.
The reason it’s not working in the world yet, is because the sons and daughters of God need to stop trying to skip the process and walk where God has called us to walk, and rip up the lists we made ourselves; because when we walk into places that God has called for us, we rip up the list because it will be obvious.
6. Obedience Makes You Obvious
When you’re obedient to God, it’ll be obvious. He had no qualifications. He didn’t even come from the country.
It’s obvious he was filled with the spirit of God.
When you walk into places where people don’t know your Jesus, is it obvious you’re filled with the spirit of God? Uh oh, some of us look so much like the people we hate. You can be talking about yourself when you’re talking about others because you’re the same type of hypocrite. God says, can you get into the spirit enough to not look like that, but look like Him?
You don’t have to speak churchy with words like “thus”, but it can be obvious when you walk in. It can be obvious when you do your work in excellence, by the way you answer and present yourself, by the way listen before you speak, and when you refrain from trying to prove anything to anybody. Joseph didn’t have to prove anything to anyone because he was sent for – they already heard about him. God went before him. When you start living like that, it’ll be obvious that you’re filled with the spirit of God.
Now Joseph is in charge of everything. Had a dream, went to the pit, but now he’s at the palace.
Did you think Mike forgot about “Relationship Goals” in the middle of this? Mike will talk about singleness and marriage, and everything, but some of us need to get this part of it. We need to rip up our lists so that we don’t try to pick and choose from what God is saying in the next few weeks by adhering to our own lists.
Look at Genesis 41, verse 45. He just threw in a wife.
Genesis 41:40-49 New Living Translation (NLT)
40 You will be in charge of my court, and all my people will take orders from you. Only I, sitting on my throne, will have a rank higher than yours.”
41 Pharaoh said to Joseph, “I hereby put you in charge of the entire land of Egypt.” 42 Then Pharaoh removed his signet ring from his hand and placed it on Joseph’s finger. He dressed him in fine linen clothing and hung a gold chain around his neck. 43 Then he had Joseph ride in the chariot reserved for his second-in-command. And wherever Joseph went, the command was shouted, “Kneel down!” So Pharaoh put Joseph in charge of all Egypt. 44 And Pharaoh said to him, “I am Pharaoh, but no one will lift a hand or foot in the entire land of Egypt without your approval.”
45 Then Pharaoh gave Joseph a new Egyptian name, Zaphenath-paneah.[a] He also gave him a wife, whose name was Asenath. She was the daughter of Potiphera, the priest of On.[b] So Joseph took charge of the entire land of Egypt. 46 He was thirty years old when he began serving in the court of Pharaoh, the king of Egypt. And when Joseph left Pharaoh’s presence, he inspected the entire land of Egypt.
47 As predicted, for seven years the land produced bumper crops. 48 During those years, Joseph gathered all the crops grown in Egypt and stored the grain from the surrounding fields in the cities. 49 He piled up huge amounts of grain like sand on the seashore. Finally, he stopped keeping records because there was too much to measure.
He was obedient, it made him obvious, he got promoted, he was following in the purpose, and a wife just came? Did you think he needed to just slow down and find somebody?
God says he will bring the right relationships in the right place. A lot of people, your husband/wife is waiting for you in a place where you’re not at yet. God can’t give your spouse to you in the place you’re at now.
Joseph couldn’t find his wife in prison; they would’ve been bound together. That’s how a bunch of relationship look. People have found people in the wrong place and so now we’re chained in the wrong place. He needed to find his woman in the palace, where there was freedom, and he had authority.
7. The Right Person Is Always in the Right Place
Not just marriage, but business relationships too. God knows you’re in the wrong place right now, so he can’t bring the people with the financing. He can’t bring the business partner; they can’t find you in that place or you both would be chained in prison.
God wants you to come to a place of authority, and He is asking you to rip up your list. Rip up your list and let God redefine it.
The better we, starts with the better me. If you don’t rip up your list, you will not become the person God has called you to become.
Joseph now goes through a season of being in charge; the second highest in charge. The famine comes and he is in charge of the distribution to everyone.
If you think about it, his betrayal happened in the worst way; it was his family that sold him out. There may have been nights where he sat back thinking of how his brothers selling him out was the most hurtful part of everything that happened. That’s how some of you feel. Some of your greatest relational problems came from someone very close to you.
Genesis 41:53-57 New Living Translation (NLT)
53 At last the seven years of bumper crops throughout the land of Egypt came to an end. 54 Then the seven years of famine began, just as Joseph had predicted. The famine also struck all the surrounding countries, but throughout Egypt there was plenty of food. 55 Eventually, however, the famine spread throughout the land of Egypt as well. And when the people cried out to Pharaoh for food, he told them, “Go to Joseph, and do whatever he tells you.” 56 So with severe famine everywhere, Joseph opened up the storehouses and distributed grain to the Egyptians, for the famine was severe throughout the land of Egypt. 57 And people from all around came to Egypt to buy grain from Joseph because the famine was severe throughout the world.
Genesis 42 New Living Translation (NLT): Joseph’s Brothers Go to Egypt
Now Joseph is in a position of power, the lines for food are long, and he probably double takes when he sees his brothers. These same brothers that sold him out are now in a position where they are about to die if they don’t get food.
It might take a lot of guts, trust, and forgiveness, but the reason you need to rip up your list is because other peoples survival is dependent on you surrendering to the season.
8. Other Peoples Survival is Dependent on You Surrendering to the Season
If Joseph didn’t surrender and serve God in every season, he wouldn’t have been in the position to save his own family.
Some of you would have just let them die. That lets us know that the pit didn’t work. The pit is supposed to remind you of God’s grace over your own life. So if you’re still trying to hold broken people to how they hurt you, the pit didn’t work. Hurt people, hurt people, but the pit is supposed to show you that all people are in need of God’s grace.
This is proof that Joseph had really made it to the palace. That’s why when the people who betrayed him needed him, he was able to give them something to sustain them. There may have still been drama; we don’t have to be stupid. Nevertheless, the only thing that proves that you really are healed, is when God can use you to touch those same people that you messed over or messed up with.
When you’re healed, you use the pit, the brokenness, the nights addicted to pornography, and when God gets your character right, he takes you to a place of your palace/purpose. Now you can pray for, minister to, and bless those same people, and they can be sustained, their marriage, house, and family can benefit because you’re not holding them.
Let this be a time where you surrender your list. All the people, ideas, and timelines, we’re ripping them up.
Prayer: No matter where you are right now, if you’re just getting the dream, or if you’re in a season of being betrayed, or it feels like you’re in prison, or you’re in slavery, or you may be in the palace… I’m asking that the God of the universe, as we call on His name, that His presence would come into your house, into your business, on your job right now, whether you’re watching live or on rebroadcast (or just reading), the presence of God is right there where you are right now. Somebody needs to just lift their hands right now. We pray that the Holy Spirit is coming in. Father, in the name of Jesus, whole families, hands lifted up, I believe that right now, you’re doing heart surgery on all of us Father. That today, we would rip up our lists, Father God, and we would rewrite it with you. Father, give us a word. We don’t just want a relationship, we want a word. We don’t just want finances, we need a word. We don’t just want a promotion, we need a word from you. God, if we get a word from you, we will stay faithful. God I thank you that right now, there were people thinking of giving up. Today, I am asking you that they would make a fresh commitment to serve the season that they’re in. It is trash, but I trust you. God I thank you right now that every marriage that has been on the brink, and everyone in singleness who has thought about leaving the faith, I think about everybody who is divorced or living life without their loved one right now, God I thank you that you are wrapping your arms around everybody listening (or reading) right now. You’re pulling them and aligning them to your will. God I thank you that today, we give up our lists, and we ask for your will for our lives. Speak to our hearts God, we trust you, we believe you, and we thank you, in Jesus name.
Prophetic Exercise: Get a piece of paper wherever you are right now. This is going to be a prophetic sign, and by the power of the Holy Spirit, this will allow us to let go of what has held us to this unexpected thing that God is going to do. We’re giving that up and we’re about to rewrite it with God. 1. God is about to do something. 2. God is about to rewrite your story. 3. Rip this up and give God praise. Thank God, that He is the alpha and the omega and He will see us through the middle. You have a plan for my life. We trust you God. As you make time this week to spend time in His word, get your journal, begin to pray, begin to see and listen to what God is saying. We’ll get keys for marriage and dating, but first, we need to rip up our lists.
Altar Call: If you’re here and you’ve never accepted Jesus Christ as your personal lord and savior, today is your day to rip up your list. God is interrupting your plans. He doesn’t want you to just have a good life, He wants you to lead a God life. If that’s you and you’re saying you want Mike to include you in the prayer, or if you’re thinking you’re not qualified, know that Mike, even when he got that prophecy, he was still addicted to pornography, he was a liar, a manipulator, had bad things in his heart, and was doing things that went against God. Then God chose him, even with his flaws. With every broken piece of you, He still picks you. You’re on God’s list. The list that He made, He never rips it up. He wants to put you on another list today. It’s called the list that sits in heaven, the lambs book of life. When you get on this list, your eternity is secure, no matter what comes, or what goes. He says you’ll be with Him forever. Somebody needs to know that tomorrow is not promised. Today is the day of salvation. It doesn’t matter what you did before this, or what you plan on doing after this. God says, “I interrupted your schedule to be able to give you an opportunity to choose the greatest decision that you’ve ever made, and that’s Jesus. If that’s you, on the count of 3, slip your hand in the air. It doesn’t matter who you’re watching with, even if you’re in the bed with someone you’re not married to, or if you’re smoking or drinking, God is saying, “this is the moment”. 1. God is so proud of you. 2. And so are we. 3. If you want to give your life to Christ, put your hand up right there. Now you can put it down. You don’t have to confess all the things you’ve ever done at this moment. God says all you have to do, according to Romans 10:9 is to believe that Jesus came and he died and rose again, just for you, and you’re saved. What does it mean though? There are going to have to be some actions. You’re going to have to repent, i.e., you’re going to have to turn from the way that you’ve been going, and we want to help you with that. But first, let’s say this prayer, all over the world.
Let’s Pray Together: God, thank you for sending Jesus, to rip up my list. Change me in my entire life. I believe you lived and you died, just for me, flaws and all. Today, I give you my life, renew me, transform me, I’m yours, in Jesus name, Amen.
- Text ‘Saved’ to 918-992-7623 for resources and content to help you to be His devoted disciple
Get “Relationship Goals” the book and study guide today for additional support:
- You’re Loved Even When You Feel Left Behind
- Your Name is in Rooms You’ve Never Been in… Yet!
- You’re Needed Where You’re Not Known
- Delayed Doesn’t Mean Denied
- God Wants to Use You Beyond You
- Obedience Makes You Obvious
- The Right Person Is Always in the Right Place
- Other Peoples Survival is Dependent on You Surrendering to the Season
Link to full Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hi2OCkqUqDA
Join TC for service every Sunday at 11am (CST) and weekly for NoonDay Prayer at 12pm (CST).
Transformation Church would love to hear how God is touching your life through this ministry! Tell us your story by emailing mystory@transformchurch.us!
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Good day Abby
Thank you for sharing the notes, I am blessed and thanking God for social media links 🙏
I am in South Africa and love being pruned spiritually.
I love your dedication ❤️ may God be with all of us.
It’s always a pleasure! ❤️❤️ God bless you!
Thank you so much for doing this, I needed to hear every single word on this page!
You’re welcome Laci! ❤❤