This is the last week for the “Here is Holy” series but not the last sermon that is going to confront what God is doing in us and through us right “here.” Thus, Here is Holy will be the phrase for the entire year. In the next series, Mike will be talking about what God’s doing in our generosity and stewardship right “here.”
After that, he will be talking about what God is doing in our relationships in a series called “Cuffing Season” because some people are cuffed to others in relationships that are taking them in the wrong direction. Even though Mike has an idea of what the year’s remaining sermons will be, for the rest of 2022 God definitely wants to do a work within us right here.
Here is Holy
This phrase is something that we have coined for what God is saying to us in this season of life that needs to apply to every area of your life. The definition of this phrase is…
The awareness that your current situation, where you are, is sacred (It’s not asking you to you like where you are at. It’s making a declarative statement over where you are at; where I am at is sacred!) and being intentionally used by God to prepare you for your purpose; it’s opposed to there.
There is no longer a goal. This goes against everything you wrote in your vision planner, so we’ll say it again. There is no longer the goal…Here is the gift of God! And until you divorce the theology of there, you will always be frustrated about here. You will devalue here. An example of this is parents not being able to wait until their kids are older but then when they are older parents want them little again. Since they didn’t value the “’here’ they were in” they keep having children trying to get back a moment that they didn’t value.
This situation can also be boyfriends because you are trying to find a feeling that you had at one moment and when it was good and godly, but you didn’t like the package God sent them in. Then you let your others’ opinions divorce you from your future. When you do not value ‘here’, ‘there’ is never fulfilling because ‘there’ turns into ‘here’.
You never get there, and it stays there. Every time you get there, it turns into here. And if you were not content with the here you were in, you will not be content in the here you go to.
Mike said that they tell him the average satisfaction of people’s life does not go up drastically even after making $75,000. Sure, there are people who don’t believe this and say, “test me!” But your joy, happiness and victory for life increases very little after you make this much money.
Maybe when I make $200,000?
Maybe $250,000?
Maybe $1,000,000?
And then God said, “You weren’t satisfied at $35,000.”
No matter what you make you can still be frustrated, hurting, and broken. God is saying “Can I teach you a principle that will allow you to enjoy the rest of your life?” ~ Valuing here.
Obedience HERE Always Takes You THERE
Most people are not obedient immediately here, so they delay there and then what makes them frustrated about here…
“I thought God was going to do that here.”
God said, “You didn’t obey here.”
“I thought you were going to change my situation.”
God said, “I thought you were going to listen.”
“I thought you were going to make my church known.”
God said, “I see your church. It is known.”
God is literally saying to us, “Would you please obey me here, cause when you obey me here, it always takes you there.”
Mike got a revelation this week that literally God can take you on a journey from wherever you are if you just obey. God says, “Step” so Mike stepped on a treadmill, and it moved him from Here to There [which was on the screen]. By obeying God, just taking one step, Mike went from here to there easily.
Stop committing to people who are not committed to your purpose, and you will get a whole new group of friends.
A lot of us will not obey God with that first step so we’re trying to work our way to somewhere God will carry us too.
“Because I’m obeying the step here, that when I do it, I keep changing my mind.” And God says, “If you don’t stop fighting against the current of the vision I have for your life, then you would actually be able to get what I have for you, but if you would just stop, you would go the way I am pushing you to.”
If you would just stop, you could go with what God is trying to do in you and through you. He can take you from here to there…
From broken and deliver you to wholeness.
From a poverty mindset and allow you to live in wealth and abundance.
Pastor Mike is trying to get you to understand…that here always turns into there IF you are obedient HERE.
Just take that obedient step for God. As you know and flow with God, things that used to take a long time begin to take less time because you have developed the muscle of quick obedience. God tells us that we need to stop thinking about there and you need to live your life to continual “heres”.
I’m no longer looking at going from here to there, I’m going from here to HERE. We are not using much energy to make this happen. It’s all God. When Mike makes the treadmill faster, he needs to brace himself for some of the transitions God is making in his life. He needs to be able to get into a position, so he is ready for the place God called him to.
It only matters when I am obedient because when I follow the steps God gives me HERE it always takes me there.
When you follow the Holy Spirit, you easily glide through situations that others stumble through; it takes you up; it takes you from Here to Here. For instance, when we go into a tough situation, we can still have the favor of God because we have something powering us that is not of this world.
When we put a cross in front of the second here then we see it as here to there. So, every time I am here before I see there, I need to see the cross.
Matthew 6:33
33 Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added to you.
Every move I make, from whatever situation I am in, I should be going toward the cross. We should repent and turn toward the cross. If you turn towards what God wants for you, it takes you from here to there.
Mike started thinking how God doesn’t want us to stay here past our assignment, but most people don’t know the expiration date of here and so at the moment they get there too soon they don’t like it and try to run from it. Just as the children of Israel didn’t know the expiration date to be in the wilderness was 11 days but as soon as they tasted manna for the first time and was unsure of it their uncertain heart lengthened the time. If your heart posture is not proper when God is trying to do something in you here, you will make the clock longer.
The whole reason for here is to work out of you what cannot go into the promised land. There are so many things that we carry on the inside of us, that we feel will be permitted in the promised land. God wants us to go the long way so he can work on our faults. Then no longer do we have to worry about there.
Moses had internal limitations that prevented him from wanting to obey God and take that first step.
Most of us want to fight with God instead of having faith in God.
Some of us have the mentality of Moses…
A Moses Mentality Fights the Instruction of God Due to Fear & Insecurity
When we try to disobey God because of our fears and insecurities, He tells us, “I did not ask for your Moses mentality.” Moses argues with God for 2 chapters in the Bible and just like Moses we tend to use excuses to tell God why we can’t do something He called us to do. It will be bigger than anything else you’ve ever done.
Don’t fight with God this year.
If God says Here is Holy and He starts giving you crazy instructions, do not fight him. What if
Moses would have had the right attitude the first time God said, “I want to use you.”
What if Aaron had refused to do what God called him to do when Moses asked for him? “Now my purpose is waiting on somebody else to say yes when God never even required them to do it in the first place?” But God didn’t even want Aaron in the first place. He was trying to tell Moses that with His help he was enough.
This is the attitude that we should have…
This Year, My Attitude Will Agree with the Anointing of God on My Life
It doesn’t matter if it’s comfortable. I’m going to agree with what God is saying about me. I’m going to be a book writer. I can’t really spell but I agree.
When Mike took tests over in 9th grade so he wouldn’t fail English, he passed with a C. There was an anointing on Mike’s life he didn’t agree with yet and it followed him even after 9th grade into college when he didn’t think he was ready, but God said he was. God also called Mike to write several books. He also told Mike that his first book would be a best seller. Mike thought, “If I would have known, what you could do with all that I have I would have agreed earlier.”
So, agree with God now because it’s going to take you to the place you’ll end up eventually. If you want to get there faster, agree now… agree HERE. Moses didn’t agree when God said it.
So, this year, we’re not going to fight God. Why do we need to agree with God now? Because…
Obedience Equips You for Your Assignment
When you obey, that is how you get equipped. If you disobey God, He will equip you along the way to the assignment He has called you to do.
When God wants me to go to another level and take me somewhere and don’t even feel fully secure, I have a new three-word phrase… Here we go!!
This needs to be the biggest faith statement you say all year. If God says, “I am going to use you this way.” You may not get it, but you still say, “Here we go!” These three words are going to guide you all year because what it’s doing is it’s aligning your attitude. You don’t have to know everything to say, here we go. You just have to obey. So, Here We Go is the subtitle of today’s message.
Mike tells the story of his 26th birthday when his wife surprised him with a skydive. After all the fears and excuses he goes through he finally says, “Here we go.” At this point I have to trust. At this point there’s no turning back. So, “I might as well agree with the situation.” He didn’t put a lot of effort in it. He just leaned in the direction of obedience and leaned in the direction of the favor. Here we go!
If you take this attitude for everything that God places in front of you this year, you will find yourself having experiences and moments that will never be taken away from you. What God is saying to many of us now is lean in the direction of obedience. Lean with God all year, do not fight or work against it, but lean in the direction of obedience.
You just don’t say Here we go…it has to be in your heart. We have to really say it like we mean it so we should say it like this…
Here We Go Heart
We want a here we go heart. For instance, if God says you should forgive them, you say, “Here we go” and it has to be in your heart. When God tells you to shut up and stop complaining about whatever you’re frustrated about, your response should be, “Here we go.” When He asks you to do a new assignment at work, do not argue but say, “Here we go.” We need to say this to ourselves daily.
You can use me, You can do whatever you want to do through me, You can change me, You can transform me…Here we go!
The reason Mike is saying this over and over and over again is because when you get a “here we go” heart, the only way you can say that is because you actually trust God. A lot of people get exposed to obedience. We should trust God, but we actually don’t. When God tells you to go here but you don’t like it when you get there, you stop trusting God and when that happens it shuts down your heart. He tells us that He is a God who does not lie…
Isaiah 45: 3-6
3 And I will give you treasures hidden in the darkness – secret riches. I will do this so you may know that I am the Lord, the God of Israel, the one who calls you by name. 4 And why have I called you for this work? Why did I call you by name when you did not know me? It is for the sake of Jacob my servant Israel my chosen one. 5 I am the Lord there is no other God I have equipped you for battle, though you don’t even know me, 6 so all the world from east to west will know there is no other God.
Why does God choose us? Because He knew we were weak. The only way He gets the glory and looks really strong, is because He doesn’t pick the biggest, strongest, most qualified person, He usually finds the most broken person. What a great privilege it is to be used by God in my weakness. He wants to be strong in our weakness.
Here we go!
Matthew 28:18-20
18 Jesus came and told his disciples, “I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth.
19 Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. 20 Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.
Jesus establishes His authority and then gives us an instruction. The instruction is GO. Jesus’ last instruction to His disciples were to go. He says you’re going to go…go is coming, cause here and go are always connected. But do you know what happened before that? He told his disciples to stay here.
Acts 1:4-5
4 Once when he was eating with them, he commanded, “Do no leave Jerusalem until the Father sends you the gift he promised, as I told you before. 5 John baptized with water, but in just a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit.”
So why does Jesus tell them to go but then before that to stay here? My here is connected to my assignment to go. If I don’t wait to be empowered here, it will be pointless for me to go there. If I don’t forgive here, my heart will not be valuable for God to use me there. Here and go are the tension of true believers. Mike says he has so much “go ability”, go resources, go connections…8 years ago he had to obey God because he had nothing. A lot of people would be like, “I’m just waiting on God” but they don’t have a choice. You don’t know if it is God until you have the options not to obey Him. Here and go are exclusively tied together. What I do here qualifies me where I get to go there. Until you do these things you will never get to see where God wants to take you on the go. How to develop a “Here we Go” heart.
1. You need to value here.
Mike has said this several times throughout the series. Why are you valuing here?
Here equals position. If you are in the right position, it will take you there. Stop devaluing the place God has assigned to you. Stop putting down “here.” Wherever we go favor is on people. You never hear about God anointing land…. he only anointed people and He said He wants you to be wherever your footsteps. Sometimes positions are not seen positions. Sometimes the positions you can’t post about. Sometimes the positions take anonymity. This means that people can’t even know that around you is what God is doing in you. The position requires a level of just being here. Mike said that some of the work that God is doing in him right now is frustrating cause he wishes people could see what God is doing. That would encourage him to keep doing it. But
God told him, “Encourage yourself.”
If you don’t stop devaluing the position you are in God can definitely take you to a different one that you don’t like even worse.
If you don’t let God do the work in you, right here, you will be not equipped there…so value here.
Here is Where We Hear
The reason why you stay here, is because where you hear God, and when you hear God, everything changes. When you hear Him make sure you have the right “WE”. So, you need to value HERE, then you need to value the WE…the people.
2. You need to value we.
We = People
Who are you around? Who is around you? And are they the right we for here? Even though they got you through the last season…are they the right people for HERE?
Therefore, we say, “Here WE go!”
God always chooses to do things in community. He never asks for a solo project. He wants collaborative work from people with the same heart and mind. Who is your we? This is what you need to value in 2022.
Some don’t have friends because they are not friendly. The reason you don’t have encouragement in down times is because you literally repel the people who are supposed to be a resource to you. You are so insecure you will isolate yourself from those who can encourage you. That is why they call it encouragement…somebody is supposed to be putting it in you. If you don’t have a community around you to encourage you, then you should ask yourself, who are you encouraging because you reap what you sow.
Some people have weak we’s. When you fall you hit the ground because you do not have any we’s around you or your we’s are too weak to hold you up. If you don’t get the right group of people around you, hurt is inevitable so you need a strong we. It may not even feel like you need the WE now, but you have no idea what is up. They will be the ones that will pick you up when you have no strength.
Acts 2:1
1 On the day of Pentecost all the believers were meeting together in one place.
This is where Jesus told them to wait. Don’t leave until you’re in one place with the right “we”. So here is position. We = people.
Go = Power
The whole reason Jesus said “go” and “wait here” is because I’m going to give you the power of the Holy Spirit to actually go and be impactful.
Acts 1: 7-8
7 He replied, “The Father alone has the authority to set those dates and times, and they are not for you to know. 8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
Value the power of the Holy Spirit. It makes no sense for you to say, “Here we Go” and you’re in the right position, and you have the right people, but you have no power. The disciples had walked with Jesus this whole time, but He still tells them to go to a place without Him and wait till they hear God in that place. Then everyone who is in your “we” is going to get the same power to be able to go out and do what I ask you to do in the first place. Therefore…
Don’t Go Without Power
Why would you go or do anything without the Holy Spirit? Put him in what you are doing right now and ask Him…Give me power to do what you asked me to do. Leaving here and going there without power is pointless. Go to the place where God called you to go with the Holy Spirit.
There are ministers, politicians, and even parents without the Holy Spirit. Many parents did the best they could, but they probably didn’t do it the Kingdom way. No matter what your situation was, you need to ask God how to raise your child. Do not parent without the power of the Holy Spirit because you may need them to take care of you one day.
It’s better that you stay here and wait for God to give you a revelation than for you to go out there without power and try to do it in your own strength. Apply this to whatever you want. If you’re trying to live single and pure in 2022 without the Holy Spirit…this is a losing battle. That is why it is better for you to stay HERE and wait on God. When certain power shows up, certain conflict goes down.
When God is saying HERE IS HOLY…
The Holy Spirit isn’t Optional Here
Here we Go! …But not without the Holy Spirit. Here we Go! …But not until He gives us power. So, what do we do while waiting here? Get healthy here. Get whole here. Change your heart here. And whenever God decides to give you a word from his Holy Spirit, an understanding of what is happening, a new language for what God is calling you to do… then you go.
We need to obey God HERE so He can take us to our next HERE. If we get in the rhythm of agreeing with God and staying on pace with Him here, we will go further obeying God than we ever would trying to figure out everything that was going to happen there.
Get this internal “here we go” on the inside of your heart and whenever God asks you to do something…say, “here we go!” “God, we will wait on you.”
This sermon series will be a marker for many of our lives over, and over again. This isn’t a one time sermon series. God will bring us back here several times because we are going from here to here. If you walk with God long enough, you’ll have to look at a situation He doesn’t allow to change immediately and declare…
Here is Holy.
Related Notes
- kNOw Limits // Here Is Holy (Part 5) – Pastor Michael Todd – Transformation Church
- I’m Still Here // Here Is Holy (Part 4) – Pastor Michael Todd – Transformation Church
- The 3 Habits For Here // Here Is Holy (Part 3) – Pastor Michael Todd – Transformation Church (version 2)
- The 3 Habits For Here // Here Is Holy (Part 3) – Pastor Michael Todd – Transformation Church (version 1)
- Here I Am // Here is Holy (Part 1) // Pastor Michael Todd – Transformation Church