Mike Todd’s Introduction
- The Holy Spirit is bringing rest today
- For everyone tired and weary, thank you for the rest of God
- Welcome to week 3 of The Upgrade
- The territory you’re about to take can’t be done without the Holy Spirit
- We need the power of the Holy Ghost, the Holy Spirit, the Advocate
- There is a power coming to the church
- We need the power of the Holy Spirit to live our everyday lives
- Mike has been tasked with taking away the misrepresentation of the Holy Spirit – to take the fear out of the Holy Spirit
- We flee from what we fear. Many fear what would happen if the Holy Spirit took over, so we flee from Him
- You’re still struggling with addictions because you are fleeing from the Holy Spirit
A. The Holy Spirit is Your Friend…He’s Not Weird
The Holy Spirit is my friend and He’s not weird. The people are weird – with or without the Holy Spirit.
One in two people are weird. The Holy Spirit is not weird. He’s a gentleman, He’s not forceful, He’s faithful.
He stands at the door of your life and He knocks. He knocks at your heart, and He keeps knocking because He’s faithful, but He’s not forceful.
God gave us choice because He didn’t want to be worshipped by robots. It can’t be love if you didn’t choose. God wants a real, authenticated relationship with you.
Adam and Eve had to choose to obey and love Him. God is asking us to choose the Holy Spirit – choose the upgrade.
Today we’re going to the deep.
B. There are three types of people watching:
i. Door Shutters
When the Holy Spirit is knocking, are you a door shutter? That person who says, “leave it at the door” when there’s a delivery and doesn’t interact.
This could be the picture of your life for the next decade. The gifts He has for you are going to change the quality of everything around you but you have to open the door.
Spiritually, many of you have been shut off because of various things, e.g. religion or hurt. Don’t be a door shutter.
The Holy Spirit is the only one that can transform your life.
ii. Door Blockers
The door blocker is the one who stands in the door. You let the Holy Spirit know very clearly that you’re here, but He’s not getting in. This is a lukewarm Christian. You’ll stand there all day and listen. You’ll watch online, you’ll post scriptures, you’ll make other things a priority, you’ll still go to the club on weekends, and you’ll turn up with the friends who aren’t saved in order to “not be fake.”
How long will you stay lukewarm with the Holy Spirit?
iii. Door Openers
“Come on in.” These people anticipated the knock.
The door is open. The next day, He can come right back in.
Will you say “Welcome Holy Spirit” and move out of the way?
It doesn’t matter how you feel about it, welcome Him in because there is something that only He can fix, regardless of your pre-planned vacation etc.
Three is the biblical harmony of God’s presence. You need all three.
Message Title: You Need All 3
There are three things the Holy Spirit has been commissioned to do in our lives.
John 16:8-9 New Living Translation (NLT)
8 And when he comes, he will convict the world of its sin, and of God’s righteousness, and of the coming judgment. 9 The world’s sin is that it refuses to believe in me.
C. The Holy Spirit’s job is to convince you of these three things:
1. We have sin and need a savior
1 Corinthians 12:3 New King James Version (NKJV)
3… no one can say that Jesus is Lord except by the Holy Spirit.
2. That we are the righteousness of Christ
The Holy Spirit is fighting your own thoughts about your transformation. When you gave your life by faith to Jesus, you have been made righteous, not by performance, but by position.
When you put your life in His hands by faith, your eternity was secured, so now you have to figure out how to live.
The second job is to convince you that you are right with God. When you repent, you are right with God. When you got drunk, you’re right with God. Every bad thing you did doesn’t mean you have to redo every good thing you have done. The old has passed away, everything has become new. We have to be transformed into the image of Christ, but your eternity is secure. You are in right standing with God.
3. That Satan has been defeated
We give the enemy too much credit. Forget him. The Holy Spirit was there when he fell like lightning. He was there when we snatched the keys of hell, death, and the grave. We are join heirs with Jesus Christ. We have the same power that raised Him from the dead and He lives within us.
You can raise those kids, you can work that business, you can be the boss, no weapon formed against you shall prosper. You have been given authority and the enemy has no power.
We need all three of these convictions.
Anecdote: The greatest moment of conviction was after crawling out of a bed that he didn’t belong in. He reminded Mike of what He called him to be. He told him “you need a savior.” Mike pulled over and on the side of the road, with no worship music, and recognized that he needed a savior. Then three weeks later, he went and did it again. The Holy Spirit came back, and told him, “you need to repent from this.” “Your eternity is secure, but your future is in jeopardy.” It was a different level of conviction/convincing. The Holy Spirit gently told him you’re still righteous (your eternal position), but now you need to embrace right living (sanctification). Then it had been a year. The person moved away, then they came back, and the enemy tried to convince Mike that he wouldn’t make it. The Holy Spirit came to convince him that even if she moved next door, you can stand up with that bible in you and declare that the devil has no power. He has been defeated and he’s under our feet. You have power over depression, temptation, impure thoughts, every vain imagination that would cast itself over the knowledge of God.
You need all 3.
We need the Holy Spirit to convict us in our lives every day.
You’re watching this and might think you can live your life every type of way. We need all three. Don’t let the enemy convince you of otherwise.
Hebrews 6:1-2 New Living Translation (NLT)
6 So let us stop going over the basic teachings about Christ again and again. Let us go on instead and become mature in our understanding. Surely we don’t need to start again with the fundamental importance of repenting from evil deeds and placing our faith in God. 2 You don’t need further instruction about baptisms, the laying on of hands, the resurrection of the dead, and eternal judgment.
How many baptisms are there?
D. There’s not one, or two, but three baptisms – and you need all three.
Baptism #1: Salvation
1. The Holy Spirit Baptizes Us In Jesus
1 Corinthians 12:13 New King James Version (NKJV)
13 For by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body
The Holy Spirit emerged you and you came up in a Jesus suit. That’s why when He looks for sin, He doesn’t see you, but His son stretched out on the cross.
When you get baptized and your salvation is secure, your future is secure for eternity.
You’re going to heaven. We need to normalize that Heaven is not the goal. If God only wanted us in heaven, He wouldn’t have made Earth. The goal is a new heaven and a new Earth. The goal is eternal fellowship with the father. That’s why we pray, let your will be done and your kingdom come on Earth.
Baptism Into Salvation Secures Your Future
29,000 people got saved!!
Baptism #2: Water
Matthew 28:19 New King James Version (NKJV)
19 Go [a]therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,
2. The Disciples Baptize Us In Water
Disciples are disciplined ones. Disciples are to baptize in water. This is what we see as a public declaration that our past is no longer dictating our future
Baptism Into Water Buries Your Past
When you go down, a new you emerges by faith. You received salvation by faith. You receive water baptism by faith too.
This is something that should be experienced after being saved.
If you’ve only received the first baptism, it’s time to receive baptism #2. Regardless of what’s going on in your life that makes you feel to dignified, if Jesus, the son of man could do it, what makes you think you can’t?
The wedding ring doesn’t make you married, it shows that you’re married. Some of you all has had a side chick savior, you need all the benefits in the dark but won’t walk in the light.
Would you let the world know that you are unashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ? You need to be baptized in water.
You also need to be baptized in the spirit.
Baptism #3: Spirit
Jesus baptizes us into the Holy Spirit. This gives you power to live your life.
People are getting jacked up in this life because they have two baptisms when you need all three.
It’s not nice to have all three – you need all three.
1. Jesus baptizes us into the Holy Spirit.
Let’s look at Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.
Matthew 3:11 New King James Version (NKJV)
11 I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance, but He who is coming after me is mightier than I, whose sandals I am not worthy to carry. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.
Mark 1:8 New King James Version (NKJV)
8 I indeed baptized you with water, but He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit.”
Luke 3:16 New King James Version (NKJV)
16 John answered, saying to all, “I indeed baptize you with water; but One mightier than I is coming, whose sandal strap I am not worthy to loose. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.
John 1:33 New King James Version (NKJV)
33 I did not know Him, but He who sent me to baptize with water said to me, ‘Upon whom you see the Spirit descending, and remaining on Him, this is He who baptizes with the Holy Spirit.’
You need all three.
The baptism “of” is salvation. Once you get saved, and are water baptized, to live this life, you need the empowerment of the Holy Spirit.
Was Jesus our example? If Jesus was our example and He had all 3, what makes you think you can live without it?
When the bible tells us that Jesus was baptized in Matthew 3, Jesus didn’t need salvation because He was salvation. He was born right the first time. Then, in Luke 3, He got baptized by John. John tried to convince Him not to do it because He didn’t need it – however, Jesus knew He was the example. Jesus did this whole act so that you would know that nobody is exempt from this type of behavior. For the God who went to the cross, we need all three.
Directly after Jesus is baptized, the spirit comes.
Luke 3:22 New King James Version (NKJV)
22 And the Holy Spirit descended in bodily form like a dove upon Him, and a voice came from heaven which said, “You are My beloved Son; in You I am well pleased.”
When you experience this last baptism, God’s approval comes onto you. “This is my daughter, this is the business, this is the church, with whom I am well pleased.
After this, Jesus did all of the miracles we read about.
Some of you have been debating how to make things happen, and skip the last step because someone was weird about it. You can be normal, and have a right mind, and be intoxicated by the Holy Spirit.
Liquor stores are called wine and spirits because when you drink it, it should change everything about you. Some of you are trying to change yourself and make changes on your own – but get spirit baptized and watch it change everything about you – how you act, how you speak, everything.
You need all three.
We pray that you will not ignore the knock of the Holy Spirit in your life.
This accurately depicts the power of God in every person’s life.
If anything gets plugged into this, the power source, you will be enabled to be powered to do different things.
For many of us, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are there and you have nothing plugged into them, despite available power for each one of you right now.
You need this trinity power source for your life.
When you accept Jesus Christ as your anchor and connect to God as the power source, you get light for the rest of your life. Your light will not turn off because you’re connected to an eternal source who will not let you down. He is our anchor.
Many of us stop right there, and the eternal destination is heaven, but your life is a living hell because you’ve only used one of the three available sources of power.
With water baptism, the water may look the same, but when it goes through this filtration system, it’s not the same.
When people are with you, you look the same, but your old life of pride, the life of being seen, was crucified with Christ. Christ lives on the inside of you and you may look the same, but it’s not the same.
When you get baptized, that’s what your coworkers drink.
Would you mess up your Instagram aesthetic to declare that?
Now after this, you might try to self-power through purity, through finances etc., and you’re trying to do it within yourself. Your feeble hands might even break something, like a relationship.
You’re just blowing at everything with your own power.
Many of you look like this raising kids. There’s no breath. There’s no numa (spirit) of God. The enemy’s job is to take the breath out of you.
If you’re baptized in the Holy Spirit, there’s a power source readily available to power everything.
The power of the Holy Spirit will empower you.
How are you going to live a victorious Christian life? How will you stay pure after years of pornography addiction? The power of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit goes before us, He’s around us, He’s our comforter, advocate, and He’s our advantage even when everything tries to come back.
If you allow the Holy Spirit to empower you, you can actually live.
You need all three for the power to live.
Jesus died so that you could live.
He came so that you could have life and life to the full.
You have to be empowered by the Holy Spirit, the breath of God, the numa of God.
A numatic drill is a drill powered by air (breath). It takes the breath from the air and powers it.
God wants us to have his spirit empowering us to live a victorious Christian life.
For your relationship to change, you need all three. When you have an inappropriate comment, the Holy Spirit will stop you. He empowers us to live.
He will give us both the desire and the power to do what pleases Him.
The same spirit that raised Christ from the dead now resides within us. We are the temples of the Holy Spirit.
Why would you take the power out of the homeowner? He lives in the house and doesn’t have a key to the front door. He takes up residence but you have to give him power.
If God can raise a dead body, He can help you manage a living one. Some have not released the holy Spirit to help you manage your attitude, anxiety, depression, or comparison. You are so robbed by what other people have, but the Holy Spirit can make you content. The fruit of the spirit show that you can live in Him.
Getting a tattoo that says love doesn’t give you love. You can only hate someone, then love them, through the supernatural. Only the Holy Spirit can take us into the supernatural. You need Salvation, Water Baptism, an the Baptism of the Holy Spirit.
Ask the Holy Spirit, what are you trying to say to me through this message?
Overarching to all of us, it may be to take a next step.
Maybe it hasn’t been working out so that you can invite Jesus into your life.
If you’ve been a door shutter, let Him in.
If you’ve been going back and forth from salvation to just “living”, and don’t want to just be saved, but to let everyone know. Maybe you were baptized as a kid, but want to go public.
On May 23rd, we’ll have flood Sunday – mass community baptisms. In Texas, Florida – disciples baptize – hot tubs, pools, lakes, ponds – we will be baptized.
We need to be able to let everyone know that we also follow the method of the bible, not just the message.
Flood Sunday: Text BAPTISM to 828282
This will be a huge undertaking, but we’ve decided that we will incur the cost and manpower to send an entire baptism kit to walk you through it – videos, instructions, shirts etc. Regardless of the cost, it is important that you be baptized. Dead relationships will go down, and new and fresh relationships will come back up. People who have been addicted, molested, and with lives filled with trauma, God will make it new.
If you want to be baptized, text BAPTISM to 828282
Record it, and invite your friends. Invite your friends who think it’s weird. When you do it, it will be a witness to them, and they’ll get their lives together too, because you’re not weird.
What if we take the church outside of the building? What if 15,000 people get baptized all over the world, in every state, in every city?
Go to another church if you want to. Find a life giving church, have them baptize you. We will let no formality keep us from the baptism in water.
You have to make sure you eternity is saved first.
To be baptized by the Holy Spirit, you have to desire it. If you desire it, it’s the first step to the destination. Ask the Holy Spirit to fill you up. Put your hands out, and if you want to be filled and baptized with the spirit of God, you will be filled by faith.
Prayer: Holy Spirit, by faith, we are asking you to fill us up. We are putting aside all of our questions, doubts, and fears. We believe that we need all three. Spirit of God, come in and transform our life. Take us from being a shell of ourselves into actually living. Empower our daily decisions. Empower our lives. Change everything about us. Take everything out of us and that is not like you. Renew in us a righteous spirit. Fill me up God.
Altar Call: Today is the day of salvation. If you want to get saved, just raise your hand. Make the greatest decision of our life. 1. This will be the greatest decision of your life. 2. Your name will be written in the lamb’s book of life. 3. Just lift that hand up right there. Transformation church is a family so we pray together.
Let’s Pray Together: God, thank you for sending Jesus, just for me. Today, I am convinced that I need a savior, and I choose you Jesus. Come into my life and remake me. I believe you lived, you died, and you rose again, just for me. Today, I give you control, change me, renew me, transform me, I’m yours. In Jesus name, Amen.
Text ‘Saved’ to 828282 for resources and content to help you. We’re committed to helping you. We just robbed hell again with you getting saved. Don’t stop at step 1. After you text the number, text BAPTISM to the same number. Keep asking the same question, “Holy Spirit, fill me up.” It’s by faith. There will be a knowing on the inside of you. Next week, we will discuss how you will surely know – the benefits and the evidence. Ask the Holy Spirit to fill you again, to blow the numa into your marriage and into your thought life.
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- The Holy Spirit is Your Friend…He’s Not Weird
- There are three types of people watching: Door Shutters, Door Blockers, & Door Openers
- The Holy Spirit’s job is to convince you of these three things: 1. We have sin and need a savior, 2. That we are the righteousness of Christ, and 3. That Satan has been defeated
- There’s not one, or two, but three baptisms – and you need all three: Salvation, Water, and Spirit
Link to full Video (share this message💕): TBD
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The D.I.G. stands for Deeper In God and it is a conversation where we dive deeper in God. Join us this Wednesday at 7pm (CST)! — https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYv-siSKd3Gn9IsliO95gIw